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Project Management for Public Health Professionals February 2011 David Sabapathy, MD, MBA, PEng Department of Community Health Sciences 3 rd floor TRW.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Management for Public Health Professionals February 2011 David Sabapathy, MD, MBA, PEng Department of Community Health Sciences 3 rd floor TRW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Management for Public Health Professionals February 2011 David Sabapathy, MD, MBA, PEng Department of Community Health Sciences 3 rd floor TRW building Faculty of Medicine University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta Canada T2N 4Z6

2 Course Overview

3 Learning Objective Acquire practical skills to develop a Project Management Plan to effectively and efficiently achieve a health objective

4 Course Map  The Project Life Cycle – 5 Stages InitiationDefinitionPlanningExecutionClose-out 1.Idea 2.Authority 3.Project Charter 4.Design 5.Schedule 6.Resource Plan 7.Project Outcomes 8.Evaluation Project Management Plan

5 Week Outline  Workbook divided into 4 sections  Section 1 – Introduction to Project Management (Initiation)  Section 2 – Project Definition  Section 3 – Project Planning  Section 4 – Project Execution and Close-out (Intro only)  Friday – Final Presentations

6 Week Schedule  Section 1: Introduction to Project Management  Day 1 (a.m.)Course overview, Introduction to Project Management including Project Initiation  Day 1 (p.m.)Teams form and identify projects, begin Project Charter  Section 2: Project Definition  Day 1 (a.m.)Project Charter  Day 1 (p.m.)Teams complete Activity Module 1  Day 2 (a.m.)Project Design  Day 2 (p.m.)Teams complete Activity Module 2  Section 3: Project Planning  Day 3 (a.m.)Project scheduling, Resource Planning  Day 3 (p.m.)Teams complete Activity Module 3  Section 4: Execution, Close-Out and Cultural-Sensitivity  Day 4 (a.m.)Project Execution and Close-out, Cultural Sensitivity  Day 4 (p.m.)Teams prepare final project management plan and presentation  Final Presentations and Course Wrap-up  Day 5 (a.m.)Final presentations  Day 5 (p.m.)Course wrap-up and evaluation

7 Specific Learning Objectives 1.Describe a project management approach, its benefits and limitations and criteria for success 2.Outline how to complete the project life cycle’s stages and outcomes 3.Use the project life cycle to address a health priority for a developing country  Initiation –Conceive of a project idea –Identify the project sponsor and stakeholders  Project definition –Develop a project charter –Complete a preliminary project design by selecting a solution –Complete a detailed project design with work breakdown schedule and apportionment  Project planning –Develop a project schedule and Gantt chart –Prepare a resource plan including a project budget 4.Develop a strategy to implement project management for a health priority in a way that is culturally-suitable and enables uptake

8 Topics for Section 1: Intro to Project Management  Project Management Approach  Difference between project and program  Project examples (Tanzania and Canada)  Pros/cons of alternatives to project management  Benefits and limitations  Criteria for project success  Project Management Components  Stages  Outcomes  Project management tools  Project Life Cycle: Stage 1 - Initiation  Idea  Authority

9 Topics for Section 2: Project Definition  Project Life Cycle: Stage 2 – Project Definition  Project charter  Project design – Preliminary – Design options – Design evaluation  Project design – Detailed – Work breakdown structure – Apportionment

10 Topics for Section 3: Project Planning  Project Life Cycle: Stage 3 – Project Planning  Project scheduling  Gantt charts  Budgeting

11 Topics for Section 4: Project Execution and Close-out  Project Life Cycle: Stages 4,5 – Execution and Close-out  Project execution principles  Evaluation framework

12 Table of Specifications ObjectivesInstructional strategyCognitivePsychomotorAffective% 1.Project Management Approach Lectures10 2.Project Life Cycle Lectures10 3.Initiation Lectures and group activity,presentations 55515 4.Project Definition Lectures and group activity,presentations 510 25 5.Project Planning Lectures and group activity,presentations 510 25 6.Project Execution and Close-out Lectures55 7.Culturally-sensitive Project Management Lectures10 Total % 453025100

13 Learning Method In-Class Case Study Activity Modules x 3 Project Management Plan

14 Learning Method Key Concepts are in Green Boxes!

15 Grading Evaluation Method% of Final MarkDue Date Activity modules (3) 1.Project charter 2.Project design 3.Project scheduling and resource plan 20% Days 1-4 Team presentation (1) Project Management Plan to Achieve a Key Health Objective 40% Day 5 Total 100%

16 In-Class Case Study  Instructor-lead case study using didactic material  Project Charter  Project Design  Project Scheduling

17 Activity Modules x 3  Activity modules (3 x 20%)  Project Charter  Project Design  Project Scheduling  Follow exactly from didactic case study examples  Work in same groups as for final presentation

18 Project Management Plan  Day 5 - Presentation of Project Management Plan (40%)  Project Management Plan = Compilation of 3 activity modules  Work in “Project Teams”; 4 groups of 4-5 students each – Each student has a unique role on the Project Team  Each team has a unique idea and project  Each team has a unique constraint  Oral presentation to the “Project Sponsor” including activity module hand-outs (1 per team plus instructor)

19 Triple Constraint ScopeTime Resources Team

20 Overview

21 Project Management for Public Health Professionals February 2011 David Sabapathy, MD, MBA, PEng Department of Community Health Sciences 3 rd floor TRW building Faculty of Medicine University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta Canada T2N 4Z6

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