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Cold War Defense. Canada’s Cold War Defensive Strategy __________________ __________________ NATO (Canada, USA and Western Europe)NATO (Canada, USA and.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War Defense. Canada’s Cold War Defensive Strategy __________________ __________________ NATO (Canada, USA and Western Europe)NATO (Canada, USA and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War Defense

2 Canada’s Cold War Defensive Strategy __________________ __________________ NATO (Canada, USA and Western Europe)NATO (Canada, USA and Western Europe) NORAD (USA and Canada)NORAD (USA and Canada) ___________________ ___________________ Radar lines (DEW)Radar lines (DEW) Bomarc MissilesBomarc Missiles (Avro Arrow controversy) (Avro Arrow controversy) _______________ _______________ PreparednessPreparedness “Duck and Cover” “Duck and Cover” Fallout shelters Fallout shelters _________________ _________________ Promoted and supported peaceful resolutions to problems (UN)Promoted and supported peaceful resolutions to problems (UN) Helped negotiate in international disputesHelped negotiate in international disputes

3 1) NATO NATO – ______________________________(1949) Formed in ______Formed in ______ Designed solely for __________________Designed solely for __________________ Each member ____________to NATO’s defence forceEach member ____________to NATO’s defence force ______________Commitment:______________Commitment: Kept a full _______________and ___squadrons in ___________Kept a full _______________and ___squadrons in ___________ Built and supplied military ________Built and supplied military ________ Tracked the movements of _______ ______________Tracked the movements of _______ ______________ Canada __________its defence policy to those of its _______Canada __________its defence policy to those of its _______

4 NATO’s Future After __________ ended – many no longer saw need for NATO After __________ ended – many no longer saw need for NATO After September 11 th, 2001 (______ attacks on USA) – NATO became more _________ After September 11 th, 2001 (______ attacks on USA) – NATO became more _________

5 NATO Actions since Cold War Brought order to the new _________of Macedonia Brought order to the new _________of Macedonia NATO troops keeping the peace in ______and __________ NATO troops keeping the peace in ______and __________ Involved in Operation Enduring Freedom in _______________ Involved in Operation Enduring Freedom in _______________ NATO bombing of Serbia In ____________(former Yugoslavia) 1999 – NATO carried out a _________campaign against ______to prevent ethnic ________against ethnic Albanians1999 – NATO carried out a _________campaign against ______to prevent ethnic ________against ethnic Albanians

6 NATO membership 1999 – NATO admitted _______, the Czech Republic, and Hungary + 7 more new members 1999 – NATO admitted _______, the Czech Republic, and Hungary + 7 more new members New members have pledged __________ new troops to the Alliance New members have pledged __________ new troops to the Alliance ____________ Council – 2002 ____________ Council – 2002 Now work together on projects in key areas such as combating terrorism, peacekeeping, civil emergency planning & nuclear non-proliferationNow work together on projects in key areas such as combating terrorism, peacekeeping, civil emergency planning & nuclear non-proliferation NATO ________Force – 2002 NATO ________Force – 2002 NATO forces organized into highly-ready land, air, & sea forces capable of carrying out missions __________in worldNATO forces organized into highly-ready land, air, & sea forces capable of carrying out missions __________in world NATO-Russia Council

7 2) Warsaw Pact (1955) ______alliance of ______and ______European countries ______alliance of ______and ______European countries The Soviet Union established the ___________ in response to _____(which West Germany had joined, making the Soviets feel even more threatened). The Soviet Union established the ___________ in response to _____(which West Germany had joined, making the Soviets feel even more threatened).

8 3) _______________ (North American Air Defense Agreement) Established in 1957 between the _____and __________in case of a __________attack Established in 1957 between the _____and __________in case of a __________attack Canada fearing a _________war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union prepared by building nuclear ______, warning _____ and conducting ______ Canada fearing a _________war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union prepared by building nuclear ______, warning _____ and conducting ______

9 The building of NORAD’s combat operations center in ___________

10 Reflect & Discuss What is NATO? ____________________ What is NATO? ____________________ What do the initials stand for?_____________What do the initials stand for?_____________ When was it established and why?________________________When was it established and why?_____________________________________________________________________________ What is its purpose?___________________________________What is its purpose?________________________________________________________________________________________ What are some of the recent NATO missions?________ What are some of the recent NATO missions?_______________________________________________________ What is NORAD?_______________________________ What is NORAD?_______________________________ What countries does it involve?__________________________What countries does it involve?__________________________ When and why was it established?________________________ ___________________________________________________ _When and why was it established?________________________ ___________________________________________________ _

11 4) North American Defence - Distant Early Warning System (_______) As part of NORAD, between 1950-1957 U.S. built __________ of _____stations to detect a surprise Soviet attack over the _________, to give the US _____to launch a ______________ As part of NORAD, between 1950-1957 U.S. built __________ of _____stations to detect a surprise Soviet attack over the _________, to give the US _____to launch a ______________ Called the: Called the: 1. ____________Line, 2. ________________ Line, and 3. DEW (____________________) Line (in the arctic).

12 ______Stations constructed in Canada (1950-1957) by the U.S. to protect against Soviet attack

13  This was the first time American military was ___________on Canadian ___ (some felt it compromised Canada’s _______________)  To visit the DEW line Canadian MP’s and journalists had to first fly to New York to gain ______________________ Radar Lines – cont’  Stations designed to detect a ________attack over the North Pole- US military personnel stationed on Canadian soil DEW Line

14 5) Civil Defence Nuclear “fallout” _________, school _____ (“duck and cover”) Nuclear “fallout” _________, school _____ (“duck and cover”)

15 6) The ________________ The Avro Arrow In 1953 the ________ government gave the contract to create a new __________to A.V. Roe Canada. In 1953 the ________ government gave the contract to create a new __________to A.V. Roe Canada. The Avro Arrow was possibly the ________and most ___________fighter jet in the world The Avro Arrow was possibly the ________and most ___________fighter jet in the world However, it was costing the government ______ amounts of money. However, it was costing the government ______ amounts of money.

16 Avro Arrow – cont’ In 1959 the _______________ ______________government ________the Avro Arrow project and ordered the six that had been built be ____________ In 1959 the _______________ ______________government ________the Avro Arrow project and ordered the six that had been built be ____________ The Canadian government chose to buy ________missiles from the _____ instead, a huge blow to the Canadian ________ industry The Canadian government chose to buy ________missiles from the _____ instead, a huge blow to the Canadian ________ industry Bomarc missile

17 Avro Arrow – Why Cancelled? Some believe the _________put pressure on Canada to get rid of the airplane – gave in to __________________ Some believe the _________put pressure on Canada to get rid of the airplane – gave in to __________________ Others believe it was due to the ____it was expensive to produce and there were no ________orders (the Bomarc was cheaper) Others believe it was due to the ____it was expensive to produce and there were no ________orders (the Bomarc was cheaper) Bomarc missiles were capable of carrying nuclear __________, causing the country to divide on the issue of nuclear weapons in Canada.Bomarc missiles were capable of carrying nuclear __________, causing the country to divide on the issue of nuclear weapons in Canada. Some felt nuclear weapons were ______in __________ Canada against ____________aggression, while others believed Canada should be a ___________ nation, as it encouraged the _____ to work for disarmament. Some felt nuclear weapons were ______in __________ Canada against ____________aggression, while others believed Canada should be a ___________ nation, as it encouraged the _____ to work for disarmament.

18 Avro Arrow cont’ During the 1963 election campaign Lester _______ and the ________proposed Canadian forces _______ nuclear weapons under certain conditions During the 1963 election campaign Lester _______ and the ________proposed Canadian forces _______ nuclear weapons under certain conditions While PM __________and the ____________believed Canada had its own ____to decide on the issue (many felt Diefenbaker’s anti- Americanism would injure trade and investment with the U.S). While PM __________and the ____________believed Canada had its own ____to decide on the issue (many felt Diefenbaker’s anti- Americanism would injure trade and investment with the U.S). In 1963 the ______(Lester Pearson) won a ________ government In 1963 the ______(Lester Pearson) won a ________ government What does this say about the Canadian public’s opinion at this time?What does this say about the Canadian public’s opinion at this time?

19 Nuclear Debate – Dief & Pearson Prime Minister ____________had effectively agreed to accept ______ warheads in 1958 when he accepted the ________missiles, and other defence obligations had appeared to ________this interpretation of his stance Prime Minister ____________had effectively agreed to accept ______ warheads in 1958 when he accepted the ________missiles, and other defence obligations had appeared to ________this interpretation of his stance By 1960, however, the government was hopelessly ________over the issue, and Diefenbaker could not make a ____________ By 1960, however, the government was hopelessly ________over the issue, and Diefenbaker could not make a ____________ Pressure on the government mounted. A former US North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commander told a news conference in Ottawa that the government was _____________on its obligations Pressure on the government mounted. A former US North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commander told a news conference in Ottawa that the government was _____________on its obligations Lester Pearson, leader of the ________, _______the Liberal stand against nuclear weapons, vowing first to fulfill Canada's _____________and then to negotiate with the Americans to get ____of the nuclear weapons

20 Reflect & Discuss What are the Radar Lines?_______________________ _____________________________________________ What are the Radar Lines?_______________________ _____________________________________________ What are the names of the 3 “lines”? 1.____________________ 2._____________________ 3.___________________________What are the names of the 3 “lines”? 1.____________________ 2._____________________ 3.___________________________ When and why were they built?__________________________ ___________________________________________________When and why were they built?__________________________ ___________________________________________________ What was the Avro Arrow? _______________________ What was the Avro Arrow? _______________________ Why was the project cancelled?__________________________ ___________________________________________________Why was the project cancelled?__________________________ ___________________________________________________ What replaced the “Arrow”? _____________________________What replaced the “Arrow”? _____________________________ What was the stance of Pearson and Dief regarding the Nuclear Issue?_________________________________ _____________________________________________ What was the stance of Pearson and Dief regarding the Nuclear Issue?_________________________________ _____________________________________________

21 Trudeau’s Foreign Policy _____ (PM: 1968-79, 1980-84) wanted to ease Cold War tensions and scale _____ Canada’s participation in the nuclear ______________ _____ (PM: 1968-79, 1980-84) wanted to ease Cold War tensions and scale _____ Canada’s participation in the nuclear ______________ Nuclear missiles were ________ from Canadian ______forces in Europe (1970-1972) Nuclear missiles were ________ from Canadian ______forces in Europe (1970-1972) Bomarc missile sites were ________________Bomarc missile sites were ________________ The last nuclear warheads were removed from Canada by ______.The last nuclear warheads were removed from Canada by ______. Trudeau ____the national defence ___________Trudeau ____the national defence ___________

22 Mulroney’s Foreign Policy 1.PM in 1984 - Worked to forge _____________with ______ 2. US’s Strategic Defense Initiative – “__________” Canada did _____accept, though Mulroney ______ to Canada did _____accept, though Mulroney ______ to

23 Reflect and Discuss What was the focus of Trudeau’s Foreign Policy regarding defense?_____________ __________________________________ What was the focus of Trudeau’s Foreign Policy regarding defense?_____________ __________________________________ How was it different than PMs before him and Mulroney?____________________________ ____________________________________How was it different than PMs before him and Mulroney?____________________________ ____________________________________ What was the focus of Mulroney’s Foreign Policy with the USA?_________________ __________________________________ What was the focus of Mulroney’s Foreign Policy with the USA?_________________ __________________________________

24 End of Cold War 1985 - ________leader Mikhail ____________– realized that USSR could no longer _______costly arms race with the U.S., he proposed massive ______in arsenal for both powers. 1985 - ________leader Mikhail ____________– realized that USSR could no longer _______costly arms race with the U.S., he proposed massive ______in arsenal for both powers. __________(= openness: think “glass” because you can see through it) and ______________(=restructuring: think “structure/stroika”).__________(= openness: think “glass” because you can see through it) and ______________(=restructuring: think “structure/stroika”). To help communist countries run more effectively Gorbachev began a series of ________, __________and ___________reforms. To help communist countries run more effectively Gorbachev began a series of ________, __________and ___________reforms. ______________of USSR in _____– division between ______and ______ officially gone ______________of USSR in _____– division between ______and ______ officially gone

25 New World Order End of Cold War did _____ bring ______to the world - numerous regional ______ and ethnic ________, such as: End of Cold War did _____ bring ______to the world - numerous regional ______ and ethnic ________, such as: Gulf War – Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (1991) Former Yugoslavia (1991-1999)Gulf War – Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (1991) Former Yugoslavia (1991-1999) Somalia (1992)Somalia (1992) Rwanda (1994)Rwanda (1994) Afghanistan (2001-present)Afghanistan (2001-present) US invasion of Iraq (2003- present)US invasion of Iraq (2003- present)

26 Post-Cold War Defense Since end of Cold war, Canada has largely ___ back on its __________ Since end of Cold war, Canada has largely ___ back on its __________ Involvement in international incidents largely through ____& __________ Involvement in international incidents largely through ____& __________ Canada is an active member of UN _______________forces since UN Emergency Force (UNEF) created in 1956Canada is an active member of UN _______________forces since UN Emergency Force (UNEF) created in 1956

27 Reflect & Discuss How did the Cold War end?___________ __________________________________ How did the Cold War end?___________ __________________________________ Did the end of the Cold War bring peace in the World? What are some examples of this?______________________________ __________________________________ Did the end of the Cold War bring peace in the World? What are some examples of this?______________________________ __________________________________ How has Canada mainly participated in this new World Order?________________ __________________________________ How has Canada mainly participated in this new World Order?________________ __________________________________

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