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The Effective Respiratory Care Preceptor RTI/RTC will provide quality career education and leadership opportunities through skilled training and community.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effective Respiratory Care Preceptor RTI/RTC will provide quality career education and leadership opportunities through skilled training and community."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effective Respiratory Care Preceptor RTI/RTC will provide quality career education and leadership opportunities through skilled training and community partnerships in a continually changing society.

2 Objectives Define the role and expectations of the preceptor Review training principles and tools used with the adult learner Review of the paperwork involved for both student and preceptor

3 Definition of a Preceptor Rule of Action or Conduct – Merriam-Webster Tutor, Mentor, Teacher, Advisor Assistant to the overall educational process Documenter and Communicator of the clinical process

4 Preceptor Role Be the eyes and ears of the training program Help the student succeed in their chosen program Provide guidance to both student and program Share your knowledge and skill with others

5 Preceptor Role Be knowledgeable and creditable about the subject matter / area your precepting Teach – Tell or show the fundamentals or skill of something Cause to know the consequences Impart the knowledge of  Merriam-Webster

6 Preceptor Role Maintain a High Degree of Professionalism Be Responsible to:  Your Patients  Your Department or Service  Your Student  The Training Program

7 Preceptor Role If the student does not meet expectations with a procedure or concept - Make Student Aware  Explain to the student how to improve the outcome  You must remember these students are entry level – not experts, that’s why your there to advise, guide and mold them

8 Teaching Principles and Tools for Adult Learners Get to know the student and their needs Use experiences both yours and theirs Tie theory to practice Provide positive learning environment

9 Teaching Principles and Tools for Adult Learners Provide feedback positive if and when deserved, negative if and when deserved as long as you can also provide improvement suggestions Assist the student to find resources and to look up answers, don’t spoon feed, it’s not fair to you or them

10 THE ADULT LEARNER NEEDS SOMEONE TO Model the expected behavior, talk the talk, walk the walk Have a positive attitude Provide environment of support, acceptance, and teamwork

11 Remember and Relate the fact that you were once a student, you did not come out of the womb all knowing and powerful Share your thoughts tactfully on how they are doing in your clinical setting THE ADULT LEARNER NEEDS SOMEONE TO

12 Measurement of the Student and Preceptor Performance Evaluation Communication Evaluation Communication

13 Evaluation and Communication Observe the students interactions, thinking abilities and treatment of patients, family, and health care practitioners Talk with the student about the patient contact, the overall interaction and treatment Read the Documentation and Evaluate appropriately for the situation

14 Evaluation and Communication Call –Preceptors please contact the Clinical Coordinator to give insight and feedback positive and negative of the student – NEVER hesitate if questions, concerns or accolades Remediate when needed, classroom, lab, clinical Catch Problems as they are developing, head them off early before they become insurmountable

15 LEARNING A Process not an Event A Change in Behavior due to Interactions with Environment of Experience The Acquisitions of Habits, Knowledge and Attitudes Both are a Product of and an Active Process with you the Preceptor


17 Documentation COMPETENCY SHEET Please click and view LAB – 1 ST Column Students must have the lab column completed with initial and date before demonstrating the skill in clinic

18 Documentation COMPETENCY SHEET Please click and view CLINIC PRACTICE – 2 nd Column After a competent demonstrating of the skill the clinic preceptor/instructor may date and initial the column Competent: Minimal required level, no critical errors; able to correct with coaching; meets expectations; SAFE

19 Documentation COMPETENCY SHEET Please click and view CLINIC TEST – 4 th Column Columns 1 through 3 must be complete Student will perform the skill again at a competent level. The clinic preceptor/instructor can document the student has completed the clinic test by dating and initialing in the Clinic Test Column. Competency Skill Completion Form - GREEN SHEET – Must be completed

20 Documentation COMPETENCY SKILL COMPETION FORM CLICK TO VIEW Student will complete top section Please document the level at which the student performed the competency by initialing in only one of the boxes Please print name Please sign name Clinic Preceptor/Instructor sections highlighted in green Student section highlighted in blue

21 Some thoughts for Educators and Preceptors to keep in mind Some thoughts for Educators and Preceptors to keep in mind

22 Never try to make another human exactly like yourself one is enough Never try to make another human exactly like yourself one is enough

23 Never judge a person’s need, or refuse your consideration, solely because of the trouble he or she causes Never judge a person’s need, or refuse your consideration, solely because of the trouble he or she causes

24 Do not blame heredity nor the environment in general, people can overcome their environments

25 Try never to give a person up as hopeless or cast them out unless all other avenues of aid have failed and its been well Documented

26 Try to help everyone become sensitive and compassionate along with Capable, competent, and tough minded Try to help everyone become sensitive and compassionate along with Capable, competent, and tough minded

27 Do not steal from any person their responsibility for determining their own conduct and the consequences of that conduct Do not steal from any person their responsibility for determining their own conduct and the consequences of that conduct

28 Please honor anyone engaged in the pursuit of learning extend and share the profession, knowledge and critical thinking skills of Respiratory care Please honor anyone engaged in the pursuit of learning extend and share the profession, knowledge and critical thinking skills of Respiratory care

29 Understand there are no universal remedies Do not expect miracles and Remember were not gods Understand there are no universal remedies Do not expect miracles and Remember were not gods

30 Cherish a healthy sense of humor. it may save you from becoming shocked, depressed, and/or complacent Cherish a healthy sense of humor. it may save you from becoming shocked, depressed, and/or complacent

31 Remember you are important to the educational process recall however, there is more than one way to skin a cat if cat skinning is what’s needed Remember you are important to the educational process recall however, there is more than one way to skin a cat if cat skinning is what’s needed

32 RECAP Preceptors are the life blood of any program, Please remember we respect you and need you The students need you to be active preceptors, counselors, teachers and motivators Our expectations are for you to be our eyes and ears, to teach, evaluate, remediate, document Communicate, through good communications all things are possible Thank you

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