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Mobile Ghent Mobile positioning data and transport: a theoretical, methodological and empirical discussion 24 October 2013 Bert van Wee Delft University.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Ghent Mobile positioning data and transport: a theoretical, methodological and empirical discussion 24 October 2013 Bert van Wee Delft University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Ghent Mobile positioning data and transport: a theoretical, methodological and empirical discussion 24 October 2013 Bert van Wee Delft University of Technology The Netherlands

2 Presentation: focus on travel behaviour Theoretical options follow (mainly) from data. Therefore: data first Not addressed, but very relevant: Privacy restricted versus not. Privacy, availability, legal aspects: probably dynamic. Role of government very important Open systems: more difficult to manage

3 Methods / data (partly linked to theory) Way more data – larger numbers, statistical significance Cheaper Better quality (though not always) External quality checks Use of ‘wisdom of the crowds’ Easier to collect More options for (consistent) longitudinal data collection

4 Methods / data (continued) Solution of underreporting short trips Solution for respondents getting tired of repeatedly reporting Rare events / difficult to select target groups. Start selecting people at destination (as opposed to panel / selection via questions)

5 Methods (partly linked to theory) Combine ‘origin based’ (persons) with destination based (activity/destination) Why would people participate? Rewards. (Airmiles)

6 Theory: Why impacts theory: More data (numbers, data per person) (non)response, disaggregation, impact behaviour Not really fundamentally different. Nevertheless:

7 Theory: Options to test new theoretical assumptions e.g. due to larger numbers, more data per person Options to discover new insights or formulate hypotheses not based on a priori theory (Grounded Theory, data mining). A bit risky, but also new challenges Options to disaggregate further (e.g. mobility trends for specific groups of people)

8 Theory: More locational detail: enrich related theories. More longitudinal data: causalities. Examples: Testing theory of constant Travel Time Budgets: multiple days, also short trips. Desaggregations. Route choice under multiple conditions (e.g. weather) Mode choice in case of changing mode choice (1 person) Shopping behaviour (incl. fun shopping)

9 However Practice so far: The more (bigger) data, the less theoretical underpinnings, the less quality of analyses Data mining Maybe lack of awareness quality data Ignorance of self-selection effects (e.g. leave smartphone at home for short trips; PT: smart phone users versus others) Privacy (may even be linked to self-selection)

10 Empirical Adaptive and flexible event management What do people do in case of emergency? Otherwise very difficult to measure Time space geography: action spaces: more and better data Traffic flow (road, cars): many data, dynamics over time, input for Satnav, short term forecasting: 1.changes in speeds, flows 2.if people would announce destination

11 Walking, cycling (now often poor data) Travel and activities during holiday Better links between travel and activities: not only ‘shopping’ but what kind of shopping (working, recreation)


13 Recreational travel behaviour (some studies ignore recreational travel) Discover ‘bottlenecks’ / validate complaints of citizens ‘Objective’ data for prioritization of plans

14 Maybe police: Speeding Drivers of lorries: too long hours? However: Legal aspects Privacy (big brother is watching you)

15 Other remarks We need to learn. Risk of publication bias: only successful projects reported. Network important! This topic: one of many on Big (and partly open) Data. Learn from lessons outside transport! Lot of literature in other areas (ICT), lot of grey literature

16 Primary reflection: substitution for other data collection methods. Practice: generation (new ideas, new options). Future will show I overlooked key impacts on theory, data, empirical options. Reasons why we have mobile position based data has an impact on behaviour. E.g. train instead of car because of being online.









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