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Opening Doors, A Perspective On Improving the Employment Prospects For Newcomers Bonni Titgemeyer CEBS, SPHR, CHRP, CMS Managing Director The Employers’

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Doors, A Perspective On Improving the Employment Prospects For Newcomers Bonni Titgemeyer CEBS, SPHR, CHRP, CMS Managing Director The Employers’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Doors, A Perspective On Improving the Employment Prospects For Newcomers Bonni Titgemeyer CEBS, SPHR, CHRP, CMS Managing Director The Employers’ Choice Inc.

2 Agenda The story I tell with pride... Lessons and tips for newcomers and those who help them. Observations regarding employment practices. Tips for employers.

3 Why I chose to do this particular presentation... As the Program Coordinator at Sheridan, I connect with many newcomers, who must go through the system even if they are experienced professionals. As a Past President of the Peel Chapter of the HRPAO, I see so many professionals who struggle with breaking into the field. I see the lost opportunities they have for utilizing the best of their experience in transitioning to the Canadian environment. Hungry for the opportunity to share.

4 It Takes a Village All in this room know that it takes all the parties working together to improve the employment prospects for newcomers The Community Newcomers Educational system Employers

5 Opening Doors— Tips for Newcomers and Those Who Help Them (A Company Human Resources Perspective)

6 Tips For Newcomers Be yourself. Don’t over-rely on job boards and electronic searches. The job market is hidden. Broad searches backfire. Aiming at one thing has a better chance of success than aiming at everything and hoping you hit something.

7 Tips for Newcomers (continued) It is a global economy. Use your existing assets wherever you can. –Pride shows confidence. –A Spanish-speaking student who was aiming for an HR Manager position was noticed when he successfully helped to fill a hard-to-fill technology position from a Spanish-speaking country in Latin America. –Another student was hired because he spoke the language of the majority in the manufacturing facility, thereby bridging a management gap.

8 Tips for Newcomers (continued) If you struggle with English, do something about it. The cruel reality is that no matter how great your experience is, employers still select on the basis of communication skills.

9 Tips for Newcomers (continued) Learn to network. –Make the investment in a related association. –Attend industry gatherings. –Focus on making friends and not getting a job. –Understand that networking involves an exchange. You have to do a favour to be able to ask for a favour. Giving to others comes back in spades.

10 What Are Your Successes That You Can Share? How has networking helped you? What are your own lessons?

11 Tips for Newcomers (continued) Take advantage of mentoring programs. –Example, in the HR field most chapters have mentoring programs. –Become a Big Brother or Sister, and meet and network with others who may be able to help you. 10 seconds, that’s all you get. Don’t overload your resume. Keep it clean. Have someone proofread it. Get professional help.

12 Tips for Newcomers (continued) Prepare for interviews. –Understand how behaviour-based interviewing works. Past experience predicts capability. Tell me about a time when... –Practice the most-often used questions.

13 Sample Questions—Could You Do It? Give me an example of a time when you were able to communicate successfully with another person, even when that individual may not have personally liked you. Tell me about a time when it was critical that you had to get a point across. What was the issue, how did you convey it, and what was the result?

14 Sample Questions—Could You Do It? Give me an example of a time when you used your fact-finding skills to gain information needed to solve a problem; then tell me how you analyzed the information and came to a decision.

15 Tips for Newcomers (continued) DO NOT make a phone call to a prospective employer just to ask “Did you receive my resume?” Understand that the problem of under- employment of newcomers is recognized and that there are people out there doing something about it. Help them to help you. Rejection means that you are doing something and every no is a step closer to yes.

16 Tips for Newcomers (continued) Understand the hiring process. –Do your homework. Find out about the industry, the company’s structure and decision-making process, the responsibilities. Read the website, research. Understand the pay market – – –In all likelihood, it will take 2-3 interviews and potentially employment testing to get the job. –Reputable employers use written offers. –Ok to review before signing back. –Ok to propose changes.

17 Observations Regarding Employers and Employment Practices

18 Observations HR is limited in employers with less than 100 employees. The lack of sophistication regarding the handling of immigrant information is a deterrent to hiring newcomers.

19 Observations Employers overuse/improperly use behaviour-based interviewing. –Experience vs. attitude –Are you capturing transferable skills?

20 Observations (continued) Sometimes, you can’t be flexible. –Newcomers have adjustment issues, and it is perceived that they need more time off than the average worker. –Smaller employers in a tight market may take the risk to higher a newcomer, but may not be able to offer flexibility.

21 What Can NCON Agencies Do to Help Employers?

22 Tips for Employers

23 Think of diversity as an integrated part of organizational strategy. –Not on the shelf. –Not as pictures on the wall. –But as a regular part of your strategic plan. An element of training and development. As a means to bridging gaps. As part of how the business grows.

24 Other Tips to Improve the Experience of Newcomers and the Rest of Your Team Plain language policies. Job descriptions. Invest in orientation and team- building exercises. Invest in ESL.

25 Questions?

26 I would love to connect with you Bonni Titgemeyer 905-874-1035 x. 431 2 County Court Blvd., Suite 430 Brampton, ON L6W 3W8

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