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John Schulte USDA Forest Service, Fire & Aviation Management; Disaster & Emergency Operations and International Fire Support 505-842-3252 Your Logo Here.

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Presentation on theme: "John Schulte USDA Forest Service, Fire & Aviation Management; Disaster & Emergency Operations and International Fire Support 505-842-3252 Your Logo Here."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Schulte USDA Forest Service, Fire & Aviation Management; Disaster & Emergency Operations and International Fire Support 505-842-3252 Your Logo Here

2 United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Incident Management, Interagency Coordination And The Incident Command System

3 The NIIMS Model and ICS A successful incident response management strategy used widely in the emergency management community is that of the Forest Service’s National Interagency Incident Management System. The NIIMS model provides a structure for making a coordinated response in an emergency situation and for gaining access to the resources necessary for a good recovery.

4 Incident Command System (ICS) The NIIMS model features the ICS as the process by which best to manage emergencies through objectives and direction provided by executives and line officers. NIIMS also features components such as training programs, individual qualification criteria, and publications management. This model and its various adaptations have proved to be the best emergency management systems available.


6 The Incident Command System ICS is a Command and Control Management System that can be used on any size or type of incident. It has been adopted by all Federal Wildland Agencies, and most State forest fire agencies.

7 The Interagency Coordination System Overview of the Interagency Coordination System used by the Federal and State Wildland Fire Agencies

8 National Mobility - Designed to support incidents that expand in complexity beyond a local units capabilities.

9 Resource Mobilization Each Geographical Area is broken down into smaller areas or zones. The Southwest Area for example, is made up of the States of Arizona, New Mexico and part of Texas and Oklahoma.

10 Resource Mobilization Within each Zone Area, there are numerous Initial Attack Dispatch Offices who report upward to the Zone Office for support. This dispatch and mobilization systems uses the closest resource concept.

11 Resource Mobilization Through this National Mobilization system, we are able to supply needed resources to any part of the United States and Internationally.

12 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Incident Management resources are ordered through established ordering channels. In the United States, all agencies follow guidelines established in the National Interagency Mobilization Guide.

13 Resource Management Resources refers to the combination of personnel and equipment used in tactical incident operations. Common names have been established for all resources used in ICS. Any resource which varies in capacity because of size or power (e.g., helicopters, dozers, engines) is clearly typed as to capability.

14 Resource Management Incident management personnel are qualified for their positions through the Interagency Incident Qualifications System. This is a “performance based” qualification system. In this system, the primary criteria for qualification is individual performance as observed by an evaluator using approved standards.

15 Resource Management The components of the qualifications system are: Position Tasks Books: Contain all critical tasks which are required to perform the job. Training courses: Provide the specific skills and knowledge required to perform tasks as prescribed in the position tasks books. Agency Certification: Certification is issued in the form of an incident qualification card certifying that the individual is qualified to perform in a specific position.

16 Interagency Incident Resources are ordered and tracked using an automated Ordering and Status System National Interagency Resource Ordering and Status System

17 ROSS Resource Status Screen

18 ROSS Web Status

19 ROSS Incident Screen

20 Resource Management National Interagency Support Caches The National Fire Equipment System, part of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group was created to provide standards for fire supplies and equipment and an organized method for stocking and ordering.

21 Incident Command System

22 USFS Traditional Roles Prior to September 11, 2001 USFS resources were traditionally assigned to logistical support duties on weather related natural emergencies such as Hurricane incidents. USFS resources have received assignments on earthquakes (Northridge), domestic terrorism incidents (OK City Bombing), and special events (Olympics) but were usually only called out on natural events.

23 USFS Involvement Since September 11, 2001, the USFS responsibilities and involvement in Federal Response Plan mobilizations has changed significantly.

24 USFS Involvement World Trade Center and Pentagon Attacks brought new mission tasking to the agency.

25 IMT Missions at WTC/Pentagon At the WTC and Pentagon, incident management teams and resources received numerous mission assignments.

26 USFS Operations supplying the needed resources for Urban Search and Rescue Task Forces,

27 USFS Operations Supporting the Disaster Medical Assistance Teams.

28 USFS Operations Supporting the DMORT Teams

29 Supporting the Fire Department of New York and the Fallen Firefighter Foundation.

30 IMT Management Skills In New York, IMT skills and expertise were needed to manage multiple distribution centers in two states, and operate the I C P and Base Camp in Manhattan.

31 IMT Management Skills At the Pentagon, the IMT integrated with the FEMA Incident Support Team and utilized its functional areas to fulfill the IST requirements.

32 IMT Planning Mission The Daily Incident Action Plan for the World Trade Center Terrorist Attack Incident was prepared by the IMT at the Duane Street Fire Station.

33 IMT Planning Mission At both incidents, the GIS experts from the IMT Planning Sections were utilized to provide detailed incident maps.


35 IMT Logistics IMT Logistical support to the WTC incident included catering, showers, decontamination, transportation and ground support, supply, warehouse, communications support and cache management, etc.

36 IMT Operations IMT personnel were involved in interagency Cache management support to the Office of Emergency Management and Fire Department New York incident sector caches.



39 USFS at the 2002 Olympics

40 2002 Olympics Olympic Planning Committee Venue support and management Emergency Support Function Staffing at FEMA Interim Operating Facility IMT on Stand-by for Emergency Response USFS representation on the Mobilization Center Management Team

41 USFS Support to APHIS Avian Influenza outbreak in VA, W. VA, and NC spring of 2002 Exotic New Castle Disease outbreak in CA, NV and AZ 2003 IMT utilized in Command, Planning, Logistics and Operations roles. ICS training provided to Vet. Resources assigned to incidents.

42 USFS Support to Guam FS resources supported recovery efforts after Typhoon Pongsona. Missions included Planning, Logistics, mob. center and food supply support.

43 Columbia Shuttle Recovery FS personnel have been involved with the shuttle accident recovery since Feb. 1. At present over 2800 personnel are assigned. This includes IMT’s and Crews

44 Federal Response Plan Overview of the Federal Response Plan (FRP) and Support to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

45 Emergency Support Functions and Primary Agencies for Each ESF ESF #1 Transportation Department of Transportation ESF #2 Communications National Communications System ESF #3 Public Works and Engineering Department of Defense U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ESF #4 Firefighting Department of Agriculture Forest Service ESF #5 Information and Planning Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ESF #6 Mass Care American Red Cross ESF #7 Resource Support General Services Administration ESF #8 Health and Medical Services Department of Health and Human Services ESF #9 Urban Search and Rescue FEMA ESF #10 Hazardous Materials Environmental Protection Agency ESF #11 Food Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service ESF #12 Energy Department of Energy


47 Emergency Support Function #4 Firefighting Annex Primary Agency: Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Support Agencies: Department of Commerce Department of Defense Department of the Interior Environmental Protection Agency Federal Emergency Management Agency

48 Emergency Support Function #4 Firefighting Purpose Emergency Support Function (ESF) #4 – Firefighting: detects and suppresses wildland, rural, and urban fires resulting from, or occurring coincidentally with, a major disaster or emergency requiring Federal response assistance

49 2003 Training Plans ESF#4: Training curriculum is being developed. ESF pilot course will be presented in March in DC. ICS training for all USDA Agencies. Implementation begins this years. ICS training support to FDNY

50 USFS training support to FDNY USFS and FDNY signed an agreement this year. FS ICS experts will deliver training to FDNY and assist them in developing an IMT in New York City.

51 Questions ?

52 NIIMS ICS For more information about ICS:

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