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Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC Self Evaluation of Programmes Experience of the Internal Evaluator County Dublin VEC.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC Self Evaluation of Programmes Experience of the Internal Evaluator County Dublin VEC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC Self Evaluation of Programmes Experience of the Internal Evaluator County Dublin VEC

2 Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC Approach to Self Evaluation Decision taken to carry out Self Evaluation on a programme basis over a 5 year cycle: VTOS, Youthreach, PLC, Literacy, Community Ed. Initial self-evaluation to be carried out using the Self Evaluation Checklist and other sources of information. Evaluation Report to be drafted by County Co-ordinator. External Evaluators to verify the findings through a process of sampling and contribute suggestions for improvement. Programme Improvement Plans to be written up and implemented.

3 Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC VTOS in Co. Dublin VEC VTOS operates in 15 centres across the county: 8 schools or FE Colleges and 7 Adult Ed. Centres. VTOS QA system implemented from 2000: 1.“Guide to VTOS in County Dublin VEC” (Co-ordinator Handbook) 2.VTOS Network Meetings 3.Annual reporting system: “VTOS Programme Review and Evaluation” incorporating evaluation by tutors, participants and VTOS Co-ordinators

4 Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC Steps in Self Evaluation 1.Introductory briefing on Self Evaluation to VTOS Network and meeting with External Evaluators (County Wicklow EDOs) 2.Development of Self Evaluation Plan and Template: Self Evaluation Checklist (adapted) 3.Completion of adapted Self Evaluation Checklist by all VTOS Centres

5 Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC Self Evaluation Checklist (adapted sample) Communications Question Comment / Evidence Type (s) Grade Is information relevant to programmes and services consistently available to staff involved in their delivery? Staff Induction Pack Tutor Handbook: “Guidelines for Tutors on Programmes leading to FETAC Awards” Co-ordinator Handbook: “Guidelines and Resources for Co-ordinators” Information distributed by newsletter, notices, email etc. Staff Meetings: Notification, Agenda, Minutes, Attendance Register Any other evidence? Please specify Communications: – Average Grade

6 Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC Steps in Self Evaluation (continued) 4.Preparation of VTOS Programme Evaluation Report by County Co- ordinator using Checklists and annual VTOS reports (“VTOS Programme Review and Evaluation”) Policy AreaAverage Grade Communications Equality Staff Recruitment and Development Access, Transfer and Progression Programme Development, Delivery and Review Fair and Consistent Assessment of Learners

7 Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC Steps in Self Evaluation (continued) 5.Review of VTOS Programme Evaluation Report by External Evaluators and agreement of procedures for Sampling 6.Implementation of sampling activities – e.g. review of learner evaluations 7.Development of Programme Improvement Plan by County Co-ordinator incorporating feedback from External Evaluators

8 Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC Steps in Self Evaluation (continued) 8. Development of Programme Improvement Plans by individual VTOS Centres 9.Implementation of Programme Improvement Plans at local centre level and at county level

9 Ms. Geraldine Condron, County Co- ordinator, Co. Dublin VEC Self Evaluation Cycle Devise Self Evaluation Plan Meet with External Evaluators Brief VTOS Network VTOS Centres Complete Checklists (adapted) Programme Evaluation Report External Evaluators Review Report External Evaluators Verify Report by Sampling Improvement Plan: County and Centre Implementation and Review

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