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EI005 Manufacturing Systems and Management. Think about a manufacturing organisation converting raw materials into a simple product The company employs.

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Presentation on theme: "EI005 Manufacturing Systems and Management. Think about a manufacturing organisation converting raw materials into a simple product The company employs."— Presentation transcript:

1 EI005 Manufacturing Systems and Management

2 Think about a manufacturing organisation converting raw materials into a simple product The company employs ~200 people What roles and functions are necessary to: Make, and supply the product?

3 Example: Make steel What’s missing? Where did the raw material come from? Finance? Canteen? Etc. CastingHot rollCold rollAnnealCold rollFinish Check, package and despatch

4 Operations Engineering Planning Purchasing Sales IT Quality Technical Accounts HR SHE

5 Organisational Charts (organigramme): Provide a graphical representation of the company May show overview May show personnel deployment Shows how various roles within the company are addressed Show company hierarchy, line management, authority and span of control


7 Deployment of personnel People of various skills and abilities People are individuals Divide workforce to build hierarchy Manage the company more effectively Sense of belonging to a discrete group.

8 This is a single-level organisation structure MD has a span of control of 13 people So many people to look after that management difficult

9 This is a line organisation structure. Opportunity for advancement Well defined and clear route to authority But consultation across the business can only occur at fairly high levels.

10 Another type of structure is a staff structure. Managers have a specialist functional responsibility Managers draw on a pool of staff for specific projects Managers don’t have control of a specific resource Working for more than one boss can be confusing, inefficient and demotivating Common to have a compromise of line and staff structures.

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