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How to Find Your Way Around… SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING 1. You can play the PowerPoint, and find the Test here EXAMPLE COURSE.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Find Your Way Around… SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING 1. You can play the PowerPoint, and find the Test here EXAMPLE COURSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Find Your Way Around… SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING 1. You can play the PowerPoint, and find the Test here EXAMPLE COURSE

2 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING 2. You can minimise this column and make the main page bigger by clicking this icon. Click it again to bring it back. EXAMPLE COURSE

3 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING 3. Always click this ‘Home’ icon to save your progress and log off. This is very important! EXAMPLE COURSE

4 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING Medicines Management COURSE OBJECTIVES Safe and Secure Handling procedures for medicines; Further training available; Useful resources relating to medicines COURSE OBJECTIVES Safe and Secure Handling procedures for medicines; Further training available; Useful resources relating to medicines Target Audience The target audience for this course includes: Medical Staff; Qualified Nursing Staff; Associate Practitioners; Clinical Support Workers; Social Care Staff; all other SEPT staff with any clinical input If you are working with medicines on a regular basis you should read Policy CLP13 and Procedural Guideline CLPG13 as soon as possible. The remainder of these slides briefly summarise major points from CLPG13, but they should not replace reading the original document. You will be expected to know the guidelines as they relate to your role.

5 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING Safe & Secure Handling of Medicines - Prescribing Only official prescriptions can be used when prescribing: SEPT Drug Prescription and Administration Record (inpatients); SEPT Outpatient Prescription & Administration Record for Intramuscular Antipsychotic Depot Injections; SEPT Outpatient Prescription (for medicines to be dispensed "in-house" by the SEPT Essex Pharmacy Departments) e.g. clozapine, alprazolam; FP10 prescriptions (green prescription pad) for medicines to be dispensed by any community pharmacy in the UK; Drug and Alcohol FP10 prescriptions for treatment of dependency; Home Delivery Prescriptions for Risperdal Consta; In Essex FP10 pads and SEPT Outpatient Prescription pads are available from the Pharmacy Departments at Rochford Hospital and Basildon Mental Health Unit (Level A). Trainee doctors need to present an introductory letter from their consultant when collecting a pad. In Luton and Bedfordshire follow local procedures to obtain prescription pads (not from pharmacy).

6 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING Safe & Secure Handling of Medicines - Verbal Orders and Written Orders For a new drug with no current prescription – verbal orders are not allowed; For a dose change of a currently prescribed drug – verbal orders are allowed in exceptional circumstances (fax or e-mail may be used); If fax / e-mail unavailable, a verbal order may be made by phone, and witnessed by a second nurse; In an extreme emergency, if there is no current prescription, and the prescriber is genuinely unable to attend the ward, nurses must ask for a WRITTEN, FAXED (not emailed) order from the prescriber. This WRITTEN order, to be signed by the prescriber and faxed to the nurse, must include all the patient's identification, eg DOB, NHS Number etc., and its indication for use; Both verbal and written orders are only valid for one dose or 24 hours, whichever is the shorter, and must be signed within 24 hours by the prescriber. Safe & Secure Handling of Medicines - Procurement Medicines will be supplied by a hospital or community pharmacy; No samples may be accepted from drug company representatives; Patient's own drugs can and should be used if checked and approved for use by pharmacy or medical staff. Safe & Secure Handling of Medicines - Storage All medicines should be locked away; Keys must be kept safe; External and internal medicines should be stored separately; Medicines requiring a fridge should have a dedicated drugs fridge.

7 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING Safe & Secure Handling of Medicines - Administration Medicines may only be administered by a: Qualified Nurse; Student Nurse or Student Associate Practitioner, supervised by a qualified nurse; Associate Practitioner; Doctor; Support workers may be delegated the task of medicines administration by the Qualified Nurse in charge. Social workers may observe patients taking their own medicines, but may not administer them. The relevant Prescription and Administration Record should be used for all inpatient and community patients. The Trust administration procedure should be followed –displayed in all clinical areas. Safe & Secure Handling of Medicines - Transport Medicines should be transported in sealed containers; Medicines should follow the patient when moving from one clinical area to another. Safe & Secure Handling of Medicines - Destruction Medicines that cannot be re-used (e.g. spoilt doses, unused half-tablets, refused doses already removed from their foil-blister) should be disposed of in the appropriate clinical bin - see your local clinical procedure; Illicit drugs should be kept in the controlled drug cupboard, details recorded in the ward controlled drug record book, and local procedures followed to dispose of them.

8 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING Safe & Secure Handling of Medicines - Errors Medicines errors should be reported on a DATIX Form. It is the responsibility of the person finding the error to report it. Further Training Staff will be asked to attend or complete the following courses: Trainee Doctors: medicines related training during Thursday teaching sessions (Essex) Qualified Nurses: One day course on Medicines Management, every 3 years; E-learning Medicines Calculations and Conversions, every 3 years; Ward or CMHT-based Drug Administration competency assessment, every 3 years. Associate Practitioners: One day course on Introduction to Medicines Management for Associate Practitioners (part of your training); then, one day course on Medicines Management for Associate Practitioners during your training or first year of qualification; then, one day course on Medicines Management, every 3 years (same course as Qualified Nurses); E-learning Medicines Calculations and Conversions, every 3 years; Ward or CMHT-based Drug Administration competency assessment, every 3 years. Support workers, Social Care staff, and any other staff (eg OTs, Psychologists, Counsellors) who handle, manage or discuss medicines with service users: Two hour course on Medicines Management, every 3 years; Safe & Secure Handling of Medicines – Controlled Drugs Controlled Drug stocks must be checked weekly; Leave and discharge prescriptions for Controlled Drugs must have the total quantity written in words and figures.

9 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING Useful Resources Additional resources you may find useful are: Medicines Management resources on the Intranet (Library/ Medicines Management) SEPT Formulary and Prescribing Guidelines, available on the Trust Intranet (Library/ Medicines Management/ Formulary and Prescribing Guidelines) Pharmacy Telephone Numbers (Essex):Basildon - 01268 243576 Rochford - 01702 538100 Pharmacy Department, Bedford Hospital: 01234 355122 ext 6082 Pharmacy Department, Luton & Dunstable Hospital: 01582 718312 All staff should read the Safe and Secure Management of Medicines policy and procedures CLP13 and CLPG13.

10 Now You need to take the Test. SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING Please click the ‘Test’ icon in the left column, and then click for Questions. EXAMPLE COURSE Remember to click the ‘Home’ icon when you finish the Test to save your results

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