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Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea An Educator Of Adults ‘An individual confronted with the responsibility of becoming.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea An Educator Of Adults ‘An individual confronted with the responsibility of becoming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea An Educator Of Adults ‘An individual confronted with the responsibility of becoming an educator of adults learns partly by the process of participation and partly by his own examination of that process’ Houle, 1960

2 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Where is Wales?

3 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea WALESWALESWALESWALESCYMRU

4 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Training Community Tutors Judith James and Jean Preece

5 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Foundation in Technology  Delivered over 20 weeks  12 hours a week  14 Community Centres

6 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea The Course History 1989 Women in Technology (WIT) Women returners school hours & holidays, childcare support Included men redundant from pit closures & steel works

7 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Course Ethos “Begin at the beginning…” Friendly, flexible, non-threatening teaching Mutual trust and tolerance Interactive style of teaching reduces distance and builds trust

8 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Course Content ICT Word Processing Spread- sheets Database File Management PowerPoint Basic Concepts Internet E-mail ECDL

9 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Personal Development Daily diary Confidence building Job application skills Presentation skills CV writing Course includes

10 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Project  Students produce a project using all their new ICT skills  Topic - students choice i.e. football, coping with diabetes, history of the Lipizzaner, travel etc.  Experience in researching and information skills

11 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Provision in the Community “Learning contributes to social cohesion and fosters a sense of belonging, responsibility and identity. In communities affected by rapid economic change and industrial restructuring, learning builds local capacity to this change.” ‘The Learning Age’ DfEE 1998

12 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Community Centres

13 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Areas of deprivation (coal mines closed) Community Partnership Community centres of education and training located in: urban communities suffering social exclusion Pictures Glynneath Dove Isolated rural communities Urban communities suffering social exclusion

14 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Why We Developed Community Tutors  The course was attracting a large number of students who had not been successful in main stream education  Feedback revealed that students felt that “tutors came from a different world”

15 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Student Profile: educational participation femalemale First education or training since leaving school 38%43% Undertook further study66%57% Gained paid employment51%27%

16 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea »sessions on the course identified IT Tutors as a possible new career“ Dace developed more courses in new locations Successful students sought progression routes Guidance identified ICT Tutors as a possible career Why We Developed Community Tutors

17 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Criteria for Community Tutors motivatingpatience empathy enthusiasm encouraging

18 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea How We Developed Community Tutors Help! Benefits to Students “Having found this new world of computers to be totally captivating, and amazed with what one is able to achieve with a computer, …… ….I felt I had found this new career path I had been looking for. This was to pursue a new career in teaching other adults how to use computers” Stephanie

19 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea How We Developed Community Tutors  They were invited to work along side existing tutors as paid assistants for the duration of the complete 5 month course

20 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea “I used to joke with my FIT tutor, that if ever she got tired of her job would she please let me know.” Brenda

21 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea  Local recruiters “There weren’t many people in the village who escaped my clutches”. Nannette FIT Advantages of Using Local Community Tutors

22 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea  Empathy with students “As a tutor who has been an adult learner, I have a better understanding of where my students are coming from, and some of the fears they have.” Alison “Having been an adult learner, it gives me an insight and empathy with people…I understand their responsibilities, their fears and issues.” Karen Advantages of Using Local Community Tutors

23 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea  Wide range of life experience Here I was for the first time ever, redundant at the grand old age of 49 and awaiting surgery to have 2 replacement knee joints and no obvious job prospects for the future, not a very good year Peter Advantages of Using Local Community Tutors

24 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Tutor Training Practical and Theoretical  All tutors have completed the course themselves  Potential tutors work as a trainee alongside an experienced tutor  Study for formal teaching qualifications Further and Adult Education Teaching Certificate (FAETC)

25 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea My FIT tutor was inspirational she instilled in me a sense of the high standard that the course required as well as giving me the confidence to do it, she has a very good sense of humour and her story telling is legendary….. Mary

26 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Tutor Training Accreditation of Associate Tutors  Originally University required computing degree  Extensive negotiations  European Computer Driving Licence  Successful completion of FIT course  Further & Adult Education Teaching Certificate

27 Department of Adult Continuing Education University of Wales Swansea Training Community Tutors Judith James and Jean Preece

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