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Chapter 2 - Special Program Requirements (SPR) Process And Demand Data Exchange (DDE) Forecasts. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 - Special Program Requirements (SPR) Process And Demand Data Exchange (DDE) Forecasts. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 - Special Program Requirements (SPR) Process And Demand Data Exchange (DDE) Forecasts. 1

2 2.1.1. DS 830R, SPR, is sent by Forecasting Activities to the ICP between 90 calendar days and 5 years prior to support date DAASDAAS 830R NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 2 SPR Process Special Program Requirements Forecasting Activity ICP/IMM

3 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 3 SPR Process SPR/LASE Status 2.1.2. DS 870L, SPR/LASE Status, is sent by IMM to the forecasting activity within 15 calendar days DAASDAAS Forecasting Activity ICP/IMM 870L

4 2.2.1. DS 830R, SPR, is sent by Forecasting Activities to the DLA monthly NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 4 SPR Process DDE Forecast DAASDAAS Forecasting Activity DLA 830R

5 Chapter 3 - War Material Requirements (WRM) and Simulated Mobilization Exercises 5

6 3.1.1. DS 830W, War Material Requirements, request is sent to the ICP by DoD Component. NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 6 WRM and Simulated Mobilization Exercises War Material Requirements Response DAASDAAS DoD ComponentsICP/IMM 830W

7 3.1.2. DS 830W, War Material Requirements response, is sent to the DoD Component by the ICP. NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 7 WRM and Simulated Mobilization Exercises War Material Requirements Response DAASDAAS DoD ComponentsICP/IMM 830W

8 Chapter 4 - Requisitioning 8

9 NOTE: The 870S, Supply Status, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 9 Order Fulfillment Process Requisition and Requisition Modification DAASDAAS Requisitioner ICP 4.1.1. DS 511R, Requisition or the DS 511M, Requisition Modification, is used by requisitioners to order items of supply. Applies to U.S., security assistance, and Government Furnished Material orders. 511R 511M

10 10 Order Fulfillment Process Cancellation DAASDAAS RequisitionerICP 4.1.2. DS 869C, Cancellation, is used by requisitioners to request cancellation of previously submitted requisitions, regardless of current transaction status. 869C

11 11 Order Fulfillment Process Requisition Follow-up DAASDAAS RequisitionerICP 4.1.3. DS 869F, Requisition Follow-up, is used requisitioners to follow-up on the status of previously submitted requisitions. Applies to U.S., security assistance, and Government Furnished Material orders. 869F

12 Order Fulfillment Process Material Release Order DAASDAAS 4.1.4. DS 940R, Material Release, used by supply sources to direct shipments, to inquire about the status of open shipment directives, and to cancel or modify previously submitted shipment directives. Applies to U.S., security assistance, and Government Furnished Material orders. ICPStorage Activity 12 940R

13 Order Fulfillment Process Material Release Advice DAASDAAS ICPStorage Activity 4.1.5. DS 945A, Material Release Advice, used by storage activities to provide ICPs with disposition information on material release orders, disposal release orders, and requests to cancel material/disposal release orders. Applies to U.S., security assistance, and Government Furnished Material orders. 13 945A

14 14 Order Fulfillment Process Supply Status DAASDAAS RequisitionerICP 4.1.6. DS 870S, Supply Statue, the ICP uses this transaction set to report the current status of an entire order or a portion thereof. Applies to U.S., security assistance, and Government Furnished Material orders. 870S

15 15 Order Fulfillment Process Shipment Status DAASDAAS RequisitionerStorage Activity 4.1.7. DS 856S, Shipment Status, used by storage activities to provide shipment status information, lateral redistribution shipment status information, or pseudo shipment status information on all shipped orders. Applies to U.S., security assistance, and Government Furnished Material orders. 856S

16 Chapter 5 – Status Reporting 16

17 17 Status Reporting Asset Status Inquiry/Advice DAASDAAS 5.1.1. DS 846I, Asset Status Inquiry/Advice, used by organizations to request and/or report asset status and inventory balance information. Status Recipients ICP, Supply Source, Other Activities NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction. 846I

18 18 Status Reporting Supply Planning Inquiry/Advice DAASDAAS 5.1.2. DS 846V, Supply Planning Inquiry/Advice, used by organizations to provide supply planning information to Vendors as an Inquiry transaction. Vendors use this transaction set to provide advice in response to inquiries. Vendors ICP, Supply Source, Other Activities NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction. 846V

19 19 Status Reporting Requisition Inquiry DAASDAAS 5.1.3. DS 869A, Requisition Inquiry, used by organizations to inquire about the status of or request supply assistance for previously submitted requisitions. Status Recipients ICP, Supply Source, Other Activities NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction. 869A

20 Status Reporting Material Returns Supply Status DAASDAAS 5.1.4. DS 870M, Material Returns Supply Status, used by reporting organizations to provide supply status on open reports prior to the shipment of material. Status Recipients ICP, Supply Source, Other Activities 20 870M NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction.

21 21 Status Reporting Shipment Status Material Returns DAASDAAS 5.1.5. DS 856R, Shipment Status Material Returns, used by organizations to provide shipment status to the wholesale distribution system for authorized material returns, including automatic returns. Status Recipients ICP, Supply Source, Other Activities 856R NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction.

22 22 Status Reporting Notice of Availability DAASDAAS 5.1.6. DS 856N, Notice of Availability, used by organizations to provide shipment availability, specification and content information to designated Country Representatives/ Freight Forwarders. Status Recipients ICP, Supply Source, Other Activities 856N NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction.

23 23 Status Reporting Notice of Availability Reply DAASDAAS 5.1.7. DS 870N, Notice of Availability Reply, is used by country representatives/freight forwarders to provide shipment consignment instructions to shipping activities. Status Recipients Country Representatives/ Freight Forwarders 870N NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction.

24 24 Status Reporting Asset Support Request (LASE) DAASDAAS 5.1.8. DS 846L, Asset Support Request, used by organizations to inquire about material availability for support of contingency operations, special projects, or other operational requirements. DoD ComponentsSupply Source NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction. 846L

25 25 Status Reporting SPR-LASE Status DAASDAAS 5.1.9. DS 870L, SPR-LASE Status, used by organizations to provide supply status on SPR requests. The DAASC and ICPs use this transaction set to notify the organization originating the SPR or LASE transaction that the transaction was rerouted. ICPs use this transaction to notify the originator of an SPR or LASE transaction that the FSC provided on the original transaction was incorrect. DoD ComponentsSupply Source NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction. 870L

26 Chapter 6 - Physical Inventory Control 26

27 27 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/ICPStorage Activity Physical Inventory Control Inventory Adjustments 6.1.1. DS 947I, Inventory Adjustments, used by ICPs, and storage Activities to exchange inventory adjustment information affecting accountable inventory records. All transactions are subject to transaction history submissions. 947I

28 28 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/ICPStorage Activity Physical Inventory Control Physical Inventory Request 846P 6.1.2. DS 846P, Physical Inventory Request, used by supply activities and ICPs to request, inquire about, and cancel a physical inventory, and to request transaction history.

29 29 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/ICPStorage Activity Physical Inventory Control Logistics Reconciliation Request 846R 6.1.3. DS 846R, Logistics Reconciliation Request, used by storage activities to transmit either location reconciliation request, location reconciliation notification, or location reconciliation history notification transactions to one owner/ICP.

30 30 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/ICPStorage Activity Physical Inventory Control Storage Item Correction 888I 6.1.4. DS 888I, Storage Item Correction, is used by the Owner/ICP to provide storage activities with data record changes for items of supply.

31 Chapter 7 - Inventory Adjustment Transactions 31

32 32 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/ICPStorage Activity Inventory Adjustment Transactions Inventory Adjustments 947I 7.1.1. DS 947I, Inventory Adjustments, used by ICPs, and storage Activities to exchange inventory adjustment information affecting accountable inventory records. All transactions are subject to transaction history submissions

33 33 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/ICPStorage Activity Inventory Adjustment Transactions Asset Reclassification 947I 7.1.2. DS 846A, Asset Reclassification, is used by owners/ICPs to request that distribution storage activities reclassify inventory items, to inquire about the status of previously submitted reclassification requests, and to reply to storage activity extension requests. Storage activities use this transaction set to request reclassification extensions and deny reclassification requests.

34 Chapter 8 - Material Obligation Validation (MOV) 34

35 35 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Requisitioner/ILCOSupply Source Material Obligation Validation Process Material Obligation Validation 517M 8.1.1. DS 517M, Material Obligation Validation, used to validate the continued need and priority of requirements held in backorder status or on direct vendor delivery (DVD) (e.g., MOV, provide responses to MOV requests, notify organizations of failures to respond to MOV requests, notify organizations of exemptions from validation cycles, and request reinstatements of requirements erroneously cancelled due to failures to respond to validation cycles. Organizations also use this transaction set to validate apparent excessive requisition quantities and respond to excessive quantity validations.

36 36 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS RequisitionerSupply Source Material Obligation Validation Process Material Obligation Validation 517M 8.1.2. DS 517M, Material Obligation Validation, used by DAAS to provide MOV responses for authorized activities exempted from participating in an MOV cycle.

37 37 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS RequisitionerSupply Source Material Obligation Validation Process Requisition Inquiry/Supply Assistance 869A 8.1.3. DS 869A, Requisition Inquiry/Supply Assistance, used by requisitioner to inquire about the status of or request supply assistance for previously submitted requisitions.

38 38 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS RequisitionerSupply Source Material Obligation Validation Process Supply Status 870S 8.1.4. DS 870S, Supply Status, used by supply sources to report the current status of an entire order or a portion thereof.

39 Chapter 9 - Logistics Reassignment 39

40 40 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMGIM Logistics Reassignment (Pre-ETD Actions) Logistics Reassignment Management Data 9.1.1. DS 536L, Logistics Reassignment Management Data, used by the LIM to transmit logistics reassignment management data to one or more GIMs. 536L

41 41 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMGIM Logistics Reassignment (Pre-ETD Actions) War Material Requirements 9.1.2. DS 830W, War Material Requirements, used by LIM to report WRM requirements data to the GIM 830W

42 42 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMStorage activity Logistics Reassignment (ETD Period Actions) Logistics Reassignment Storage Transfer/Order Reply 9.2.1. DS 846S, Logistics Reassignment Storage Transfer/Order Reply, used by the LIM to notify the distribution depot that ownership of stored wholesale assets has changed, to request asset information, and to report asset information. 846S

43 43 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMGIM Logistics Reassignment (ETD Period Actions) LR Transfer & Recapitalization 9.2.2. DS 846D, LR Transfer & Recapitalization, used by the LIM to provide the GIM with Logistics Reassignment (LR) transfer and decapitalization quantities and the GIM uses this transaction set to inquire for LR transfer and decapitalization data when none was received. 846D

44 44 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIM Logistics Reassignment (ETD Period Actions) Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification 9.2.3. DS 527D, Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification, used by GIMs for delinquent due-in inquiries and due-in reconciliation inquiries to inquire to the LIM about the status of dues-in. LIMs use this transaction set for dues-in to transmit memorandum due-in information to the GIM and for delinquent due-in advice and due-in reconciliation advice to respond to GIM inquiries, and for delinquent due-in advice to provide revised Estimated Delivery Dates to the GIM as they occur. 527D GIM

45 45 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMGIM Logistics Reassignment (ETD Period Actions) Logistics Reassignment Management Data 9.2.4. DS 536L, Logistics Reassignment Management Data, used by the LIM to transmit logistics reassignment management data to one or more GIMs. 536L

46 46 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMForecasting Activity Logistics Reassignment (ETD Period Actions) SPR/LASE Status 9.2.5. DS 870L, SPR/LASE Status, used by the LIM to provide status on Special Program Requirements and to notify the organization originating the transaction that the FSC provided on the original transaction was incorrect. 870L

47 47 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMSupply Activity Logistics Reassignment (Post-ETD Actions) Logistics Reassignment Storage Transfer/Order Reply 9.3.1. DS 846S, Logistics Reassignment Storage Transfer/Order, Reply, used by organizations to notify the distribution depot that ownership of stored wholesale assets has changed, to request asset information, and to report asset information. 846S

48 48 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIM/Storage Activity GIM/Storage Activity Logistics Reassignment (Post-ETD Actions) Inventory Adjustments 9.3.2. DS 947I, Inventory Adjustments, used by ICPs, IMMs and storage organizations to exchange inventory adjustment information affecting accountable inventory records. All transactions are subject to transaction history submissions. 947I

49 49 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/Manager Storage Activity Logistics Reassignment (Post-ETD Actions) Logistics Reconciliation Request 9.3.3. DS 846R, Logistics Reconciliation Request, used by distribution depots and storage activities to transmit location reconciliation transactions to owners and managers. 846R

50 50 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMGIM Logistics Reassignment (Post-ETD Actions) Logistics Asset Support Request 9.3.4. DS 846L, Logistics Asset Support Request, used by organizations to inquire about material availability for support of contingency operations, special projects, or other operational requirements. 846L

51 51 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMGIM Logistics Reassignment (Post-ETD Actions) Logistics Reassignment Management Data 9.3.5. DS 536L, Logistics Reassignment Management Data, used by the LIM to transmit logistics reassignment management data to one or more GIMs. 536L

52 52 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMStorage Activity Logistics Reassignment (Receipt Processing After ETD) Receipt, Inquiry, Response & MRA 9.4.1. DS 527R, Receipt, Inquiry, Response & MRA, used to report receipts, to provide MRA, and to inquire about the status of overdue receipts and delinquent MRAs. 527R

53 Chapter 11 - Material Returns and Redistribution of Assets 53

54 54 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS CustomerICP (SICA) Material Returns and Redistribution of Assets Material Returns Reporting 11.1.1. DS 180M, Material Returns Reporting, used by organizations to report the availability of material to the wholesale distribution system, to report the automatic shipment of material to storage or repair facilities, to request cancellation of previously submitted report, and to inquire about the status of previously submitted transactions. 180M

55 55 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS CustomerICP (SICA) Material Returns and Redistribution of Assets Material Returns Supply Status 11.1.2. DS 870M, Material Returns Supply Status, used by reporting organizations to provide supply status on open reports prior to the shipment of material. Organizations also use this transaction set to provide disposition instructions for discrepant or deficient material. 870M

56 56 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS ICP (PICA)ICP (SICA) Material Returns and Redistribution of Assets Shipment Status Material Returns 11.1.3. DS 856R, Shipment Status Material Returns, used by organizations to provide shipment status to the wholesale distribution system for authorized material returns, including automatic returns. 856R

57 57 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS CustomerStorage Activity Material Returns and Redistribution of Assets Material Returns Supply Status 11.1.4. DS 870M, Material Returns Supply Status, used by reporting organizations to provide supply status on open reports prior to the shipment of material. Organizations also use this transaction set to provide disposition instructions for discrepant or deficient material. 870M

58 58 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS ICPStorage Activity Lateral Redistribution of Assets Material Release 11.2.1. DS 940R, Material Release, used by the ICP/IMM to direct shipments, to inquire about the status of open shipment directives, and to cancel or modify previously submitted shipment directives. 940R

59 59 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS ICPStorage Activity Lateral Redistribution of Assets Material Release Advice 11.2.2. DS 945A, Material Release Advice, used by storage facilities to provide ICPs with disposition information on material release orders (including material release order modifications), disposal release orders (including disposal release order modifications), and requests to cancel material/disposal release orders. 945A

60 60 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS ICPStorage Activity Lateral Redistribution of Assets Shipment Status 11.2.3. DS IC 856S, Shipment Status, used by the reporting activities to transmit a single shipment status to a single organization or multiple shipment status to a single address. 856S

61 Chapter 12 - Due-in and Advance Receipt Information 61

62 62 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS ICPStorage Activity Due-in and Advance Receipt Information Due-in Advance Receipt, Due Verification 12.1.1. 527D, Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification, used to transmit either due-in, advance receipt information (ARI), delinquent due-in inquiry, delinquent due-in advice, due- in reconciliation inquiry, or due-in reconciliation advice transactions to one or more activities. 527D

63 63 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS LIMGIM Due-in and Advance Receipt Information Due-in Advance Receipt, Due Verification 12.1.2. 527D, Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification, used to transmit either due-in, advance receipt information (ARI), delinquent due-in inquiry, delinquent due-in advice, due- in reconciliation inquiry, or due-in reconciliation advice transactions to one or more activities. 527D

64 Chapter 13 - Receipt and Material Receipt Acknowledgement 64

65 65 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner & other MCA Receiving Activity Receipt and Material Receipt Acknowledgement Receipt, Inquiry, Response & MRA 13.1.1. DS 527R, Receipt, Inquiry, Response & MRA, use to report receipts, to provide materiel receipt acknowledgement (MRA), and to inquire about the status of overdue receipts and delinquent MRAs. 527R

66 66 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner & other MCA Receiving Activity Receipt and Material Receipt Acknowledgement Standard SDR 13.1.2. DS 842A/W, Standard SDR, used to describe the specific technical data discrepancy. 842A/W

67 67 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner & other MCA Receiving Activity Receipt and Material Receipt Acknowledgement Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification 13.1.3. DS 527D, Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification, used by owners when material is being returned from field activities to wholesale storage activities or to commercial activities for maintenance. Also, send DS 527D (ARI) to receiving Government storage activities. 527D

68 Chapter 14 - Issue, Loan, Demand and Ammunition Freeze/Unfreeze Transactions 68

69 69 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/ICPStorage Activity Issue, Loan, Demand and Ammunition Freeze/Unfreeze Transactions Issue 14.1.1. DS 867I, Issue, used by the storage activities to report material issues to ICP. 867I

70 70 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/ICPStorage Activity Issue, Loan, Demand and Ammunition Freeze/Unfreeze Transactions Material Release 14.1.2. DS 940R, Material Release, use to direct shipments, to inquire about the status of open shipment directives, and to cancel or modify previously submitted shipment directives. 940R

71 71 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/ICPStorage Activity Issue, Loan, Demand and Ammunition Freeze/Unfreeze Transactions Material Release Advice 14.1.3. DS 945A, Material Release Advice, used by storage activities to provide ICPs with disposition information on material release orders, disposal release orders, and requests to cancel material/disposal release orders. 945A

72 72 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Owner/ICPStorage Activity Issue, Loan, Demand and Ammunition Freeze/Unfreeze Transactions Demand Reporting 14.1.4. DS 867D, Demand Reporting, use to record demand for items that are obtained locally. 867D

73 73 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Storage ActivitySMCA Issue, Loan, Demand and Ammunition Freeze/Unfreeze Transactions Ammunition Freeze, Unfreeze 14.1.5. DS 846F, Ammunition Freeze, Unfreeze, used by the SMCA to advise storage activities of freeze or unfreeze actions on conventional ammunition. 846F

74 Chapter 15 - Installation Closure Procedures 74

75 75 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Closed ActivityOwner/ICP Installation Closure Procedures Material Returns Reporting 15.1.1. DS 180M, Material Returns Reporting, is use to report the availability of material to the wholesale distribution system, to report the automatic shipment of material to storage or repair facilities, to request cancellation of previously submitted report, and to inquire about the status of previously submitted transactions. 180M

76 76 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction DAASDAAS Closed ActivityOwner/ICP Installation Closure Procedures Material Returns Supply Status 15.1.2. DS 870M, Material Returns Supply Status, used to provide supply status on open reports prior to the shipment of material and to provide disposition instructions for discrepant or deficient material. 870M

77 Chapter 16 - Reutilization and Marketing 77

78 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 78 Reutilization and Marketing Requisition DAASDAAS Requisitioner DRMS 16.1.1. DS 511R, Requisition, is used by requisitioners to order excess personal property. 511R

79 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 79 Reutilization and Marketing Supply Status DAASDAAS Requisitioner DRMS 16.1.2. DS 870S, Supply Status, is used by DAAS to report the current status of validated excess personal property requisitions. 870S

80 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 80 Reutilization and Marketing Supply Status DAASDAAS Requisitioner DRMS 16.1.3. DS 870S, Supply Status, is used by DRMS to report the current status of an entire order or a portion thereof. 870S

81 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 81 Reutilization and Marketing Material Returns DAASDAAS DMRO DRMS 16.1.4. DS 940R, Material Release, is sent to DRMO if stock is available. 940R

82 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 82 Reutilization and Marketing Material Release Advice DAASDAAS DMRO DRMS 16.1.5. DS 945A, Material Release Advice, used by DMRO to with appropriate transaction type codes, to respond to follow-ups, cancellations, and modifications. 945A

83 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 83 Reutilization and Marketing Shipment Status DAASDAAS DMRO DRMS 16.1.6. DS IC 856S, Shipment Status, is sent to DRMS by supply source for each DTID sent to DRMO, regardless of dollar value. 856S


85 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 85 SUPPLY DISCREPANCY REPORTING Standard SDR DAASDAAS Reporting Activity Action Activity 17.1.1. DS 842A/W, Standard SDR, provides the DOD standard format for SDR submission. In addition, it is specifically designed to transmit complaint transactions originated in the DoD WebSDR program to the appropriate action activity and distribution copy recipients. 842A/W

86 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 86 SUPPLY DISCREPANCY REPORTING DoD SDR Reply DAASDAAS Reporting Activity Action Activity 17.1.2. DS 842A/R, DoD SDR Reply, provides the DOD standard format for SDR reply. In addition, it is specifically designed to transmit action activity SDR response transactions to the DoD WebSDR program. 842A/R

87 Chapter 18 - Small Arms Serial Number Registration and Reporting 87

88 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 88 Small Arms Serial Number Registration and Reporting Small Arms Reporting DAASDAAS DOD Component Registries 18.1.1. 140A, Small Arms Reporting, used by Component Registries to report events regarding the custody or status of small arms, inquire into the custody or status of small arms, reconcile small arms data records, reject small arms reconciliation reports, follow up on unacknowledged rejections, and respond to rejections of small arms reconciliation reports. 140A

89 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 89 Small Arms Serial Number Registration and Reporting Small Arms Data Change DAASDAAS DOD Component Registries 18.1.2. DS 888A, Small Arms Data Change, used by Component Registries to report small arms data corrections and changes, including small arms reject response corrections and changes, for data recorded in component registries, DoD registries and originator records. 888A

90 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 90 Small Arms Serial Number Registration and Reporting Small Arms Reporting DAASDAAS Contractor DOD Component Registries 18.1.3. 140A, Small Arms Reporting, used by Component Registries to report events regarding the custody or status of small arms, inquire into the custody or status of small arms, reconcile small arms data records, reject small arms reconciliation reports, follow up on unacknowledged rejections, and respond to rejections of small arms reconciliation reports. 140A

91 Chapter 19 - Unique Item Tracking 91

92 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 92 Unique Item Tracking Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification DAASDAAS ICPReceiving Activity 19.1.1. DS 527D, Due-in/Advance Receipt/Due Verification, use to transmit either due-in, advance receipt information (ARI), delinquent due-in inquiry, delinquent due-in advice, due- in reconciliation inquiry, or due-in reconciliation advice transactions to one or more activities. 527D

93 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 93 Unique Item Tracking Advance Shipping Notice DAASDAAS Vendor WAWF 19.1.2. DS 856, Advance Shipping Notice, used by contractors to send a single Shipment Notice. 856

94 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 94 Unique Item Tracking Shipment and Billing Notice DAASDAAS Vendor WAWF 19.1.3. DS 857, Shipment and Billing Notice, Use to provide combined Shipment Notice and Commercial Invoice information to Federal Government activities responsible for receiving material and activities responsible for initiating payment. 857

95 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 95 Unique Item Tracking Advance Shipping Notice DAASDAAS WAWF Receiving Activity 19.1.4. DS 856, Advance Shipping Notice used by contractors to send a single Shipment Notice. 856 ICP

96 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 96 Unique Item Tracking Acceptance Report DAASDAAS WAWF Receiving Activity 19.1.5. DS 861, Acceptance Report, used by receiving activities to report the acceptance of material at destination. 861

97 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 97 Unique Item Tracking Receipt, Inquiry, Response and MRA DAASDAAS ICP Receiving Activity 19.1.6. DS 527R, Receipt, Inquiry, Response and MRA, use to report receipts, to provide materiel receipt acknowledgement (MRA), and to inquire about the status of overdue receipts and delinquent MRAs. 527R

98 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 98 Unique Item Tracking Material Release Advice DAASDAAS ICP Receiving Activity 19.1.7. DS 945A, Material Release Advice, used by storage facilities to provide ICPs with disposition information on material release orders, disposal release orders, and requests to cancel material/disposal release orders. 945A

99 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 99 Unique Item Tracking Supply Status DAASDAAS ICP Receiving Activity 19.1.8. DS 870S, Supply Status, used by organizations to report the current status of an entire order or a portion thereof. 870S

100 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 100 Unique Item Tracking Storage Quality Control Report DAASDAAS ICP/Owner Storage Activity 19.1.9. DS 842S/Q, Storage Quality Control Report, is used by the storage activity to transmit a single Storage Quality Control Report (SQCR) to the owner. 842S/Q

101 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 101 Unique Item Tracking Storage Quality Control Report DAASDAAS ICP/Owner Storage Activity 19.1.9. DS 842S/Q, Storage Quality Control Report Reply, is used by the owner to reply to the 842S/Q. 842S/R

102 Chapter 20 - Medical Unit Assembly Program 102

103 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 103 Medical Unit Assembly Program Assembly Component Maintenance Structure DAASDAAS Assembly Manager Assembly Activity 20.1.1. DS 650A, Assembly Component Maintenance Structure, used by the Assembly Manager to provide Unit Assembly data to the Assembly Activity. The transaction may be used by the Assembly Activity to enter corrections, provide missing data and may also be used to transmit local changes and history data to the Assembly Manager. 650A

104 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 104 Medical Unit Assembly Program Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification DAASDAAS Assembly Manager Assembly Activity 20.1.2. DS 527D, Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification, use a single occurrence to transmit either due-in, advance receipt information (ARI), delinquent due-in inquiry, delinquent due-in advice, due-in reconciliation inquiry, or due-in reconciliation advice transactions to one or more activities. 527D

105 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 105 Medical Unit Assembly Program Receipt, Inquiry, Response & MRA DAASDAAS Assembly Manager Assembly Activity 20.1.3. DS 527R, Receipt, Inquiry, Response & MRA, Use to report receipts, to provide materiel receipt acknowledgement (MRA), and to inquire about the status of overdue receipts and delinquent MRAs. 527R

106 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 106 Medical Unit Assembly Program Component Packing Confirmation DAASDAAS Assembly Manager Assembly Activity 20.1.4. DS 650C, Component Packing Confirmation, used by the Assembly Activity to notify the Assembly Manager that packing has been completed at the Assembly Activity for the designated component within the specified parameters. 650C

107 Chapter 21 - Stock Readiness Program 107

108 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 108 Stock Readiness Program Storage Quality Control Report DAASDAAS Storage Activity ICP 21.1.1. DS 842S, Storage Quality Control Report, use a single occurrence to reply to a single Storage Quality Control Report (SQCR). 842S

109 Volume 5 - Finance 109

110 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 110 Finance Logistics Bill DAASDAAS Billing Office Billed Office 1. DS 810L, Logistics Bill, is used by the billing office and is sent to the customer within 14 days. 810L

111 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 111 Finance Adjustment Request DAASDAAS Billing Office Billed Office 2. DS 812R, Adjustment Request, is used by the customer to request a billing adjustment]. The 812R shall also be used to cancel or follow-up on adjustment requests.] 812R

112 NOTE: The 824R, Reject Advice, is used by the processing activity to reject a transaction 112 Finance Adjustment Request Reply DAASDAAS Billing Office Billed Office 3. DS 812L, Adjustment Request Reply, used by the billing office to respond to the DS 812R. 812L

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