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Review of Selected Employee Policies DRUG FREE WORKPLACE PURPOSE OF POLICY To ensure compliance with the federal drug-free workplace act. Provide testing.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Selected Employee Policies DRUG FREE WORKPLACE PURPOSE OF POLICY To ensure compliance with the federal drug-free workplace act. Provide testing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Review of Selected Employee Policies

3 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE PURPOSE OF POLICY To ensure compliance with the federal drug-free workplace act. Provide testing for illegal drugs of prospective employees. Provide testing of illegal drugs and alcohol of current employees with cause. Random testing for illegal drugs and alcohol of certain classifications of employees.

4 DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY STATEMENT Prohibits: Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of an illegal drug at anytime. Having an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater during the workday on/off school premises.

5 DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE ARRESTS OR CONVICTIONS An employee arrested or convicted of violating a criminal drug statute must notify the Human Resources Department within five (5) days of such arrest or conviction.

6 CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT REPORTING POLICY All Queen Anne’s County Board of Education employees are required to report suspected child abuse or neglect.

7 TYPES OF ABUSE Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Mental Injury Neglect

8 IMMUNITY Any person who in good faith makes or participates in making a report of abuse or neglect is immune from any civil liability or criminal penalty.

9 REPORTING PROCEDURES Oral Report: an oral report should be made to the local Department of Social Services immediately. Written Report: The person who makes the oral report needs to submit DHR/SSA Form 180 within 48 hours of oral report.

10 SANCTIONS FOR FAILURE TO REPORT (Education Article 6-202, Education COMAR 13A.01.01.10) You may be suspended or dismissed if you knowingly fail to report suspected child abuse.

11 SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION / HARASSMENT POLICY Maintain a learning & working environment free from sexual harassment/discrimination. It is a violation of the policy for any member of the staff to harass or discriminate against another staff member or student through conduct or communication of a sexual nature.

12 STEPS TO TAKE Tell the person to stop Report it to the Director of Human Resources

13 DATING POLICY The relationship between staff and students is professional. Asking for a date, dating, or engaging in sexual relations is prohibited between staff and students. Any suspicion of dating or sexual relations between an employee and student will be reported to the Director of Human Resources

14 ELECTRONIC MAIL (E-MAIL) POLICY Used for business purposes only All e-mail is subject to review by management and may be monitored Do not use to solicit for matters that are not Board connected Only to be used by authorized persons Please respect others when sending e-mails Use professionalism when addressing e-mails to fellow employees and parents, etc. May not use for absence reporting

15 ADDITIONAL POLICIES Reporting Times During Inclement Weather Identification Badges Central Substitute Call System Family and Medical Leave Policy Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy

16 ADDITIONAL POLICIES Delinquent Acts of a Serious Nature and Sexual Abuse/Assault Report Ethics Provisions

17 SOCIAL NETWORKING Facebook Twitter MySpace Etc.

18 Facebook Five Facebook Commandments for Keeping your Job: 1. Thou shall not reveal embarrassing details of your life. 2. Thou shall not post photos that could damage your credibility. 3. Thou shall not be negative, no matter how strongly you feel. 4. Thou shall not think you and your job are protected. 5. Thou shall not think “they” are not listening; students or superiors. By Richard Krueger, Facebook for Dummies

19 Course Reimbursement Approved Master’s Program – $325 per semester credit hour Approved Professional Development/APC coursework – $275 per semester credit hour Employees accepting course reimbursement must return for the next full school year (2011-2012). Notable changes in the 2010-2011 negotiated agreement for Certificated, Unit I staff:

20 Certification It is YOUR responsibility to make sure your certificate is up-to-date. If you’re certificate expires, you will lose your contract, tenure and possibly your job. Please look at the Certification Handbook located on the HR Webpage.

21 Policies Handbook Online Click on Departments / Human Resources


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