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UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Policy making in guidance: Hindrances and facilitators Gudbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir and Sif Einarsdóttir Faculty of Social and Human.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Policy making in guidance: Hindrances and facilitators Gudbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir and Sif Einarsdóttir Faculty of Social and Human."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Policy making in guidance: Hindrances and facilitators Gudbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir and Sif Einarsdóttir Faculty of Social and Human Sciences IAEVG conference in Jyväskylä, June 2009

2 UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Why policy making? Develop high quality, broadly accessible guidance provision Improve quality assurance mechanisms for guidance Strengthen structures for policy and systems development at national and regional levels –Education Council resolution, 2004

3 Dimensions of guidance Policy dimension (national educational and labour market policy) Contextual dimension (legislation, norms, national curriculum, municipal level decisions) Organizational dimension (Organizational level, management of services) Responsability dimension (rationale for responsibilities for different services) Division of labour dimension (Job descriptions, operational plans) Content dimension (career education, career information programmes) Methodological dimension (different service delivery mode, self help, brief staff assisted, individual case-managed services) UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND

4 SWOT analysis of guidance in Iceland Strengths  Solidarity in the profession All school and career counsellors are trained in the same MA programme Innovation: Workplace guidance, guidance for dropouts, career counseling in prisons New legislation on guidance stating that all students should have access to guidance provided by licenced school /career counsellors Weaknesses No unified portal of educational and vocational information and lack of teaching material for careers education Little know about the quality of guidance  Little impact of research Policy making has been weak No one is responsible for guidance in the education ministry Half of counselor time in personal counseling and careers education is provided in 50% of compulsory schools

5 UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND SWOT analysis – cont. Threats Financing in jeopardy because of economic crisis (hrun) Counselors lack knowledge on labour market Non professionals who think they can act as professionals Opportunities The new school legislation stating that all students have a right to school and career counselling The new legislation on guidance counsellors Management of the opportunities created by the new legislation Collaboration with other countries

6 Policy making – On paper European Union – Iceland is in EEA LLG (Life long guidance) ELGPN (European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network) Leonardo projects on guidance Nordic Countries: NVL Quality in guidance : What is the value of guidance in the Nordic countries? National Legislation (Important acts passed in 2008 and 2009) Reports (Some have an impact, others do not) UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND

7 Policy making - In reality No results most of the time Hindrances: disinterested stakeholders, other professionals, lack of solidarity within the profession, low self esteem of professionals (feminine helping profession that is there to serve not make demands), lack of money... Results occur when a window opens up UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES

8 Why does a policy window open up? Impetus for policy in guidance: –Problems identified: Increasingly complex school system and transition to work, dropout, social problem of youth, gender equality, competitiveness in the world economy Objectives of guidance –Make educational and vocational information and guidance available and accessible to all children Origin of the guidance movement Theoretical foundation Adoption of guidance by stake holders Responsibility of guidance UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND

9 Facilitators Professionalism and professional solidarity Expectations from users and stakeholders Support of labour unions International co-operation –Nordic countries (NUAS, (Nordiska Universitetsadministratörssamarbetet) Nordic Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, NVL (Nordens vuxen læring)) –ELGPN (European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network) UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES

10 New legislation on March 30th this year Contents How did it happen? A new platform UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND

11 Role of counselors Qualified and competent professional –Prerequisites: Good training and licensure Work organised according to a guidance programme and evaluation of guidance –Based on standards and objectives so that guidance can be accessible to ALL Advocate of users of guidance –“Be there” with the counselees and be prepared to fight for them (assertiveness as well as attentiveness) UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES

12 Training counsellors Quality of professional training Programme not position Advocacy UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND


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