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Supporting learndirect Skills for Life Learners SLIM Learning Theme Tutor Training: Building Capacity in Skills for Life 8 th July 2004 Jane Ellis, Ufi.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting learndirect Skills for Life Learners SLIM Learning Theme Tutor Training: Building Capacity in Skills for Life 8 th July 2004 Jane Ellis, Ufi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting learndirect Skills for Life Learners SLIM Learning Theme Tutor Training: Building Capacity in Skills for Life 8 th July 2004 Jane Ellis, Ufi Ltd

2 Context Introduction of new framework for teaching and supporting SfL Continuing weaknesses highlighted by ALI (Adult Learning Inspectorate) Emphasis not only on reaching learners but delivering quality learning and progression

3 New standards for professional qualifications for SfL teachers and support staff NQF LevelQualificationRole 4Level 4 Cert for Adult Lit/Num/ESOL Subject Specialist Leads the learning 3Level 3 Cert for Adult Lit/Num/ESOL Subject Support Supports the learning 2Level 2 Cert for Adult Learner Support (Lit/Num/ESOL) Supports the learner

4 Lack of SfL Specialists Level 2 SfL support embedded Non specialist support Level 4 SfL support available to all learners Level 3 SfL support in centres or easily accessible Inconsistent quality across the network Lack of/out of date qualifications Consistent high quality support Improving support for learndirect Skills for Life learners….


6 Stage in Learning JourneyAppropriate Support Needed Screening is used to find out whether or not someone might have a literacy, language or numeracy need. SfL awareness training such as Unit 1 (Working in the Sector) of the Level 2 Certificate for Adult Learner Support. Initial assessment will help identify a learner’s skills against a level or levels within the national standards. Learners may have different levels of reading, writing, numeracy and language skill. Level 2 Certificate for Adult Learner Support (Lit/Num/ESOL) to facilitate use of the Initial Assessment tool. Can recommend a taster to help engage the learner before they have Diagnostic Assessment. Diagnostic assessment provides a detailed learner profile against the standards and curriculum documents. It will help identify skills and weaknesses and inform the learners ILP and learning programme. Level 2 Certificate for Adult Learner Support (Lit/Num/ESOL) to facilitate the use of the Diagnostic Assessment tool. Feedback of results should be given by SfL Level 3 or Level 4 tutor.

7 Negotiating ILPA tutor with Level 3 SfL qualification can draft the ILP with the learner. Verified by a Level 4 tutor. On-going facilitation Helping learners with simple problems with resources. Encouraging and motivating learners. Spotting need for intervention of Level 3 or 4 support. Member of staff with Level 2 Certificate for Adult Learner Support (Lit/Num/ESOL). Subject specific support should be supplied by Level 3 or 4 tutor as required by the learner. Progress Reviews Assessing the learners progress against their ILP. These should be carried out by Level 3 or 4 tutor. Where carried out by a Level 3 tutor they should be verified by the Level 4 tutor. Stage in Learning JourneyAppropriate Support Needed

8 What this means for centres Link centres/UK online centres need at least 1 person qualified to Unit 1 Level 2 Centres that are delivering SfL need at least 1 person qualified to Level 2 (e.g. Certificate for Adult Learner Support) Need to be able to access Level 3 support, but this may be at scheduled times and/or available ‘on call’ to the centre

9 What this means for centres (cont) Have access to Level 4 support – this may be remotely via email or telephone. This support could be provided by the National Tutor Service (NTS) Centres should be working closely with hubs to see what opportunities there are for professional development working towards this new framework

10 What this does not mean Centres can’t deliver SfL unless they have a Level 3 or 4 tutor in their venue at all times The Level 4 tutor has to be physically present in the venue, the contact can be by phone or email for example. We expect centres to be able to meet these requirements immediately

11 Steps to success…

12 Progress so far Draft guidance issued in 2003 to the network Promotion of local provision and initiatives e.g. via LSC Quality Initiatives and Professional Development Centres Work with Link Up – optional route for centre staff to become qualified to Level 2 by providing –Materials contextualised to learndirect –Access to trainers –Support with accreditation

13 Progress so far (cont) Train the Trainer – cascade training model Initial roll-out of Unit 1 Level 2 Certificate in Adult Learner Support to UK online network learndirect developing Level 3 Subject Specialist course –Meets generic qualifications specifications –Paper-based –Literacy and numeracy –First units scheduled to be available January 2005

14 Issues Lack of provision of new qualifications Relevance to e-learning environment Cost - £ and time Confusion over existing qualifications

15 The future Hubs have option to provide training for learndirect staff Links with local provision Aim for quality support for all Skills for Life learners in the learndirect/UK online network to ensure the learner –is signposted/referred if appropriate; –is on the right course; –learns and progresses; –completes their learning; –achieves their goals.

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