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The Career Center’s Mission is to: Make you a lot of $ Get celebrities to come to campus to tell you how THEY made a lot of $ Help you figure out what.

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Presentation on theme: "The Career Center’s Mission is to: Make you a lot of $ Get celebrities to come to campus to tell you how THEY made a lot of $ Help you figure out what."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Career Center’s Mission is to: Make you a lot of $ Get celebrities to come to campus to tell you how THEY made a lot of $ Help you figure out what you want to do and how to get there Tell you what you are qualified for

3 Help you figure out what you want to do and how to get there.

4 THE CAREER CENTER 1305 Main Street Facebook – Moravian College Career Center Twitter-MoCoCareers 610-861-1509

5 Choose a major Self-assessment Job shadow Career Connections Hands-on-learning Internships Resume Job search Graduate school

6 % of students that borrow $ from their Mom and Dad after graduating % of Moravian College grads that come to me begging for help % of incoming freshmen that will be late to their first class % of students that intern and get jobs by graduation!

7 86% is the percent of interns that get a job by graduation!

8 What Is Hands-On-Learning? Job Shadow Research – SOAR/Honors Internships Externships Leadership Opportunities (Next Time!) Clubs, Organizations RA, Greek Life Athletics

9 “Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced.” ~ John Keats

10 Job Shadowing Job shadowing offers a chance to see what it’s actually like working in a specific job. Spend one or two days with a professional to observe the day-to-day activities of someone in the current workforce Have your questions answered.

11 Externships – What are they? Shorter in length than an internship, but still allow you to… Explore a career field by observing the day-to-day activities Experience the workplace up close and personal Learn how to apply your academic major through discussions with a professional who has a similar background Assess your "fit" for a particular position or organization Make career connections and begin establishing your network

12 Internships Carefully monitored work or volunteer experience (it can be a part time job!) Specific learning goals Active reflection on what you’re learning throughout the experience. According to the National Society for Experiential Learning

13 WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? find out before graduation what you’d like to do after graduation apply what you’ve learned in the classroom to “real life” situations learn more about a chosen field explore your career options (likes & dislikes) with little investment in terms of time and money learn career-related skills polish communication skills make professional contacts & broaden your network increase your self-confidence and professionalism The single most effective way to obtain employment after graduation

14 How to Utilize and When Build a tool kit – Resume, go to workshops, etc. 1 st /2 nd Year – Job Shadow Look for part-time jobs in area Externships 2 nd /3 rd Year – Internships More than 1 Give example – psych or business student Small co./ then large co., or return next summer more resp., etc.

15 5 classes that would be helpful to you NOT part of your major repertoire! 3 job shadows you want to try 2 internships you may want to pursue

16 During today’s session we discussed: Definition of job shadowing and resources available to students Hands on learning definitions, examples and opportunities available to students Using the information from the session write a 500 word essay about how hands on learning and job shadowing serve as a way to enhance your academic experience while answering critical questions about your career interests. Include how you plan to take advantage of these particular opportunities during your time at Moravian College.

17 The Career Center is located on 1305 Main Street Hours: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 – 4 p.m. Phone: 610-861-1509 E-mail: Website: Moravian College Career Center MoCoCareers

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