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Mary E. Crump, RN,MSN,MPH Clinic Manager – 2001-2013 Jackson Heart Study Clinic.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary E. Crump, RN,MSN,MPH Clinic Manager – 2001-2013 Jackson Heart Study Clinic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary E. Crump, RN,MSN,MPH Clinic Manager – 2001-2013 Jackson Heart Study Clinic

2 Reception Greeted by administrative assistant Participant ask to sign in and provide contact information. Clinic staff is notified participant has made his/her arrival

3 Meeting the participant with a smile

4 Clinic Staff JHS Staff introduction to participant JHS Informed consent provided to participant to read and time for questions JHS If participant has difficulty reading or sight challenges, audio tape of consent will be provided for participant.

5 Examination Fasting Height Changing clothes Weight Anthropometric measures Hip circumference

6 Blood Pressure

7 Self-monitoring blood pressure

8 Interviews Stroke/TIA Medical Health Medication

9 Laboratory

10 Exam continues VenipunctureHcA1cSpot Urine 24-Hr urine collected in Exam 1 C-reactive proteinGlucose Lipids (triglyceride,LDL,HDL) Creatinine

11 Exam continues EKG

12 Exam continues Snack provided More questions

13 MoCA test

14 MoCA The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was designed as a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction. It assesses different cognitive domains: attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculation and orientation.

15 Medical Data Review Check for completeness of exam Refer participant if treatment is needed Meet with Social Worker Satisfaction Survey completed

16 Exams CT MRI

17 Results Reporting 1.Immediate referral to HCP if needed 2.Referral for one week or month to HCP 3.Results from exam in clinic within 2-3 weeks after visit to clinic

18 Content for JHS Exam Medical and family history Medications Lifestyle factors Sociocultural factors Anthropometry BP, ECG Echocardiography Carotid Ultrasound Brachial Reactivity Pulmonary Function Extensive Blood work Long-term storage of frozen specimens and DNA extractions

19 Questions

20 Clinic Staff

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