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FACULTY OF MEDICINE Parasitology Department Practical CLASS NO. 3 DR. RAAFAT MOHAMED

2 Helminthis Revision Please :
Turn off the microscope light after you finish Cover the microscope Lock the lab door Look at the board notes Take your skitches

3 helminthis Trematode الديدان الورقيه Cestode الديدان الشريطية
Nematode الديدان الاسطوانية

4 Trematode

5 Paragonimus westermani Heterophyes heterophyes
Trematodes (Flukes) Blood flukes: Schistosoma sp. Lung flukes: Paragonimus westermani L iver flukes: Fasciola hepatica Intestinal flukes: Fasciolopisi buski Heterophyes heterophyes

6 Trematode Lab slides ( 8 )
Fasciola Hepatica adult Fasciolopisi Buski adult Fasciolopisi Buski egg (similar to Fasciola hepatica egg ) Heterophyes heterophyes adult Schistosoma spp cercaria Schistosoma Mansoni egg Schistosoma Male & female in couplula Paragonimus wetermani egg

7 Schistosoma spp. eggs S. haematobium egg: S. japonicum egg:
. Terminal spine . ~140 x 60 µm . found in the urine . Laid in patches S. japonicum egg: . Subterminal reduced spine . ~85 x 65 µm & rounder the smallest . found in the faeces . Laid in patches S. mansoni egg (the only one in the lab ): . Lateral spine . ~150 x 60 µm . found in the faeces . Laid singly

8 Schistosoma mansoni - ova

9 Schistosoma japonicum - ova

10 Schistosoma haematobium - ova

11 Cercaria of Schistosoma spp
Head Forked tail

12 Male Schistosoma female Schistosoma

13 S. Female Cylindrical in shape
Thin anterior end , thick rounded posterior end 2 suckers ( oral , ventral ) ovary lies at the intestinal caeca junction , behind it the Vitelline glands ( Dark color ) , infront it the uterus ( light color) S. hematobium : ovary lies at the junction of the middle & posterior third & the uterus is full of egg S. mansoni : ovary lies at the junction of the anterior & middle third , uterus is small & ve few eggs S. Japonicum : ovary lies at the middle of the worm , the uterus is full of eggs because the eggs are small

14 S. male Shorter then the female
Anterior end is cylindrical with 2 suckers Gynaecophoric canal in which the female is carried The spp is recognized according to the shape & number of the testes at the level of the ventral sucker. S. hematobium : testes are large , in row , ( 4 – 5 ) S. Mansoni: testes are in clustered S. japonicum : testes are small , in row , ( 7 – 9 )


16 Schistosoma male & female in copula

17 Fasciola hepatica adult (liver fluke)
. Size: up to 3 cm. . Shape: elliptical body and leaf-like, flttened dosoventrally . 2 sholders . Prominent anterior cone. . Oral & ventral suckers are equal . . Oral opening, pharynx , esophguse, 2 intistinal cecum . . Borders are converging towards the posterior end. . Testes and ovary are branched ( hermaphrodite ). Adult stained specimen

18 -absence of cephalic cone -no sholders - Larger than F. Hepatica
* Fasciolopisi buski adult -absence of cephalic cone -no sholders - Larger than F. Hepatica -vent. Sucker is much larger than oral one & similar to the ( BASKIT ) -un-branched intestinal ceca -hermaphordatie -branched testes ovary tests

19 Fasciola hepatica egg = Fasciolopisi buski Egg
Shape: Oval to ellipsoidal with thin shell. Size: 150 x 90 um approx. Operculated Shell Color: light yellowish brown Contain a germ cell and many yolk cells Examine feces (or aspirated bile) 3 specimens are repeated before confirmed negative. Operculum Examples of F. Hepatica eggs

20 Heterophyes heterophyes adult (Intestinal fluke)
OS Shape: Flattened pear shaped. Size: mm in length by mm in breadth. 3 suckers ( oral , ventral , genital “ dorso- lateral to the ventral sucker “ ) Simple intistinal ceca Globular testes in the posterior end. Uterus charged in eggs, occupying the posterior part. VS GS Uterus Full of eggs T T Adult worm

21 Paragonimus westermani egg (pulmonary fluke)
Shape: oval but slightly thinner at the posterior end Irregular conture مبعجرة operculated Size : x um Shell: thick with operculum Color: from golden to dark-brown Contains a germ cell and yolk cells Examine sputum and feces P. westermani egg

22 Identify Specific Trematodes
Fasciolopsis buski Fasciola hepatica Clonorchis sinensis Paragonimus westermani Schistosoma mansoni Schistosoma japonicum Schistosoma haematobium

23 Size Comparison

24 Who am I?

25 Trematode Lab slides ( 8 )
Fasciola Hepatica adult Fasciolopisi Buski adult Fasciolopisi Buski egg (similar to Fasciola hepatica egg ) Heterophyes heterophyes adult Schistosoma spp cercaria Schistosoma Mansoni egg Schistosoma Male & female in couplula Paragonimus wetermani egg

26 Cestode

27 Cestode Lab slides ( 9 ) Hymenolepis nana ( egg )
Diphyllobothrium Latum ( mature ) Taenia spp mature segment Taenia spp egg Taenia ?? Gravid segment ( count the branches from the main stem ) Taenia Soulium ( scolex ) Cysticercouse cellulose of T. Soulium Echinococcus granulosus ( adult ) Hydatid cyst

28 Genaral Morphology:- 1- Flattened, ribbon-shaped and segmented.
2- Vary in size (few mms to several meters). 3- Covered with protective cuticle. 4-Hermaphrodite, each segment contains male and female organs 5- Formed of: a) Scolex with organs of fixation e.g. suckers, hooks. b) Neck which the region of active division ( the worm die without it ) c) Strobila / segments /proglottids : 3 types: ( immature , mature sexually active , gravid full of eggs) 6- No digestive system : feed by diffusion via the skin

29 Calcification of Cestodes
I- Order Pseudophyllidea (cestodes with false suckers): *Diphyllobothrium latum II- Order Cyclophillidea (cestodes with true suckers): a) Intestinal cestodes: * Taenia saginata * Taenia solium * Hymenolepis nana * Hymenolepis diminuta b) Extra-Intestinal cestodes (tissue cestodes) all are larval stage : * Cysticercus cellulosae of Taeina solium * Hydatid cyst of Echinococcus spp. *Coenurus cyst of Multiceps multiceps *Sparaganum (plerocercoid)

30 Mature segments of D. latum ( rositte shape uteruse )
Testes folliciles Rossitte shape uterus ovary

31 Diphyllobothrium latum

32 Mature segment of Taenia spp
uterus testes Genital pore Open to right & left alternativelly vitellaria Bilobed ovary Excretory tube

33 Taenia saginata

34 Taenia solium

35 Gravid segment of T. saginata
About 25X5mm in size; with a large number of uterine branches ranging between (average 18) There is atrophy pressure to all other organs except the uteruse Count the branches from the main stem of the uteruse

36 Gravid segment of T. solium
Resemble that of T. saginata but the No. of lateral uterine branches < 7-12 (average 9)

37 Taenia Solium Scolex The head is spherical with 4 suckers & a rostellum wich has a double circles of alternating large & small hooks Rostellum with 2 circles of hooks ( harmful spreads by porks ) Four true muscular suckers

38 Taenia solium Cysticercus celluloase ( egg>ingested accidently by man>penetrate the S.I wall & bl > larva formed in its ms> human Cysticercosis ) cyst contain scolex which develop to adult if went to the habitat = S.I

39 Taenia spp egg spherical Yellowish or greenish brown.
have a thick double wall with radial striations مثل كفر السيارة 30-45 µm in diameter contains a hexacanth embryo The same morphology in T . Solium & saginata تشبه ECCHINOCOCCUSE EGG بلامتحان يكتب اسم الاثنين

40 H. nana egg *30-50µm in diameter
polar thickenings thread like filaments Inner memberane Outer memberane hexacanth embryo *30-50µm in diameter * light yellow in colour or translucent *ellipsoidal with thin shell inner membrane has 2 polar thickenings from each arise 4-8 filaments *contains a hexacanth embryo

41 H. nana egg

42 Echinococcus granulosus adult (D
Echinococcus granulosus adult (D.H =dogs by eating the larva infected sheep ) never infect the human

43 Echinococcus granulosus egg تشبه ECCHINOCOCCUSE EGG بلامتحان يكتب اسم الاثنين

44 Hydatid Cyst - human is a dead I
Hydatid Cyst - human is a dead I.H by eating the egg contaminated food by catteles feces OR by contact with dogs skin which contaminated by the eggs - commonest site>liver( rt lobe , cz its the 1st palce reciving blood from the GIT>lung>brain>kidney>heart

45 Echinococcus granulosus
Ova Hydatid Cyst

46 Identify Specific Cestodes
Taenia species Hymenolepis diminuta Hymenolepis nana Diphyllobothrium latum Echinococcus granulosus

47 Hymenolepis diminuta - ova

48 Size Comparison

49 Size Comparison

50 Who am I?

51 Cestode Lab slides ( 9 ) Hymenolepis nana ( egg )
Diphyllobothrium Latum ( mature ) Taenia spp mature segment Taenia spp egg Taenia ?? Gravid segment ( count the branches from the main stem ) Taenia Soulium ( scolex ) Cysticercouse cellulose of T. Soulium Echinococcus granulosus ( adult ) Hydatid cyst


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