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The Bony Fish Class Osteichtyes. Characteristics of the bony fish Skeleton of bone “Ray-finned” – Slender bony spines supporting fins – Present in most.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bony Fish Class Osteichtyes. Characteristics of the bony fish Skeleton of bone “Ray-finned” – Slender bony spines supporting fins – Present in most."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bony Fish Class Osteichtyes

2 Characteristics of the bony fish Skeleton of bone “Ray-finned” – Slender bony spines supporting fins – Present in most bony fish “Lobe-finned” – Fleshy fins supported by bones – Only 7 known species (lungfish, coelacanth) Can be fresh water, salt water, or both Most have scales

3 COLORATION Chromatophore – pigment controlling organelle in fish – Gives fish their coloration Mimicry Camouflage Disruptive coloration

4 Coloration Patterns

5 RESPIRATION Exchange gas using gills located on either side of the pharynx Gills – feathery, threadlike structures called filaments. Each filament contains capillaries that proved a large surface area for gas exchange. Oxygen-rich water is moved through the mouth and over the gills Operculum – bony protective plate covering gills

6 CIRCULATION Closed circulatory system Single loop system – heart  gills  body  heart 2-lobed heart – Atrium Receives deoxygenated blood from the body and pumps it to the ventricle – Ventricle Pumps deoxygenated blood to the gills and throughout the body.


8 EXCRETION Waste is emitted in the form of ammonia – Gills – Kidneys Filter waste from the blood Control the amount of water in the fish Freshwater fish have dilute urine Marine fish concentrate urine to reduce water loss (through osmosis)

9 RESPONSE Well developed nervous system – Organized around the brain Cerebrum – voluntary activities Olfactory Lobe – interprets odor Cerebellum – coordinates body movement Medulla Oblongata – controls internal organs Well developed eyes Lateral line – Fluid-filled line on side of body that senses pressure changes in the surroundings

10 MOVEMENT S-shaped movement caused by alternating muscle contractions along the spine Paired fins for movement – Pectoral fins – Pelvic fins – Dorsal fins – Caudal fins


12 REPRODUCTION Eggs may be fertilized externally (oviparous) or internally (ovoviviparous) Oviparous – eggs fertilized externally, developing embryo obtains nutrients from a yolk Ovoviviparous – eggs fertilized internally, developing embryo obtains nutrients from a yolk. Young are “born alive” Viviparous - internal fertilization and the young obtain nutrients from the mother. Young are “born alive”.

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