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 “Epi”= upon  “Pseudo”= false  “Squam” = scale  “Strat”= layer  Simple- one layer  Stratified- multiple layers  Cuboidal- cube shaped  Columnar-

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Presentation on theme: " “Epi”= upon  “Pseudo”= false  “Squam” = scale  “Strat”= layer  Simple- one layer  Stratified- multiple layers  Cuboidal- cube shaped  Columnar-"— Presentation transcript:


2  “Epi”= upon  “Pseudo”= false  “Squam” = scale  “Strat”= layer  Simple- one layer  Stratified- multiple layers  Cuboidal- cube shaped  Columnar- rectangle shape- column  Squamous- flat shape

3  * a group of cells with specialized functions  Types:  1) Epithelial  2) Connective  3) Muscle  4) Nerve

4  Covers all free body surfaces  Characteristics:  Lacks blood vessels, attached to a basement membrane, replaced continuously  Functions: protects, secretes, absorbs, excretes

5  Simple Squamous- single layer of flat cells  Found: lungs, lines blood vessels, body cavities

6  Simple cuboidal- single layer of cube shaped cells  Found: kidneys and other glands

7  Simple columnar- single layer of elongated cells, nucleus is located near bottom of cell  Contains microvilli- helps with absorption  Contains goblet cells- secretes mucus  Found: uterus, digestive tract

8  Pseudostratified columnar- single layer of cells that look layered due to nuclei palcement  cilia- to move mucus or sex cells  Found: reproductive system, respiratory system

9  Stratified Squamous- many flat layers of cells, protects  Found: skin, mouth, throat, vagina, anal canal

10  Stratified cuboidal- layers of cube shaped cells, protects  Found: mamary glands, sweat glands, slivary glands, pancreas

11  Stratified columnar- top layer is elongated, bottom layers are cube shaped, protects  Found: male urethra, pharynx

12  Transitional- specialized to change shape under tension  Found: Bladder

13  General Characteristics:  Support  Protection  Fills spaces  Stores fat  Produce blood cells  Protect against infection  Helps repair damaged tissue

14  Cells are separated by matrix (intercellular material)  Types of cells:  Fibroblasts- produce collagenous and elastic fibers  Macrophages- are phagocytes (eat other cells and materials)  Mast cells- help with blood clotting and immune response

15  Types of fibers in CT:  Collagenous fibers- thick fibers made of collagen, grouped in parallel bundles, holds tissues together, found in tendons  Elastic fibers- thin fibers, stretch easily, build networks, made of elastin  Reticular fibers- very thin fibers, delicate support

16  Forms delicate, thin membranes  Has many fibroblasts  Has a lot of collagenous and elastic fibers  Function: Binds skin to tissue beneath and provides nourishment to epithelial tissue, fills space between muscle

17  Type of loose connective tissue, Fat  Function- protection, traps heat, and energy stores in the body  Found: beneath skin, around vital organs, around joints.  Note how nucleus is pushed to the side.

18  Made of tightly packed collagenous fibers  Function: Rigid structure, connects tissues  Found: tendons, ligaments, white of eyes, deep layer of skin

19  Cartilage- rigid yet partially flexible  Function: provides support, protects, forms structure for developing bones  3 types of Cartilage  Hyaline:  Fine collagenous fibers, chondrocytes, intercellular matrix- looks like white plastic  Found : ends of bone in joints, soft part of nose, rings of respiratory passage

20  Elastic cartilage  Made of dense network of elastic cartilage- flexible  Found: makes framework for ears, and parts of larynx  Fibrocartilage  Very tough tissue, contains many collagenous fibers  Shock absorbers  Found between disks in vertebral column

21  Osteocytes, Intercellular matrix contains mineral salts and collagen, which makes bone rigid and collagen reinforces the mineral components  Function: structure, protection, provides framework  Found throughout whole body in skelton

22  Cells suspended in fluid matrix (plasma), red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets  Blood forms in red marrow of long bones  Function: Transports, helps maintain stable internal environment  Found: throughout body in blood vessels and heart chambers

23  Characteristics: contract, move structures attatched to them  3 Types:  Skeletal, Smooth, cardiac

24  Structure: Long cells (muscle fibers), striations  Function: attached to bones and helps with movement, can move by voluntary action  Muscle fibers contract when stimulated by nerves, then relax immediately.

25  Structure: cells lack striations, short, spindle shaped  Function: muscle that works involuntary, constricts/ contracts to move things  Found: digestive system, bladder, blood vessels

26  Structure: cells are striated and joined end to end, has an intercalated disk between muscle fibers  Function: involuntary contractions in pumping blood  Found only in heart

27  Structure: neuron (basic cell) has axons and dendrites, neuroglial cells (supports and binds nervous tissue)  Function: Sensitivity and conduction of nerve impulses  Found: Brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves

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