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Internet of Things: Design Decisions & ?!!

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1 Internet of Things: Design Decisions & ?!!
NETW 1010 Internet of Things: Design Decisions & ?!! Dr. Eng. Amr T. Abdel-Hamid Fall 2013

2 Smart Project Course Project:
The proposition and prototyping of a CREATIVE IOT system in the following fields: Home Campus Office Project groups are AFTER EED (KOL SANA WENTOM BEKHER) 5 persons Max. Not from the same Department Course Page: Smart

3 Proposed Solutions Random Work Per Idea
Leave it to You to finish it then Randomize the rest?

4 IRing: Anti-Cheating RING

5 IRing: Remote Control

6 Mobile Communication Module
IRing Architecture 1,3 cm * 1.8 cm Hard Limit Mobile Communication Module (GPRS/SMS) Sim/ MicroSim Processor Power Supply (Battery) GPS Power Manger

7 Models and Architectures
Models are conceptual views of the system’s functionality Architectures are abstract views of the system’s implementation Model: a set of functional objects and rules for composing these objects Architecture: a set of implementation components and their connections

8 Example: An Elevator Controller Model

9 Example: An Elevator Controller Architecture
Memory I/O CLC Processor Flip-Flops I/O Ports Hardware (RTL) Description System Level (General Purpose Proc.)

10 Design Decisions Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely
Functionality: build your MODEL? What to add and what to remove? SET a SMART Requirements Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely

11 Design Questions How much Power is needed? Is power an issue?
Average Current needed? Max. Transient Current Do I need communications/Networking module? How far? (Distance Travelled) Authorized Frequencies Antenna Size Required Power It is 1 device or in a network? Do I need routing? …………

12 Data Rate

13 Transmission Range

14 Power Dissipation

15 IOT EXTRA Design Challenges
Larger Scale: Scalability, the ability of a network to support the increase of its limiting parameters. We discuss the first four scalability issues here. Large Network Size: In the Internet of Things, we are talking about interaction with thousands of devices in one place. Massive Number of Events: A significant challenge is posed by the enormous number of events generated by objects. Mobility Rate: Higher mobility rate causes more breakage of links and causes more routing information becoming out-of-date. Heterogeneous Devices: In the Internet of Things there is a wide variety of hardware and devices, in all shapes and sizes.

16 IOT EXTRA Design Challenges (cont.)
Spontaneous Interaction: Sudden interactions happen as the objects move around and come into other objects’ wireless range. This leads to the spontaneous generation of events. Zero Infrastructure: In the Internet of Things setting, devices need to discover each other as well as the resources provided by other devices in the surroundings. The challenge here is that there is no fixed infrastructure to manage resource publication, discovery and communication.

17 IOT GENERIC Architecture
Processing API Communication Module Sensor/ Actuator Communication API Database Database API Processor Power Supply (Battery) Power Manger

18 Hardware Node

19 Controller Four important factors for the controller
Number of transistors -> size, cost, power Number of clock cycles -> power Time to MARKET-> cost, acceptance Nonrecurring engineering cost (NRE) -> cost, acceptance  Ideal: Minimize all factors at the same time!

20 Controller technology
Controller vary in their customization for the problem at hand total = 0 for i = 1 to N loop total += M[i] end loop Desired functionality General-purpose processor Application-specific processor Single-purpose processor

21 Architectures Application-specific architectures
Controller architecture, Single-purpose processor General-purpose processors Complex instruction set computer (CISC) Reduced instruction set computer (RISC) ….

22 General-purpose processors
Programmable device used in a variety of applications Also known as “microprocessor” Features Program memory General datapath with large register file and general ALU User benefits Low time-to-market and NRE costs High flexibility “Pentium” the most well-known, but there are hundreds of others IR PC Register file General ALU Datapath Controller Program memory Assembly code for: total = 0 for i =1 to … Control logic and State register Data memory

23 Single-purpose processors
Digital circuit designed to execute exactly one program a.k.a. FPGA/ASIC Features Contains only the components needed to execute a single program No program memory Benefits Fast Low power Small size Datapath Controller Control logic State register Data memory index total +

24 Application-specific processors
Programmable processor optimized for a particular class of applications having common characteristics Compromise between general-purpose and single-purpose processors Features Program memory Optimized datapath Special functional units Benefits Some flexibility, good performance, size and power Controller Datapath Control logic and State register Registers Custom ALU IR PC Data memory Program memory Assembly code for: total = 0 for i =1 to …

25 Processors Comparision

26 Tasks of the controller
Running of (real time) data processing and communication protocols Perform and control the application program Energy management of the node Different operation modes available (active, idle, listen, sleep, etc.)

27 Energy management of controller
Example: Power state machine of StrongARM-1100


29 Communication interfaces
Communication interface is required to exchange data with other devices Typical communication media Radio Infrared (IR) Communication interface has high energy consumption Radio interface consumes the most energy usually

30 ISM Frequencies Worldwide

31 Radio Communication interfaces

32 Power supply  Energy is the most critical resource in a battery operated device (sensor node, “thing”) Energy supply has two tasks Provision of electrical energy Typically with batteries Conversion of other energy forms Extraction of energy from the environment Energy harvesting

33 Energy consumption of sensor nodes
Energy characteristic of the components Radio interface consumes the most energy Ratio of energy requirements of CPU / radio interface E(1 Instruction of CPU) : E(Sending of 1 bit) ≈1:1500 – 1:2900 Send and receive operations are roughly equal expensive Best energy consumption reduction: switch-off radio Flash-Memory has high energy requirements Write operation ~900 times more expensive than read operation Processor not so critical Typically several power modes available Sensors / Actors Varies between components and difficult to predict GPS is the WOREST I saw

34 Power Solutions Reduction of energy by more processing and less data transmission is becoming essential Image recognition in Camera? NO GENERAL Solution Discuss solutions and power modeling/calculations next lecture

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