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Programming in ISIS an introduction (by E. de Smet, Univ. of Antwerp)

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1 Programming in ISIS an introduction (by E. de Smet, Univ. of Antwerp)

2 Why programming in a database ? Extension of functions which are lacking, e.g. in ISIS/DOS : printing first occurrence only, limiting length of output etc. Solving problems which are a-typical, e.g. GMOD : global changes in database, changing tags of fields, adding subfields in all records etc. Adding ‘interface’ e.g. more user-friendly ways of dealing with the software

3 3 types of ISIS-programming 1. ISIS/Pascal : as ‘format exits’ or as ‘menu exits’ – format exits : ISIS/DOS and WinISIS, no ‘interface’ – menu exits : only ISIS/DOS 2. ISISDLL : GUI applications based on pre- programmed ISIS-functions in DLL, running (in- or) outside WinISIS 3. ISIS-plugins : GUI applications based on any language but with links to running ISIS-environment (open database, PFT..), running within WinISIS (not yet fully implemented)

4 ISIS/Pascal : Format Exits small functions for processing not available in Formatting Language, mostly processing database values, e.g. – lenlim : limit output of field to max. length – occ1 : take only first occurrence simple example : hello.pas Program HELLO(s1:string, lw,occ:real, s2:string)[FORMAT]; Begin s2:=s1; End. calling in PFT : &hello(‘Hello !’)

5 ISIS/Pascal : Menu Exits small, upto full-fledged programs to be run as an option in an ISIS/DOS menu or as ‘R’ in the ‘Advanced Programming Services’ main-menu item (not WinISIS) e.g. : GMOD (global changes), ODIN (data entry), IRIS (searching), Heurisko… example : Program HELLO[MENU]; Begin {very beginning of program} Clear; {clears the screen in DOS-window) Cursor(11,11);{puts cursor at position x=11 y=11} Writeln(‘HELLO !'); {writes text at cursorposition} End. {very end of program} (does not run in WinISIS because of ‘interface’)

6 Exercise : your own ‘hello’ program 3 steps : – Writing the ‘source’ with text-editor – Compiling the source to ‘binary’ with WinISIS – Running the program from a format Writing source : beware of small things, esp. interpunction ! E.g. :=, ;, “ vs. ‘ ‘ etc. Compiling (not on NTFS-disks..) and debugging, using debug-info from WinISIS Run in PFT : &HELLO(‘your text’)

7 ISISDLL Programming ISISDLL : a ‘library’, dynamically linked into other programmes invoking standard functions pre- programmed in the DLL, taking away the need to deal with most complicated ISIS-input/output operations most used programming environments : – C++- JAVA – Visual Basic – Delphi (Pascal) modern programming is ‘object’-based : all parts are objects with properties and ‘methods’ – e.g. PFTText.text is the ‘text’property of the input-object PFTText) – srcMFN.MFN = MFN part of the ‘structure’ srcMFN in which all MFN’s are put by function call IsisSrcMfnMap(a,0,0,i,i,srcMFN)

8 ISISDLL : the components programmed and provided for free by : BIREME (and UNESCO) at ISISDLL.DLL : the real library file ISIS001.* (.PAS for Delphi) : constants and structure declarations ISIS32.* (.PAS for Delphi) : declarations for all DLL functions current release : v.7 (fall 2001)

9 ISISDLL Programming (2) e.g. functions to open a database, read and format a record (in Delphi) : – a:= IsisAppNew; {creates a temporary memory space for an ISIS- application} – h:= IsisSpaNew(a); {creates a new ISIS_DLL space} – r:= IsisSpaMf(h, PChar(PChar(dbText.Text ))); {organises memory to contain one record of the database given in dbText and all necessary database-elements} – r:= IsisRecRead(h, 0, srcMfn.mfn); {reads MFN into memory} – r:= IsisSpaPft(h, PChar(pftText.Text)); {puts the whole Formatting Language in memory to work with the PFT as given in pftText} – r:=IsisRecFormat(h, 0, Area, 60000); {actually formats the current record according to the current selected format and puts the output in the memoryspace Area}

10 ISISDLL programming example WinIRIS : simple searching in Windows features : – database selection and PFT selection (file or actual formatting statements) – about box – dictionary consultation while typing search terms with Windows-style Ctrl or Shift-click for multiple selection – immediate results display only 260 lines of code, thanks to ISISDLL ! Most of them generated by ‘rapid graphical programming environment’ WinIRIS Delphi project

11 WinISIS plugins WinISIS plug-in : executable softwares, inserted in WinISIS-menu’s, knowing how to read the actual database and configuration (PFT, record, IF etc.) adding into menu (= database MSENDF.MST) FreeText search[CALL freetext.exe] will allow ‘FreeText’ plugin to be invoked from the menu waiting for the specs (’API’)… still not officially released

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