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Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania A Grundtvig 3 Course for Adult Trainers Title of Lecture: Introduction to.

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Presentation on theme: "Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania A Grundtvig 3 Course for Adult Trainers Title of Lecture: Introduction to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania A Grundtvig 3 Course for Adult Trainers Title of Lecture: Introduction to SD Introduction to SD Day: Day: 1 Session: 1.1 1.1 Tutor: YYY ZZZZ, Abc Ltd. YYY ZZZZ, Abc Ltd. A Course on Sustainable Development developed by Project No. 224953-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G11

2 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Lecture Outline Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives Topic 1Topic 1 Topic 2Topic 2 Topic 3Topic 3 ConclusionsConclusions Place Picture Relevant To Lecture Place Picture Relevant To Lecture

3 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Text 1 (Style Tahoma Size 32)Text 1 (Style Tahoma Size 32) Text 2Text 2 … Learning Objectives Place Picture Relevant To This Slide Place Picture Relevant To This Slide

4 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Lecture Outline Lecture ObjectivesLecture Objectives Topic 1Topic 1 Topic 2Topic 2 Topic 3Topic 3 ConclusionsConclusions Place Picture Relevant To Lecture Place Picture Relevant To Lecture

5 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Text 1Text 1 Text 2Text 2 … Topic 1(a) Place Picture Relevant To This Slide Place Picture Relevant To This Slide

6 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Text 1Text 1 Text 2Text 2 … Topic 1(b) Place Picture Relevant To This Slide Place Picture Relevant To This Slide

7 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Lecture Outline Lecture ObjectivesLecture Objectives Topic 1Topic 1 Topic 2Topic 2 Topic 3Topic 3 ConclusionsConclusions Place Picture Relevant To Lecture Place Picture Relevant To Lecture

8 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Text 1Text 1 Text 2Text 2 … Topic 2(a) Place Picture Relevant To This Slide Place Picture Relevant To This Slide

9 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Text 1Text 1 Text 2Text 2 … Topic 2(b) Place Picture Relevant To This Slide Place Picture Relevant To This Slide

10 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Lecture Outline Lecture ObjectivesLecture Objectives Topic 1Topic 1 Topic 2Topic 2 Topic 3Topic 3 ConclusionsConclusions Place Picture Relevant To Lecture Place Picture Relevant To Lecture

11 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Text 1Text 1 Text 2Text 2 … Topic 3(a) Place Picture Relevant To This Slide Place Picture Relevant To This Slide

12 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Text 1Text 1 Text 2Text 2 … Topic 3 (b) Place Picture Relevant To This Slide Place Picture Relevant To This Slide

13 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Lecture Outline Lecture ObjectivesLecture Objectives Topic 1Topic 1 Topic 2Topic 2 Topic 3Topic 3 ConclusionsConclusions Place Picture Relevant To Lecture Place Picture Relevant To Lecture

14 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Lecture Conclusion TextText Text etc…Text etc… TAKE HOME MESSAGE: Wrtie short but relevant overall message over here Wrtie short but relevant overall message over here

15 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania Acknowledgements: This course material has been developed through the financial support provided by the European Commission's SOCRATES programme called Grundtvig 1 for project no. 224953-CP-1- 2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G11

16 Netherlands + Italy + Malta + France + Latvia + Romania + Bulgaria + Lithuania

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