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1 Software Development Infrastructure for Sensor Networks  Operating systems ( TinyOS )  Resource (device) management  Basic primitives  Protocols.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Software Development Infrastructure for Sensor Networks  Operating systems ( TinyOS )  Resource (device) management  Basic primitives  Protocols."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Software Development Infrastructure for Sensor Networks  Operating systems ( TinyOS )  Resource (device) management  Basic primitives  Protocols (MAC, routing) {covered in many previous lectures}  Programming languages and runtime environments  Low level (C, nesC)  Very high level abstractions ( Regiment )  Services needed  Synchronization of clocks ( RBS )  Propagation of new code to all nodes ( Trickle )  Localization {not today}

2 2 Maintenance overheads Radio transmission scheduling (e.g. TDMA) + Route discovery & maintenance + Clock synchronization + Code propagation protocol + Sensor data delivery System Application Be aware of all the background message activity when designing application-level suppression.

3 Programming Platform for Sensor Networks: TinyOS Complements of Jun Yang With contents from D.-O. Kim, D. Culler, W. Xu

4 4 Challenges in programming sensors  WSN usually has severe power, memory, and bandwidth limitations  WSN must respond to multiple, concurrent stimuli  At the speed of changes in monitored phenomena  WSN are large-scale distributed systems

5 5 Traditional embedded systems  Event-driven execution and real-time scheduling  General-purpose layers are often bloated ! microkernel  Strict layering often adds overhead ! expose hardware controls

6 6 Node-level methodology and platform  Traditional design methodologies are node-centric  Node-level platforms  Operating system Abstracts the hardware on a sensor node Provides services for apps such as, traditionally, file management, memory allocation, task scheduling, device drivers, networking…  Language platform Provides a library of components to programmers

7 7 TinyOS  Started out as a research project at Berkeley  Now probably the de facto platform  Overarching goal: conserving resources  No file system  No dynamic memory allocation  No memory protection  Very simple task model  Minimal device and networking abstractions  Application and OS are coupled—composed into one image  Both are written in a special language nesC

8 8 TinyOS components  Components: reusable building blocks  Each component is specified by a set of interfaces  Provide “hooks” for wiring components together  A component C can provide an interface I  C must implement all commands available through I  Commands are methods exposed to an upper layer An upper layer can call a command  A component C can use an interface J  C must implement all events that can be signaled by J  These are methods available to a lower layer By signaling an event, the lower layer calls the appropriate handler  Components are then wired together into an application C I J

9 9 Component specification module TimerModule { provides { interface StdControl; interface Timer01; } uses interface Clock as Clk; } … interface StdControl { command result_t init(); command result_t start(); command result_t stop(); } interface Timer01 { command result_t start(char type, uint32_t interval); command result_t stop(); event result_t timer0Fire(); event result_t timer1Fire(); } interface Clock { command result_t setRate(char interval, char scale); event result_t fire(); } TimerModule

10 10 Module vs. configurations  Two types of components  Module: implements the component specification (interfaces) with application code  Configuration: implements the component specification by wiring existing components

11 11 Module implementation module TimerModule { provides { interface StdControl; interface Timer01; } uses interface Clock as Clk; } implementation { bool eventFlag; command result_t StdControl.init() { eventFlag = 0; return call Clk.setRate(128, 4); // 4 ticks per sec } event result_t { eventFlag = !eventFlag; if (eventFlag) signal Timer01.timer0Fire(); else signal Timer01.timer1Fire(); return SUCCESS; } … } Just like method calls (unlike raising exceptions in Java, e.g.) Internal state

12 12 Configuration implementation  = (equate wire)  At least one must be external  ! (link wire)  Both internal; goes from user to provider configuration TimerConfiguration { provides { interface StdControl; interface Timer01; } } implementation { components TimerModule, HWClock; StdControl = TimerModule.StdControl; Timer01 = TimerModule.Timer01; TimerModule.Clock ! HWClock.Clock; } TimerModule HWClock TimerConfiguration

13 13 Commands vs. events { … status = call UsedInterfaceName.cmdName(args); … } event UsedInterfaceName.eventName(args) { … return status; } command cmdName(args) { … return status; } { … status = signal ProvidedInterfaceName.eventName(args); … }

14 14 FieldMonitor example

15 15 So… why wiring?  C/C++/Java?  Allow use of function pointers  Allow binding to be resolved at runtime  Flexibility  Less flexibility, but now call graph can be determined at compile time!  Can inline calls cross components (5-6) into a flat instruction stream with no function calls  Lots of static analysis and optimization possible

16 16 Concurrency model Two types of execution contexts  Tasks  Longer running jobs  Time flexible  (Currently) simple FIFO scheduling  Atomic w.r.t. other tasks, i.e., single-threaded  But can be preempted by events  Events (an overloaded term)  More precisely, hardware interrupt handlers  Time critical  Shorten duration as much as possible By issuing tasks for later execution  LIFO semantics; can preempt tasks and earlier events

17 17 Tasks  A task is always posted for later execution; control returns to poster immediately  Scheduler supports a bounded queue of pending tasks  Node sleeps when the queue is empty  For simplicity, tasks don’t take args and don’t return values  Typical use  Event necessitates further processing Wrap it up in a task  Event handler simply posts the task and can return immediately implementation { task void TaskName() { … } … … { … post TaskName(); … } }

18 18 Execution example Task A Task B Task C … Task queue Task B Task C … Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Hardware interrupts

19 19 A more complex example  Timer01.Timer0Fire() triggers data acquisition (through ADC) and transmission to base station (through Send) module SenseAndSend { provides interface StdControl; uses { interface ADC; interface Timer01; interface Send; } } implementation { bool busy; norace unit16_t sensorReading; … command result_t StdControl.init() { busy = FALSE; } event result_t Timer01.Timer0Fire() { bool localBusy; atomic { localBusy = busy; busy = TRUE; } if (!localBusy) { call ADC.getData(); return SUCCESS; } else { return FAILED; } } task void sendData() { … = sensorReading; … call Send.send(&adcPacket, sizeof(; return SUCCESS; } event result_t ADC.dataReady(uint16_t data) { sensorReading = data; post sendData(); atomic { busy = FALSE; } return SUCCESS; } … }

20 20 Split-phase operation  Data acquisition doesn’t take place immediately ( why? )  How does a traditional OS accomplish this?  OS puts thread to sleep when it blocks  Why isn’t this approach good enough here? event result_t Timer01.Timer0Fire() { bool localBusy; atomic { localBusy = busy; busy = TRUE; } if (!localBusy) { call ADC.getData(); return SUCCESS; } else { return FAILED; } } event result_t ADC.dataReady(uint16_t data) { sensorReading = data; post sendData(); atomic { busy = FALSE; } return SUCCESS; }

21 21 Posting task in interrupt handler  Why?  Make asynchronous code as short as possible task void sendData() { … = sensorReading; … call Send.send(&adcPacket, sizeof(; return SUCCESS; } event result_t ADC.dataReady(uint16_t data) { sensorReading = data; post sendData(); atomic { busy = FALSE; } return SUCCESS; }

22 22 Race conditions  Because of preemption, race conditions may arise on shared data  nesC compiler can detect them, but with false positives  In case of false positive, declare shared variable with norace keyword  In case of real race conditions, use atomic to make code blocks non- preemptible bool busy; norace unit16_t sensorReading; … event result_t Timer01.Timer0Fire() { bool localBusy; atomic { localBusy = busy; busy = TRUE; } if (!localBusy) { call ADC.getData(); return SUCCESS; } else { return FAILED; } } task void sendData() { … = sensorReading; … call Send.send(&adcPacket, sizeof(; return SUCCESS; } event result_t ADC.dataReady(uint16_t data) { sensorReading = data; post sendData(); atomic { busy = FALSE; } return SUCCESS; } Ensures at most one outstanding ADC request at all times

23 23 Discussion ? What are the first low level details of programming to TinyOS that you would like to abstract away?

24 24 Discussion  Provides framework for concurrency and modularity  Interleaves flows, events, energy management  Never poll, never block  Trade off flexibility for more optimization opportunities  Still a node-level platform  How do we go from individual sensors to a sensor field?

25 25 Software Development Infrastructure for Sensor Networks  Operating systems ( TinyOS )  Resource (device) management  Basic primitives  Protocols (MAC, routing) {covered in many previous lectures}  Programming languages and runtime environments  Low level (C, nesC)  Very high level abstractions ( Regiment )  Services needed  Synchronization of clocks ( RBS )  Propagation of new code to all nodes ( Trickle )  Localization {not today}

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