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Chapter 13 Looking Ahead ETEC 562 Jody McIntier. Trends in Media & Technology Merging of media formats “Multimedia” ~ books w/phonograph records; kits.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 13 Looking Ahead ETEC 562 Jody McIntier. Trends in Media & Technology Merging of media formats “Multimedia” ~ books w/phonograph records; kits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 13 Looking Ahead ETEC 562 Jody McIntier

2 Trends in Media & Technology Merging of media formats “Multimedia” ~ books w/phonograph records; kits w/real objects, etc. Interactive video Virtual reality

3 Continued Use of Traditional Audiovisual Media Used more than computer-based media Used less than textbooks ½ of all training uses traditional instructor and printed material

4 Evolution of Computer-Based Media THEN Computer Labs – computer literacy or math NOW Computers in classrooms – research tool THEN Corporations – instructor NOW Computer based training

5 Pervasiveness of Telecommunication- Based Media 95% of schools have Internet access 66% of teachers use the Internet in class Desktop video conferencing – person-to- person real-time conference Web training reduces printing and facility

6 Combining Telecommunications Technologies Breaking down the walls of the classroom – sharing ideas & information Making a more national – international community Technology is becoming more useful, prevalent, “intelligent, & powerful ~ less intimidating, noticeable, demanding and expensive

7 Application of Advanced Interactive Technologies Includes – multimedia, hypermedia & virtual reality Main use to deliver basic courses across media sites

8 Increased Use of Technology for Inclusion Meet special needs of students Control rate of speech delivery Enlarge information Use a voice synthesizer Take notes in Braille

9 Schools of the Future Technology & Education Must be perceived as useful Must be easy to master Must be nonthreatening

10 Structure of the Classroom Then – single adult orchestrates diverse activities for learners Now – division of labor – parents, volunteers, and student tutors

11 Changing Role of the Teacher Then – Information presenter Now – Learning resources coordinator, facilitator, manager, counselor, and motivator Independently with individuals or small groups

12 Intelligent Agents to Assist Learning Computer program that appears to have the characteristics of an animated being. Role – help students manage information, tutor, coach/mentor, tool for creating a student’s own personal intelligent agent

13 Impact of New Technologies on School Media Centers Then – shelving & circulation Now – downloading & uploading- electronic receiving, storing, indexing, and distributing information to teachers, students, classrooms, and homes

14 Increasing Communication Between Schools and Homes Teachers can send homework & assignments via email Parents, students and teachers can interact about assignments

15 The Home as Center for Technology-Based Learning E-mail study groups Web-based research Computer based educational software

16 Closing the Technology Gap Making sure low-income students have access to computers Training computer skills to workers

17 Workplaces of the Future Increasing Importance of Technology – workers will need technical skills in communication, problem solving & production Changing Workforce – diverse, variety of languages and various abilities Changing Nature of Work – telework – mobile work place Changing Nature of Training – just-in-time training & cross training Assessment of Training – Total Quality Management – learner satisfaction, skill demonstration, transfer to job, impact on goals

18 Welcome to the 21 st Century Teaching & Learning w/Traditional Media & New Technology – using the right tool Continuing Development of Hardware & Software – faster than expectations E-books & E-paper – blend traditional book & computer Software Developments – digitization of information, amateurs can produce professional quality work

19 The Future Changes are happening faster than we can anticipate Exciting things just around the corner The End !

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