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Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation National Conference of Bar Foundations July 31, 2015 Hon. Debra B. Walker,

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2 Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation National Conference of Bar Foundations July 31, 2015 Hon. Debra B. Walker, Chair Brittany Wisniewski, Program Coordinator

3 Supreme Court Rule 799 16 Commissioners: judges; lawyers; law school representatives 14th state Commission 2Civility: Connecting Lawyers. Inspiring Change. Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism

4 Information sharing to promote awareness of professionalism. Facilitate cooperation among practitioners, bar associations, law schools, courts, civic and lay organizations Collaborate with law schools on professionalism programs Develop and promote lawyer-to-lawyer mentoring Professional responsibility CLE 2Civility: Connecting Lawyers. Inspiring Change. Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism

5 Learning Objectives Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism Participants will learn: 1.How to utilize active listening to improve communication 2.How to recognize the challenges and opportunities of working within a multigenerational environment 3.How trends in donor engagement and activity vary across generations

6 Civil conversations = Respectful conversations. Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism Show respect for yourself by LISTENING TO UNDERSTAND Show respect for others by REFRAINING FROM TAKING THE BAIT REFRAMING YOUR CONVERSATIONS

7 What is Listening? Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism  Listening is more than hearing Hylstan: hearing Hlosnian: to wait in suspense  “Listen” derives from: Listening = hearing + suspenseful waiting

8 Listen to Understand. Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism  Paraphrase the speaker’s words  Reflect the speaker’s feelings  Summarize and restate the main themes of the conversation

9 Reframe the Conversation. Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism 1. Listen to other Practice your “listening to understand” skills 2. Acknowledge the other’s point of view Let the other person know her viewpoint has been heard 3. State the facts Do not use judgmental or subjective language 4. Translate the other’s words Take the essence of what the other person is saying and reframe it into concepts that are more helpful

10 Reframe the Conversation. Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism Reframe your own words. Replace “but” with “and”.

11 Don’t Take The Bait. Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism  Don’t write angry  Don’t hit “SEND”  Review and Reflect  Take a Break

12 4 Generations in the Workplace Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism 1.Traditionalists (1925-1945) 2.Baby Boomers (1946-1964) 3.Generation X’ers (1965-1980) 4.Millennials (1981-2000)

13 4 Generations in the Workplace Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism “They have trouble making decisions. They would rather hike in the Himalayas than climb a corporate ladder. They have few heroes, no anthems, no style to call their own. They crave entertainment, but their attention span is … short …They postpone marriage...They sneer at Range Rovers, Rolexes... What they hold dear are family life, local activism … and mountain bikes”.

14 4 Generations in the Workplace Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism TIME Magazine cover, July 1990. Cover photo: Michael O'Brien

15 Traditionalists (1926-1945) Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism

16 Baby Boomers (1946-1964) Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism

17 Generation X’ers (1965-1979) Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism

18 Millennials (1980-2000) Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism TIME Magazine cover, May 2013 Photograph by Andrew B. Myers

19 The Next Generation Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism

20 Philanthropy across generations Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism Percent that give Average contribution per year Planning to increase donation to top charity next year* Monetary donations* In-kind donations* Volunteer* Traditionalists 79%$1,0668%81%23%7% Baby Boomers 67%$90117%76%30%11% Generation X 58%$79624%66%30%17% Millennials 56%$34131%50%26%14% *engagement with top charity

21 The next generation of giving Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism Millennials: Investing > Donating Focus on the cause rather than the institution Utilize a smart, digital donation/investment platform Cultivate engagement through cross- channel updates Demonstrate how their gift makes an impact today

22 Reaching Younger Generations Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism Donation Channels Overall and by Generation Chart taken from “The Next Generation of American Giving”, conducted by Convio, Edge Research, and Sea Change Strategies, 2010

23 Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism Two Prudential Plaza Suite 1950 180 N. Stetson Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 312.363.6210

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