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UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.1. Session 10.5. Emergency Operations Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.1. Session 10.5. Emergency Operations Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.1. Session 10.5. Emergency Operations Planning

2 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.2. Terminology  goal: the central, overriding aim of the response; the state of things as they should be according to the organization  objective: a planned, desired, quantifiable, specific achievement of the response  strategy: the method or approach implemented to achieve an objective or goal—a plan of action.  activity: a discreet action intended to attain the objective(s)

3 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.3. Operations Planning   sets objectives by sector  identifies critical needs and resources  sets managerial structure  specifies standard procedures  defines strategies and activities  assigns tasks  establishes a time frame

4 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.4. PLAN COMPONENTS PoliciesObjectives Implementation Arrangements  Activities  Resources (human, material)  Implementation Schedule  Budget  Annexes  Gantt charts  Gap ID charts  Precedence Diagrams

5 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.5. Setting Objectives - by sector  Management structure  Protection  Food and nutrition  Domestic needs  Health  Water  Sanitation  Site planning  Community services

6 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.6. Causal Pathway Framework ImpactEffect OutputsActivitiesInputs Causal Hypothesis This set of inputs and activities will result in these products and services, which will facilitate these changes in the population, which will contribute to the desired impact.

7 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.7. Causal Pathway Framework Impact Effect Outputs Activities Inputs Project implementation direction

8 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.8. Causal Pathway Framework...another way to look at it Impact Effect Outputs Activities Inputs Project design direction This is what we are interested in

9 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.9. A good planning framework would help us...  decide what problem to address  identify appropriate interventions  link actions and results  decide what resources are needed  make evaluation part of initial plan  learn what works and what doesn’t

10 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.10. the project logical framework

11 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.11. Management Structure  Organizational relationships  Decision making procedure  Reporting arrangements  Information gathering  Meetings and information flow  Arrangements to review objectives & Operations Plan  Monitoring Arrangements  Staffing Needs  Training Activities

12 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.12. A co-ordination tool Gap Identification Worksheet UNHCR WFP CARE RC MIN/TRANSP MIN/INT MIN/WATER FOOD WATER SANITATION SECURITY SHELTER LOGISTICS EDUCATION XXXXX X X X X X X X XX X

13 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.13. Capacity Analysis

14 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.14. Tools to aid Operations Planning  Projects and budgets  Staffing charts  Gantt or bar charts  Precedence diagrams  Gap ID charts  Others?

15 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.15. Gantt or Bar Charts

16 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.16. Staffing Charts and Organigrammes

17 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.17.   Precedence Diagrams identify site deploy tents transport people calculate tent deficit deploy tents task A before B tasks C and D before E task F before G, H, and I task J before K... ABC D E

18 UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training10.5.18. REMEMBER! 4Activities consistent with objectives 4Assistance and Management 4Ensure ownership through participation 4Update regularly 4Prepare plan from the outset 4Involve all participants 4Quantify needs and resources 4Monitor progress by setting standards

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