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Learner Induction 2014/2015 Tutor notes Welcome learners

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1 Learner Induction 2014/2015 Tutor notes Welcome learners
Learner Handbooks e-copies available via Moodle Sdrive.Inductions.Student

2 The aim of your induction
You will: Know more about the College Understand the services and facilities available to you Know what you can expect from us and what we expect from you Have time to ask questions Tutor notes Please use the first session of your course to introduce yourself, giving them some background information on the College and your course to your learners. We want learners to get the most out of their time with us and to make a full commitment to their course, to do this they need to be aware of what is expected from them: commitment; regular attendance; taking responsibility for their own learning; submitting work on time; respecting the property of the College, staff and other learners; and what they can expect from us: experienced and up-to-date teaching staff; punctuality; high quality teaching; supportive, inclusive learning; commitment to equal opportunities. Apart from your own personal introduction to your course what we have tried to do is set out on the following slides each of the general topics you should cover during the first session. The number on the bottom of the slide refers to the page number of the handbook. See page 5 for further information. Sdrive.Inductions.Student

3 College Mission “ The Adult College aims to provide lifelong learning opportunities for the community of Barking and Dagenham, to enable the development of knowledge, skills, judgement and creativity throughout adult life.” Sdrive.Inductions.Student

4 College Venues Ripple Road Fanshawe Crescent
Marks Gate Community Centre Sydney Russell Children’s Centre Sue Bramley Centre Gascoigne Centre (several schools used for Family Learning) See back page of prospectus for more details Sdrive.Inductions.Student

5 Mobile Phones Unless you have an emergency, please switch off mobile phones while you are in the classroom If you wish to record information or take pictures in your class you must get permission from your tutor Tutor Notes Please ensure that all learners are aware that mobile phones should be switched off during lessons. Make it clear that it is so as not to disrupt the learning process. If there are extenuating circumstances that require the student to keep their phone on, this is down to tutor discretion. Sdrive.Inductions.Student

6 In the event of the fire alarm sounding Please follow staff directions
Fire Safety Make sure you know the easiest way out of your classroom See the map on the classroom door that shows fire exits In the event of the fire alarm sounding Please follow staff directions immediately Tutor Notes Please make sure that your students understand the Health and Safety implications specific to your course. If the equipment is, in your view, insufficient please inform your curriculum manager. Above all get students into good health and safety practice from the word go! All students are obliged to conform to Health and Safety procedures. If students refuse your guidance in this respect they will not be allowed to continue the course. IF LEARNERS NEED ADDITIONAL SUPPORT IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY EVACUATION, PLEASE PASS THIS INFORMATION TO STUDENT SERVICES WHO WILL CONTACT THEM. Make sure students know where the fire exits are placed. There should be behind the door in each classroom indicating this and the fire assembly point. Sdrive.Inductions.Student

7 Smoking is NOT allowed anywhere on college sites
If you would like support in giving up smoking please see Student Services Tutor notes From the 1st January 2006, in line with Borough policy, and Tobacco Smoking (Public Places and Workplaces) Act, 1 July smoking will not be allowed anywhere on any sites. Any smokers must leave the college premises (building and grounds) to smoke. Sdrive.Inductions.Student

8 Keeping everyone informed
Would you like to be involved in: Influencing the direction of the College The Student Forum ‘The Learner’ Newsletter? Contact Student Services Tutor Notes – The College wants more learners to take part in activities which can help direct the college. Please ask learners if they would like to take part in this. THE LEARNER’S VOICE IS IMPORTANT TO US. Learner Forum. Every term, the Student Services team hold a Learner Forum where we discuss issues and important information affecting learners and changes they would like to see at the College. Dates will be advertised around the college and on Moodle. Please encourage your learners to attend and have an input into the College, we are there for them. Termly Questionnaires. Please make sure all learners are given the opportunity of completing a questionnaire about the college. They are issued termly. The Learner. This is issued termly by student services and includes information important to learners, interviews etc. It can be found in reception, in registers each month. If students would like to contribute, please contact Student Services (via reception). Sdrive.Inductions.Student

9 V.L.E. Our virtual learning environment is called Moodle and can be found at It will include learning resources, reference documents, assessments, surveys and much more and is as easy to use as the internet Your tutor will issue you with your password and username Sdrive.Inductions.Student

10 College Virtual Learning Environment
- Moodle (Virtual Learning Environment), is available to all staff and students and it is gradually being populated with lots of information about the College and your course, including all policies and procedures. It can be accessed from home or the College via the internet and its address is: Your personal username and password will be issued xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHECKOUT Sdrive.Inductions.Student

11 Key Policies The College has many policies, but the key ones include:
Health & Safety Safeguarding Learner Conduct and Performance Equalities and Diversity All policies are available from reception or on Moodle Sdrive.Inductions.Student

12 Health and Safety Your health, safety and welfare are important to the College. If you have any concerns or worries and would like to talk, speak to your tutor or Student Services. You will receive appropriate training related to your course and must follow H&S procedures explained to you. Tutor notes – Some courses will have particular Health and Safety requirements (e.g. art and craft courses). Please give details of these requirements to your students as appropriate. If in doubt, talk to your line manager. Sdrive.Inductions.Student

13 The College may need to talk to other agencies
Safeguarding The Adult College has a responsibility to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all learners If for any reason you or another learner feel unsafe, threatened or under pressure to do something that makes you uncomfortable, speak to Student Services The College may need to talk to other agencies about your disclosure. If any student brings issues to the tutor, or the tutor recognises problems that involves threats, malicious acts, including bullying, etc. They should support and direct the student to student services, who will take over the case. N.b. There is a safeguarding section on Moodle. Sdrive.Inductions.Student

14 Equalities and Diversity
The College welcomes everyone onto its courses and will help everyone achieve their potential and encourage all Learners to embrace diversity The College does not tolerate discrimination If you have any questions, comments or support needs please contact Student Services Equal Opportunities Policy The Adult College welcomes all, irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, creed, colour, race, age, physical or mental disability, social, economic or employment conditions. We promote and encourage learners to take a positive view of diversity. Equality Act 2010 Under the Race Relations Act the College must l eliminate unlawful discrimination, promote equality of opportunity promote good relations between people from different racial groups The College: will set targets to reduce any disadvantage suffered by any ethnic minority employees or learners, will create a positive, inclusive ethos that challenges racist or inappropriate behaviour and will seek to provide a supportive environment for those who make claims of discrimination Learner Behaviour Policy Any misconduct which the College deems to be in breach of the learners’ charter or its Racial Equality and Equal Opportunities principles will be dealt with under the Learner Behaviour Policy ALL POLICIES ARE AVAILABLE FROM RECEPTION Sdrive.Inductions.Student

15 Student Support We want you to succeed
It doesn’t matter what the issue is – we are here to help with confidential and impartial advice and support. Sdrive.Inductions.Student

16 Supplementary Services
Student Services offer free courses to all learners including: Study skills; Portfolio building; Online basics; Getting the most out of Moodle Sdrive.Inductions.Student

17 We are based in the Advice Lounge at Ripple Road – pop in and see us
Money to help you study We can help with: Course fees Childcare fees Books, materials & equipment Travel Food vouchers (under 18’s year olds) Trips and visits for your studies Specialist software All subject to eligibility We are based in the Advice Lounge at Ripple Road – pop in and see us Tutor Notes – Hardship fund There is a small hardship fund for learners who need specific equipment for their programme of study. The can complete a form at reception. In some cases, we will buy the resource but loan it to the learner for the period of their course. Who can apply? Learners who receive a means tested benefit Have been resident in the UK for at least 3 years. Can be on any college course It is issued on a first come first served basis. There is only a finite amount of funds. THERE MAY BE A POSSIBILITY THAT LEARNERS ON COURSES CAN APPLY FOR ADULT LEARNER GRANTS. THERE IS QUITE STRICT CRITERIA FOR THIS, more information is available from reception Sdrive.Inductions.Student

18 ACES ACES is the Adult College Employment Service which is designed to support you into employment Appointments are available Monday, Tuesday or Friday at our Ripple Road Campus Please speak with Sherrie or Tony in the Student Advice Lounge on the ground floor

19 Relax Our Café at the Ripple Road campus offers light refreshments
There is a Common Room at Fanshawe site with a vending service

20 GOOD LUCK We hope that you enjoy your time at the College and succeed in your studies.

21 Any Questions? Sdrive.Inductions.Student



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