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Welcome to the fourth LB720 Elluminate tutorial! Discussing and identifing problems Microsoft Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the fourth LB720 Elluminate tutorial! Discussing and identifing problems Microsoft Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the fourth LB720 Elluminate tutorial! Discussing and identifing problems Microsoft Office

2 Aims In this tutorial session, you will practise having a discussion with another student and then with a wider group. You will practise the language of identifying problems Remember: it may be necessary for your course- related question(s) to be answered on the Forum, later, or indeed by a personal e-mail. Microsoft Office

3 Preparing for the discussion In this session you are going to explain any difficulties foreign companies may face when entering your country’ s markets and compare your country to your fellow students’. You should have prepared by thinking about: What problems there might be in terms of: Sociological problems Technological problems Economic problems Political problems Think about the interview with Lord Bilimoria and the problems he described in India.

4 Examples of problems These are the problems Lord Bilimoria mentioned in India: British lawyers cannot practise there Foreign banks can only open a limited number of branches Insurance companies can only own 26% … Lloyds cannot operate in India due to a technicality

5 More examples Think back to Session 5, here are some of the problems mentioned in the listening text about China: You need to get government approval to start a business You have to have a business licence If you don’t know the language well people may play tricks on you

6 The language for explaining problems Lord Bilimoria uses the verbs can and cannot/can’t to explain what is or is not a problem in India In the China example the words need to or have to are used to explain what a company must do Other ways of expressing these ideas are: It is necessary to/it is essential to/it is compulsory to or It is not possible to/it is difficult to

7 The process 1. you explain to your partner what the problems are in your country 2. you listen to their explanation about their country 3. you have a discussion with her or him 4. the tutor will invite you to join two other students and you continue the discussion with them. 5. the whole group comes back together and discuss together

8 Explanation Student A explanation of problems Brief introduction Student A explains what problems face foreign companies wanting to enter his / her country’s market - backed up by examples and details Short conclusion, summarising points made Student B explanation of problems Brief introduction Student B explains what problems face foreign companies wanting to enter his / her country’s market – backed up by examples and details Short conclusion, summarising points made

9 Student A and B: discussion Compare and contrast countries: Find similarities and differences Decide which country offers fewer problems Justify your choice Conclusion: summarise your decision

10 In a group of four While you are discussing with each other note down: Which country each student comes from What problems there may be for foreign companies in that country Be prepared to give your view on which country might be best for a company to enter Choose one person in the group to report back to the whole group

11 In the whole group If you have been chosen by your group to report back, click on the microphone and speak when the tutor asks your group While other students are speaking make a note of any questions you want to ask, or comments you want to make When each group has fed back, click on the hand if you want to say something and wait for the tutor to ask you to speak

12 CountriesProblems

13 Voting If you agree with something someone has said you can click on the green tick at the top of the screen If you disagree you can click on the red cross beside it When everybody has had a chance to discuss the different problems you can vote on which is the best country for foreign companies to enter

14 Reflection on the discussion Were you able to say what you wanted to say? Did you understand what other students were saying? Did everyone get a chance to express their views What did you learn from the discussion? What do you think makes a good discussion? Was this a good one? If not what could you do to make it different next time?

15 Meeting on Elluminate Don’t forget that you can meet your fellow students any time on Elluminate. Simply: Agree a time to meet by email or by posting a message on the forum Click on ‘Elluminate’ on the course website Click on ‘Join meeting’ You can also post any documents you want to show on the whiteboard or write on the whiteboard

16 Any questions? Now, it is time to ask any questions you have about the course. Raise your hand, and ask your tutor, if you have any questions about LB720

17 … thank you for attending … … hope to see you next time …

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