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Published byLee Whitehead Modified over 9 years ago
1 Roadmap to Achieve 31.12.2011 RBM Targets THE GAMBIA January 2011 – December 2011
2 The Gambia Summary (Interventions & Services) Population at Risk: 1,790,083 Interventi on Operational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to end 2011Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) LLINs (Universa l Access) To sustain Universal coverage † † Universal coverage target was calculated e.g. 1 net for 2 persons Routine distribution : Total number of nets required to reach the operational target (Target group: pregnant women and < 5 through RCH Clinics) Routine distribution: Active nets already in the community # # based on number of nets already distributed in last three years Routine distribution: Total number of nets for which financing is already pledged Routine distribution: Number of nets for which financing has to be mobilized to achieve the operational target within 2011 Include funding total gap Total nets needed in 2011 = 223,716 Total nets already distributed = Mass LLIN in November 2010 (898,519) Total nets where financing is already pledged = 223,716 Nil=$0
3 The Gambia Summary (Interventions & Services) Intervention Operational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to end 2011 Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) ACTs To sustain Universal coverage* of malaria treatment with ACTs * universal coverage target whole population, population treated through the public health services and private not for profit sector Total number of doses to be made available during the year If possible split this data into delivery levels: health facilities, community case management and private sector) Doses already in stock Number of doses for which financing is already pledged or committed Number of doses for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target Total number of doses needed in 2011 = 386,632 Total doses already in stock = 655,450 Total ACTs doses where financing is already pledged = 386,632 Nil=$0
4 Country Summary (Interventions &Services) (Cont'd ) tOperational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to end 2011Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) IRS To sustain coverage of 100% of the population through spraying of 596,694 structures 596,694 structures to be sprayed protecting 100% of the population Cost Per Structure = $ 4 Insert the number of structures which can sprayed using existing resources Total number of structures for which financing is already pledged or committed =198,059 Number of structures for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target = 398,635 $ 1,594,541 RDTs and microsco py To sustain universal coverage† of parasitological diagnosis of suspected malaria cases †Coverage target is whole population, population treated through the public health services (Including CCM) and private not for profit sector. Total number of RDTs to be made available during the year = 1,165,050 RDTs already in stock No. of RDTs for which financing is already pledged or committed = 1,165,050 No. of RDTs for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target = 0 NIL Total number of microscopy tests to be made available during the year = 311,713 Microscopy tests already in stock Number of microscopy tests for which financing is already pledged or committed = 311,713 No. of microscopy tests for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target Total diagnosis targettotal diagnostics already in stock Total diagnostics already pledged Total gap in diagnostics
5 Country Summary (Interventions &Services) (Cont'd ) InterventionOperational objectives/targ ets for 2011 Need to end 2011Already coveredFunded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) IPTp To sustain Universal coverage Total number of doses to be made available during the year to cover 80% of pregnant women =122,667 doses ( 56,333 PW) Doses already in stock = 155,799 doses ( 51,933 PW) Number of doses for which financing is already pledged or committed = 122,667 doses ( 56,333 PW) Number of doses for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target = 0 NIL
6 Country Summary (Cross cutting issues) InterventionOperational targets/Objectives for 2011 Strategies/ActionsResource requirement (USD) Available budget (USD) Budget Gap (USD) M&E To provide reliable information on progress in controlling malaria To facilitate the implementation of the three-ones principle on M&E; To ensure adequate utilization of the results from M&E activities to improve implementation of identified activities; $792,310$733,875$58,435 BCC/IEC To increase to 80% the proportion of the population who take appropriate action to prevent and treat malaria through Behavioral Change Communication To conduct research on barrier to BCC To conduct BCC activities $1,074,973$1,014,973$60,000 Human Resources (Cap Bldg) To main well motivated health work force To provide incentive for health worker To create conductive work environment for health workers $1,020,296$978,296$42,000
7 Assumptions for calculating the needs (Quantity and Funding) to achieve 2011 Targets Justify the assumptions used for calculating the targets Universal Coverage for LLINs is planned at the Last Quarter of Year 4 (2013) therefore a routine distribution to target group has been calculated for 2011 Routine nets coverage calculated is based on 80% of pregnant women accessing ANC 100% of all new born accessing IWC. Parasitological diagnosis targets all age groups with 20% microscopy and 80% RDTs targeting 100 % of population attending public health services (includes health facilities, private not-for-profit health facilities and community case management) IPT is targeting all pregnant women base on 80% of pregnant women attending public health services (includes health facilities and private health facilities )
8 Implementation Plan - LLINs Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Delivery of LLIN from supplier Distribution of LLINs to service delivery points Monitoring and evaluation of routine LLIN distribution at services delivery points
9 LLIN resources available to achieve the 2011 targets (including timing of disbursements) Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Funds $ 1,058,470 to procure 188,206 LLINs GFATM The procurement process already started and delivery will be staggered. Funds $ 73,237 to deliver 188,206 LLINs GFATM Training of LLIN distributor, Transportation of LLINs, distribution cost Funds $ 295,815 to procure 45,510 LLINs IDB Funds $ 10,327 to deliver 45,510 LLINs IDB Routine Distribution
10 Implementation Plan - IRS Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Developed national IRS policy and guidelines Review and update IRS training manual Study tour on IRS in Zambia Training of regional vector control office on entomological surveillance Procurement of DDT and IRS equipment Transportation of DDT and IRS equipment from central regional stores Developed and print house stickers Train spray equipment technician Train district and regional supervisors Train Spray men on IRS procedures Orientate drivers on safety procedures Conduct House to House IRS Conduct Insecticide resistance studies Conduct Annual assessment of malaria cases at health facilities
11 IRS resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Funds $ 712,096 to spray 198,059 structures GFATM Funds $ X to spray 398,635 structures Government
12 Implementation Plan – Case Mgt Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Procurement of Antimalarial drugs and other suppliers Training of health workers on health management Training of health workers on IMNCI Training on pharmavigilance Procurement of laboratory equipment and supplies Procurement of RDTs Recruit and train lab. Assistants and Nurses on malaria microscopy Train village health workers on use of RDTs Expansion and refurbishment of laboratory services Train Mother and care givers on home management of malaria
13 Case Management resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of funding CommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Funds $ 318,902 to procure 386,632 doses ACTs GFATM Funds $ 19,095 to deliver 386,632 doses ACTs GFATM Funds $ 5,000 to deliver 386,632 doses ACTs MOH/GOV Funds $ 812,869 to procure 1,065,050 RDTs GFATM Funds $ 40,643 to deliver 1,065,050 RDTs GFATM Funds $ 75,000 to procure 100,000 RDTs IDB Funds $ 3,750 to deliver 100,000 RDTsIDB Funds $ 1,000 to deliver 1,165,005 RDTs MOH/GOV
14 Implementation Plan – IPTp Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Conduct training and retraining for health care providers on IPT Monitor IPT activities at health facility level Conduct IEC /BCC activities on IPT Print and distribute IPT Guidelines to health facilities
15 IPTp resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of funding CommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Funds $ 6,760 to procure 122,667 IPTp doses for 56,333 PW GFATM Funds $ 500 to distribute 122,667 of IPTp doses for 56,333 PW GOV/MOH
16 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Completion of MIS Completion of TET Conduct social mobilization, advocacy and BCC for malaria control and prevention Strengthen logistic management system Conduct monitoring and Evaluation of malaria control activities Strengthening CCM and parasite base diagnosis Strengthen the National malaria Sentinel surveillance system
17 Cross-cutting resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND $ 1,592,998 GFATM $ 44,490 IDB
18 Summary of technical assistance needs to end 2011 Area of Need Type of support requiredResources available Source of funding TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND LLINs Support evaluation of LLIN Mass Campaign IRS Development Of National IRS Policy and review and finalization of IRS guideline and training manual $18,750GFATM Support the Implementation of IRS ACT Setting up minilab for quality control Support to strengthen pharmacovigilliance system RDTs/mic roscopy Rolling out of RDTs at community level Cross cutting Review and Finalization of National Malaria Communication Strategy Support M IS 2010 Data Analysis and Report writing Program Managem ent / Partnersh ips Support National Program Review Support Finalization of the Strategic plan and Development of Malaria Business Plan and Annual Plan
19 Summary of rate-limiting factors/solutions over the next 12 months - threats Potential threats to achieving targets LMIS to generate consumption data for quantification of malaria commodities A detail GF approved implementation plan, policies and guidelines for IRS Health workers adherence to malaria treatment guidelines and protocol Early ANC booking for pregnant women Consistent used of LLINs by the general population
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