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Multiple Measures of College Readiness Support Operations for Academic Retention Emily Ehrlich Hammer, M.B.A., A.B.D. Assistant Director October 16, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Measures of College Readiness Support Operations for Academic Retention Emily Ehrlich Hammer, M.B.A., A.B.D. Assistant Director October 16, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Measures of College Readiness Support Operations for Academic Retention Emily Ehrlich Hammer, M.B.A., A.B.D. Assistant Director October 16, 2013

2 NEW THECB TSI Rules For holistic placement of non-exempt students not meeting standards as defined in §4.57(a) and (b) of this title (relating to College Ready and Adult Basic Education (ABE) Standards), institutions shall use for determination of appropriate courses and/or interventions the TSI Assessment results and accompanying Diagnostic Profile, along with consideration of one or more of the following: (1) High school Grade Point Average/class ranking; (2) Prior academic coursework and/or workplace experiences; (3) Non-cognitive factors (e.g., motivation, self-efficacy); and (4) Family-life issues (e.g., job, childcare, transportation, finances). RULE §4.55 Assessment and Placement

3 Literature Regarding Multiple Measures Factors that can affect student performance and retention:  Student Background in Subject  High School GPA  Academic Rigor of High School Program  SAT  ACT  College Readiness Assessment Source: Hirschy, A. S., Bremer, C. D., & Castellano, M. (2011). Career and technical education (CTE) student success in community colleges: A conceptual model. Community College Review, 39, 296- 318. doi: 10.1177/0091552111416349

4 Literature Regarding Multiple Measures  Validity of college success predictions can be improved by including non-cognitive factors  commitment to school (Tinto 1993),  long-term goal setting (Young and Sowa 1992)  social support (Lotkowski, Robbins and Noeth 2004). Sources: Lotkowski, V.A., Robbins, S.B., and Noeth, R.J. (2004). The role of academic and non- academic factors in improving college retention: ACT policy report. Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Young, B., and Sowa, C. (1992). Predictors of academic success for Black student athletes. Journal of College Student Development, 33, 318-324.

5 Developmental Education Menu of Options Accelerated Course-Based Options Non-Course Based Competency Options Developmental Education Interventions Who’s Who Traditional Dev Ed Options Students who under multiple- measures evaluation show self- discipline to complete in a more independent environment Students who fall within 3% of College Ready Reading/ Writing TSI 02041 Hour A Week Traditional Face to Face Class Time 1 Hour A Week meet with a Tutor 1 Hour A Week student must go to Learning Center and work on Aplia or ALEKS Two Week Refresher – Students must retest at end of Refresher. If students fail retest, then students will be moved to NCBO Option TSI 0304 MathTSI 0202 TSI 0302 ESOLTSI 0305

6 Reading/Writing Developmental Education Placement TSI CourseRemediation Version TSI Test ScoresACT/SAT/GPA TSI 0204Accelerated Course-Based TSI Assessment ReadingWritingEssayNA 342-345350-3541-2 TSI 0304Accelerated Course-Based TSI Assessment ReadingWritingEssayNA 346-350355-3623-4 TSI 0305Accelerated Course-Based TSI Assessment ReadingWritingEssayNA 346-350355-3623-4 NCBO 0304NCBOTSI Assessment ReadingWritingEssay20-23/450-500/3.0 346-350355-3623-4 REF 0304Bubble OptionTSI Assessment ReadingWritingEssay20-23/450-500/3.0 347-350359-3634

7 Mathematics Developmental Education Placement TSI CourseRemediation Version TSI Test ScoresACT/SAT/GPA TSI 0202Accelerated Course-Based TSI Assessment Mathematics NA 336-340 TSI 0302Accelerated Course-Based TSI Assessment Mathematics NA 341-349 NCBO 0302NCBO TSI Assessment Mathematics 20-23/450-500/3.0 341-349 REF 0302Bubble Option TSI Assessment Mathematics 20-23/450-500/3.0 347-349

8 Non-Course Based Competency Options Students who meet TSI Assessment exit-level remediation course standards and have met threshold criteria for ACT/SAT/High School GPA and Non- Cognitive Evaluation will be placed into one of the following:  NCBO0304 – Reading/Writing deficient students are placed into a self-paced course with three components: Aplia Homework, Essay and Revisions, and Final Exam  NCBO0302 – Mathematics deficient students are placed into a self-paced course with three components: ALEKS Pie, Project, and Final Exam

9 Fall 2013 TSI Student Performance on Admission Tests TAKS ELA (2200)Essay (3)Mathematics (2200) Student Score22772.492235 SAT Critical Reading (500)Mathematics (500)Composite (1070) Student Score451.32467.5919.70 ACT English (19)Mathematics (19)Composite (23) Student Score18.118.7319.25

10 Accuplacer ReadingWritingMathematics Student Score74.153.8 Fall 2013 TSI Student Performance on TSI Tests COMPASS ReadingWritingMathematics Student Score842235 THEA ReadingWritingMathematics Student Score2277 TSI Assessment ReadingWritingMathematics Student Score351None Received333

11 Multiple Measure Placement Student Performance Mathematics Total Number of TSI 0302 Students: 87  Average Total Number of Topics10.14  Average Hours in ALEKS5.89  Average ALEKS Topics per Hour2.22 Total Number of NCBO 0302 Students: 50  Average Total Number of Topics11.2  Average Hours in ALEKS6.99  Average ALEKS Topics per Hour1.93

12 Multiple Measure Placement Student Performance Integrated Reading/Writing Total Number of TSI 0304: 72  Total Number of Students Who Took Aplia Pre-Diagnostic 51  Percent Grade on Aplia Basic Writing64%  Percent Grade on Aplia Basic Reading67% Total Number of NCBO 0304 Students: 51  Total Number of Students Who Took Aplia Pre-Diagnostic 33  Percent Grade on Aplia Basic Writing70%  Percent Grade on Aplia Basic Reading75%

13 Any Questions?

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