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Internet Induces Innovation By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Fellow: Tata Consultancy Services Chairman: Pragna.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Induces Innovation By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Fellow: Tata Consultancy Services Chairman: Pragna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Induces Innovation By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Fellow: Tata Consultancy Services Chairman: Pragna Bharati (intellect India ) Former: Chairman & Managing Director Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited & Information Technology Advisor, Government of Andhra Pradesh T: +91(40) 6667-1191(O) 2784-3121® F: +91 (40) 6667-1111 Talk@ Institution of Engineers: 17 May 2015

2 The Connected World (1) Every two days we create as much digital content as we did from the dawn of civilisation until year 2003. That is 5 Exabytes ( i.e 5 followed by 18 zeros) with only 2 bln on the Net at end 2013 out of possible 6 bln people of the world’s 7 + bln people. 100 hours of You Tube footage uploaded every mnt in Y2014 ( up from 60 hrs in 2012) 6 bln hours of video footage watched every month 23 bln text messages sent every day ( 6 bln in USA alone) thc_ctms2S729_May2015

3 The Connected World (2) Connections world-wide to Internet increased from 350 mln in y 2000 to 2 bln by 2013 Mobiles rose form 750 mln in Y 2000 to 6 bln by 2013 & 6.5 bln by 2014 for a world population of 7.5 bln 250 mln Internet users in India of which 180 mln (72%) are mobiles.Mumbai has 12.5 mln internet connections. thc_ctms3S729_May2015

4 Internet of Things (IOT) Think how much information would flow & be stored when 6 bn people connect to the Internet. 70 bln things ( A/Cs, Microwaves, TVs, refrigerators, burgler alarms…etc) connect to the Internet of Things (IOT) The Internet is the outcome of organizations like DARPA (USA), Tim Berners Lee (CERN) Nicholas Negroponte of MIT, Winton CERF of the IETF and Craig Munde (Internet Security) of Microsoft; John McAfee (anti-virus soft-ware pioneer) and others…. thc_ctms4S729_May2015

5 Telcos created the Infrastructure of ICTs (1) P-Telcos have invested about Rs. 4 lakh crores DOT: got = 3.5 lakh crores by way of spectrum sales, spectrum usage and revenue shares 2010& 2015 Spectrum auctions yielded Rs. 1,10,000 cr & Rs, 1,00,000 cr respectively P-Telcos: have a debt of = 3,50,000 crores BSNL/MTNL have accumulated losses of about Rs. 40,000 crores Telco revenues are over Rs. 3,00,000 crores /yr compared to Rlys’ Rs. 1,45,000cr thc_ctms5S729_May2015

6 Telcos created the Infrastructure (2) 2015 spectrum auction produced Rs. 1,10,000 cr May 2010 Mukesh Jio bought 4G Spectrum at over Rs. 40,000 cr 5 yr after, no launch! 90% of mobile users keep phone, 90% of time within 3 ft thc_ctms6S729_May2015

7 Broad Band 64kbp → 1 Mega → 10M → 1 Giga Increase → 15.6 156 15,600 600,000 Km of Optical Fiber cables 600,000 Cell Towers NOFN @ Rs. 25,000 cr to connect 250,000 Panchayat villages thc_ctms7S729_May2015

8 What the Internet Brought E-Mail Electronic libraries & e-books Electronic Encyclopedia (Wikipedia), print edition Encyclopedia Britannica folded up) E-governance, e-sevas EMRI, e-VAIDYA Internet Universities (eg. Phoenix in Arizona-USA); e- Education & e-Classrooms E-banking; e-reservations E-commerce; e-examinations E-ballots; video conferencing Social networks: Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Linked… E-Surveillance- GPS “You can run, but you can’t escape” –Ronald Reagan Mobile phones- Multifunctional, supplanting PCs; reduced size, weight & price, increasingly energy efficient and camera, GPS - McAfee episode thc_ctms8S729_May2015

9 Evil on the Internet Viswamitra created a heavenly space ( Trisanku) Internet has created the Cyber space – borderless, ubiquitous, ungoverned Brought under-surveillance and censorship and blockades by some governments (China, Russia, Iran, S.Arabia, N.Korea…) Hacking by Hactivists, individuals, vigilantes and governments. Terrorists, smugglers, drug peddlers, traffickers in humans use it Whistle blowers – Julian Assange, William Snowden… Identity Theft/privacy loss Permanency of Data - Chithra Gupta Cyber war (China, USA, Israel, Russia, Iran) Cold war replaced by code war Security & Defence It requires more than 10 mln lines of code to build security; yet it is vulnerable. It requires only 125 liens of code to breach the security thc_ctms9S729_May2015

10 Read the Book The New Digital Age Reshaping the Future of People Nations & Business By Eric Schmidt: Executive Chairman Google Jared Cohen, Director Google Ideas thc_ctms10S729_May2015

11 Dhanyawad: Thank You thc_ctms11S729_May2015

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