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V.Gavrilov 1, I.Golutvin 2, V.Ilyin 3, O.Kodolova 3, V.Korenkov 2, L.Levchuk 4, E.Tikhonenko 2, S.Shmatov 2,V.Zhiltsov 2 1- Institute of Theoretical and.

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Presentation on theme: "V.Gavrilov 1, I.Golutvin 2, V.Ilyin 3, O.Kodolova 3, V.Korenkov 2, L.Levchuk 4, E.Tikhonenko 2, S.Shmatov 2,V.Zhiltsov 2 1- Institute of Theoretical and."— Presentation transcript:

1 V.Gavrilov 1, I.Golutvin 2, V.Ilyin 3, O.Kodolova 3, V.Korenkov 2, L.Levchuk 4, E.Tikhonenko 2, S.Shmatov 2,V.Zhiltsov 2 1- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia 2- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 3 – Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia 4 – National Scientific Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine GRID’2012 JINR, Dubna, July 20, 2012 CMS Experiment Data Processing at RDMS CMS Tier 2 Centers CMS Tier1 and Tier 2 Sites

2 Russia Russian Federation  Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino  Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow  Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow  Moscow State University, Institute for Nuclear Physics, Moscow  Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, RAS, St.Petersburg  P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow Associated members:  High Temperature Technology Center of Research & Development Institute of Power Engineering, Moscow  Russian Federal Nuclear Centre – Scientific Research Institute for Technical Physics, Snezhinsk  Myasishchev Design Bureau, Zhukovsky  Electron, National Research Institute, St. Petersburg Georgia  High Energy Physics Institute, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi  Institute of Physics, Academy of Science,Tbilisi Ukraine  Institute of Single Crystals of National Academy of Science, Kharkov  National Scientific Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov  Kharkov State University, Kharkov Uzbekistan  Institute for Nuclear Physics, UAS, Tashkent Dubna Member States Armenia  Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan Belarus  Byelorussian State University, Minsk  Research Institute for Nuclear Problems, Minsk  National Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk  Research Institute for Applied Physical Problems, Minsk Bulgaria  Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia  University of Sofia, Sofia JINR  Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna Composition of the RDMS CMS Collaboration the RDMS CMS Collaboration was founded in Dubna in September 1994 RDMS - Russia and Dubna Member States CMS Collaboration

3 RDMS Full Responsibility RDMS Participation ME1/1 HE SEMEEE FS HF RDMS Participation in CMS Construction


5  Data Processing and Physics Analysis  Reconstruction & Object Performance  Calibration and alignment  Monte Carlo simulation  Design, production and installation of Detector System(Upgrade Activity) H-like (125.2 GeV)  Z 0 Z 0  4  RDMS activities in CMS ME1/1 muon chambers designed and produced in Dubna

6 RDMS CMS T2 association Now Future interest Analysis Groups Exotica: T2_RU_JINR Exotica: T2_RU_INR HI: T2_RU_SINP QCD: T2_RU_PNPI Electroweak: T2_UA_KIPT Top: T2_RU_SINP FWD: T2_RU_IHEP Object/Performance Groups Muon: T2_RU_JINR e-gamma-ECAL: T2_RU_INR JetMET-HCAL: T2_RU_ITEP H-like  Z 0 Z 0  2  2e

7 Forward Physics Observation of diffraction in minbias events at LHCSINP MSU Study of 2 jet production in hard single diffraction IHEP, SINP MSU, Erevan Study of 2 jet production in central diffraction IHEP, ITEP, SINP, Erevan Search for BFKL effects at di-jet production PNPI, ITEP,INR Higgs Search for Higgs bosons in decays into 2 photons, 4 leptons, 2 leptons JINR, ITEP, MSU, Kharkov and 2 jets, 2 leptons and 2 neutrinos QCD Measurement of the gamma+jet cross-sections JINR, ITEP, SINP Study of Bose-Einstein correlations JINR Study of jet shapes JINR, ITEP, SINP Study of jet fragmentation SINP MSU, ITEP EWK Measurement of DY muon pair production JINR, Minsk, Gomel Measurement of forward-backward asymmetry in muon pair productionJINR Measurement of triple boson couplings Minsk Top physics Observing the t-channel single top process IHEP, SINP SUSY Search for sleptons and lepton flavor number violation INR Exotics Search for heavy neutrino and W R INR Search for new resonances (extra dimensions, Z’ and other exotic states) in DY JINR Search for non-resonance di-muon signals from ADD and compositeness JINR Heavy Ion QGP hard probes (heavy quarkonia and jets) and soft probes (elliptic flow) SINP MSU, LPI RDMS CMS in Physics analysis

8 8 CMS T2 requirements Basic requirements to CMS VO T2 sites for Physics group hosting: a) info on contact persons responsible for site operation b) site visibility (BDII) c) availability of CMSSW actual version d) regular file transfer test “OK” e) Certified links with CMS T1:  2 up and  4 down f) CMS Hammer Cloud test “OK” g) Nominal T2-site: 9.8 kHS06 of Processing Resources 620TB of Disk space: 30TB of Stage-­ ‐ Out Space 200TB of Group Space (100TB per group) 150TB of Central Space 120TB of Regional Space 120TB of User Space (~40 Users of 3TB each)

9 T2 readiness requirements Site visibility and CMS VO support Availability of disk and CPU resources Daily SAM availability > 80% Daily HummerCloud tests efficiency > 90% Commissioned (active) links TO Tier-1 sites ≥ 2 Commissioned (active) links FROM Tier-1 sites ≥ 4

10 RDMS CMS sites availability during last month

11 Status of RDMS sites readiness on 18 July, 2012 ( R –Ready; NR – Not Ready)

12 CPU time consumed by CMS VO at all CMS sites and at RDMS CMS sites (August 2011-July 2012) 267,434,620 kSI2K 11% - consumed by Russian CMS users All CMS sites RDMS CMS sites

13 Moscow 1 Gbps (ITEP, SINP MSU, LPI) IHEP (Protvino) 1 Gbps JINR (Dubna) 20 Gbps INR RAS (Troitsk) 1 Gbps PNPI (Gatchina) 1 Gbps KIPT (Kharkov) 1 Gbps SCPPHE (Minsk) 34 Mbps ErPI (Erevan) 34 Mbps IHEP (Tbilisi) 34 Mbps INRNE (Sofia) 100 Mbps RDMS CMS connectivity

14 Data transfer volumes and rates (August 2011 – July 2012) 14 To Russian CMS sites From Russian CMS sites ~ 400TB ~ 160TB

15 Data transfer volumes and rates (August 2011 – July 2012) 15 >5 TB From T2_UA_KIPT to CMS sites To T2_UA_KIPT site ~ 80TB

16 CMS group-site associations for RU&UA sites: Space summary 16 July, 2012 April, 2012 July, 2012

17 JINR-KIPT Common Activities in CMS Computing Support Cooperation between JINR and KIPT (Kharkov, Ukraine) has been supported by 3 grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and Ukrainian Academy of Science:  08-07-90410-Ukr_a (2008-2009) “Preparation of LIT JINR (Dubna) and NSC KIPT (Kharkov) computing centers for CMS (CERN) distributed data analysis on the base of grid technologies” – completed (see: Bunetsky O. O. et al., Preparation of NSC KIPT and JINR Grid-Infrastructures for Data Analysis at the CMS Experiment (CERN), P11-2010-11, Dubna, 2010,  10-07-90400-Ukr_а (2010-2011) “Support and development of LIT JINR and NSC KIPT grid-infrastructures for CMS distributed data processing during the first two years of LHC operation” – completed  12-07-90402-Ukr_а (2012-2013) “Data processing at the LIT JINR and NSC KIPT T2-centers of the CMS grid infrastructure at high rate of the Large Hadron Collider luminosity increase” – in a progress

18 RDMS Remote Operation Centres  Monitoring of detector systems  Data Monitoring / Express Analysis  Shift Operations (except for run control)  Communications of JINR shifter with personal at CMS Control Room (SX5) and CMS Meyrin centre  Communications between JINR experts and CMS shifters  Coordination of data processing and data management  Training and Information 18 JINR ROC was founded in 2009 as a part of GRID-based JINR Tier-2 MSU/IHEP ROCs were started-up two years after

19 Summary RDMS Computing infrastructure allows a proper support of the CMS Data Processing and Analysis Tasks  Tier-2 sites are fully satisfied to CMS Computing Requirements  they are involved actively into data processing and analysis (as of CMS Physics Groups associated sites)  CMS Regional Operation Centers in JINR/MSU/IHEP/FIAN are operated for remote monitoring of detector systems and data express-analysis A few sites want for increasing of their resources and operation stability A stable and successful operation of several RDMS CMS Tier2 centers and years of operating experience force us to the proposal to create the LCG Tier-1 center as an integral part of the central data handling service of the LHC Experiments in Russia (CMS Tier-1 in Dubna)

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