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Robotics Developer Studio and Visual Program Language VPL Yinong Chen

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Presentation on theme: "Robotics Developer Studio and Visual Program Language VPL Yinong Chen"— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotics Developer Studio and Visual Program Language VPL Yinong Chen

2 Table of Contents 1 Introduction to Robotics Studio 2
Activities and Services in VPL 3 Example 1: Hello World in VPL 4 Example 2: Creating a loop

3 Introduction to Robotics Studio
Service Client Writing robotic applications in VPL Service Repository Service Broker Writing robotic services in VPL Robotic services in C# or VB Service Provider VPL C# VB Robotics Studio .Net Framework Download Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 4

4 Start the Application

5 Programming Robots in Simulation

6 Applications of Robotics Developer Studio
Robosoft Kuka Coroware ASU-Intel-Carl Hayden AutoBot WhiteBoxRobotics NXT Mindstorms Watch it: Robotics Connection

7 Basic Activities of VPL
There are 10 basic activities, and many composite services in VPL Repository Variable: supports basic types (int, string, boolean, etc) and their arrays ( called list ) Calculate: Calculate the value of an expression Data: like the constant values in regular programming language

8 Basic Activities (cont.)
Activity Service Activity Basic Activity Construct a composite activity (flowchart) and can be wrapped as a service Join: proceeds when all threads arrive; Can be used for creating parallel threads. Merge: proceeds when one of the threads arrives. It can be used for creating a loop; If: same as regular programming language construct; Switch: same as regular programming language construct; List: list of variables; List of functions;

9 Services as Building Blocks
Activity Service Application Activity Basic Activity Services are precompiled and deployed functions (activities) Services can be placed locally or remotely over the internet. For example: Services that provide access to robots’ sensors Simple dialog which accepts a string and shows it in a window Math functions which can complete complex computations

10 A Glimpse of Applications nd Services

11 Example 1: Hello World

12 Hello World (cont.)

13 Example 2: Increment a value in a loop in VPL
The goal of this VPL program is to Create a variable and initialize it to 1; Increment the variable in a loop, and Voice-output the value in each iteration using the Text-to-Speech service; Stop when the value = 10.

14 Define the Initial Value, Assign it to a Variable, and Choose the Type

15 Increment a value in a loop (cont.)

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