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2 Environmental Zones Fig. 12.21 p 363
Epipalagic Zone - plankton - jelly fish - Bathyoalagic - fish with bioluminescent organs Nekton - most fish - mammals Intertidal Zone - cyanobacteria - crustations - mollusk - flat fish Hadal - bacteria

3 Animals along the shore
Rocky shore Fig 15.2 p Inter-tidal zonation Plants Fig p 449 (book) Tide pool Soft sediment Fig 15.8 p 445

4 Life in the ocean Living conditions in the open ocean
Three dimensional world Largest space for life on Earth Oceanic life styles (three) Drifting (planktonic or pelagic) Swimming (nektonic) Attached (benthic)

5 Sea water density (1. 025 g/cc) greater than air (0
Sea water density (1.025 g/cc) greater than air (0.0012) therefore able to support the plants/animals, so heavy skeleton is not needed Distributions controlled by ocean conditions Most marine organisms are cold blooded – warm water increases metabolism, cold water decreases metabolism

6 Effect of sinking drag - resistance to sinking (your hand out of the car window) density of organism body morphology - appendages Fig 12.9 p 355 a. warm water b. cold water fat in tissues warm water less dense, thus more appendages

7 Defensive strategies small size - include bacteria
transparency - difficult for predators to see schooling - safety in numbers - confuse predators vertical migration - stay in darker water at day, and move to top at night to feed - some may migrate several hundred meters daily

8 Defensive strategies cont.
color - blue on top - red further down (red light is absorbed by water) - gray or black in deepest oceans counter shading - darker on top, lighter on bottom Fig p 378 (book) change size by adding water - makes organism look bigger than it is (puffer fish) spines - harder to swallow (rock fish) See next slides



11 Camauflage

12 Camauflage

13 Pigment cells, camouflage

14 PLANKTONIC LIFE Phytoplankton

15 Food source for most marine organisms Fig 12.3 p 350
Classified by size nannooplankton - < 50 micrometers coastal- and open- equatorial waters bacterioplankton (ultraplankton) < mm in diameter

16 microphytoplankton 0.07 - 1 mm
macroplankton (large floating organisms) - large standing crop at higher latitudes

17 Diatoms Fig p 356 (book) diatoms -> smaller with each split of shells - eventually so small that it looses shells and grows to larger size then divide to -> two daughter cells

18 Rock Snot Invasive algae
Didymosphenia geminata River bed covered by Didymo


20 Dinoflagellates - second in abundance after diatoms Fig 13
Dinoflagellates - second in abundance after diatoms Fig 13.9 c, d p 381(book) nutrients in low concentrations taken up by molecular diffusion favors microscopic organisms have a flagellum

21 Dinoflagellates

22 Nannoplankton and bacteria
widespread in open ocean dominant producers in open ocean 90% of standing crop coccolithophores Fig 4.8 a p 109 & Fig 13.9 b p 381 (book) silicoflagellates p 115 Using the next slide find the names of the organisms from Fig 4.8

23 Coccolithophores & silicoflagellates

24 Box 13.1 p 382- 383 Read this Red tides - dinoflagellates
caused by Gonyaulax plankton blooms that discolor water often concentrated by physical processes - water run off - fertilizers - top of water column gets more sun - cyanobacteria thrive

25 Fig 13B

26 Red Tide


28 ZOOPLANKTON Fig p 350 Feed on phytoplankton, usually by filter-feeding Few can swim and pursue prey Narrow temperature range (few degrees) Many are larval forms of benthic organisms


30 Three types of zooplankton
1. Holoplankton 2. Meroplankton 3. Gelatinous plankton

31 1. Holoplankton entire life as plankton - dominate in the open ocean
Foraminifera live nearly everywhere in the ocean - porous CaCO3 shells Fig 4.8 c, & d p 109 Fig 14.4 p 407 (book) Radiolaria entirely pelagic - siliceous skeletons Fig 4.8 d p 109 Fig 14.3 d p 407

32 ZOOPLANKTON Crustaeca - most numerous - 70+% of all zooplankton
copepods occur throughout the ocean - among numerous marine herbivores Fig 14.5 a with egg sacs, b mating, d appendages to cling to rocks or other larger zooplankton p 408

33 euphausiids (krill) shrimp like large fishes and whales eat krill - krill eat diatoms Fig 14.6 p 409

34 Crustaeca cont. pteropods small - pelagic snails - swim vertically (migrate) hundreds of meters daily without shells (carnivorous), with shells (herbivores) (carbonate shells - form pteropode ooze)

35 2. Meroplankton larval forms of (bottom dwelling) benthic animals -Abundant in coastal waters 80% of shallow-water benthic organisms in the tropics have planktonic larvae

36 Meroplankton cont. Eggs and sperm of benthic animals are discharged to be fertilized in the water Maturing larvae must find suitable bottom material on which to settle and grow

37 Meroplankton cont. Success of the young fish in a particular year class is affected by environmental factors: 1) temp, 2) currents, 3) nutrition, and 4) perdition eggs: days--> larvae: weeks--> juveniles: months--> adult (sexual maturity 4 yrs)

38 3. Gelatinous plankton nearly transparent organisms - trailing tentacles Siphonophores Portuguese man-of-war - colonies of individuals that live together and function as one animal - nematocysts - threadlike poisonous stingers that can penetrate human skin Fig p 409 (book)

39 Can jellyfish mix the ocean?

40 Gelatinous plankton cont.
Ctenophores Sea walnuts or comb jellies

41 Gelatinous plankton cont
Tunicates - barrel-shaped animals Fig 12.3 j p 350

42 Feeding strategies Herbivores - dominate near the surface – feed on phytoplankton Carnivores - mid-depths - feed on herbivores - vertically migrating organisms Omnivores - dominate the deeper parts of the ocean - eat anything that sinks out of the surface zone

43 Reproductive strategies
dependent upon resources and population two strategies: opportunistic and nurturing

44 Opportunistic common among planktonic organisms
depends upon abundant resources - food energy goes into producing gametes can live in a hazardous environment - food for adults and other animals

45 Opportunistic cont. mature early produce many eggs or small forms
short life span do not care for their young

46 Nurturing common among larger animals
resource limited - food energy goes into growth and development produce few offspring long-lived care for their young

47 Open-ocean biological provinces
Controlled by surface currents Each province supports distinct group of organisms Phytoplankton widespread - but patchiness due to physical properties (remember the Baring Sea)

48 Open-ocean biological provinces cont.
Zooplankton more restricted distributions temperature dependent Physical properties Langmuir cells Western boundary currents with their rings Up welling

49 Environmental Zones Fig. 12.21 Table 15.1 p 455
Benthic - most species and found at all depths Chapter 15 Fig p 438 Rocky shore zonation (epifauna) algae, crabs Vertical and intertidal zonation Fig 15.2 a p 440 Supraliteral zone (splash zone) Littoral zone (between high and low tide) Sublittoral zone (always under water) Grazers, herbivores, ditritus feeders, filter feeders, predators Soft sediment zone (infauna) Soft sediment benthos

50 Snail and anemone (Symbiosis)

51 Soft sediment zones Fig p445

52 Soft sediment benthos sea whip and a crinoid

53 Environmental zones cont.
Epipalagic Zone - plankton - jelly fish Fig 14.7 p 408 (book) Nekton - most fish - mammals Fig 12.5 p 352 Check out p 365 Some good stuff here

54 Bathypalagic - fish with bioluminescent organs (see figures in the book, read this)
Deep sea floor Remember what the sea floor looks like Fig


56 Environmental Zones cont.
Littoral (intertidal) - cyanobacteria - crustations - mollusk - flat fish Neritic - associated with continental shelf high species diversity influenced by tides, waves, temperature, and salinity Mesoplagic - rapid decrease in oxygen, increase in nutrients, animals with eyes and bioluminescence

57 Environmental Zones cont
Abyssoplagic - increased O2 and increased nutrients Hadal - deep trenches, bacteria

58 Coral reef Complex with interdependent species Fig. 15.19 p 454
Very slow growing Destroyed by bottom trawl fishing as well as crown of thorn star fish p 455

59 Coral-algal reef The individual coral polyp is a hollow, cylindrical animal (1). The mouth is surrounded by tentacles armed with stinging cells for capturing plankton. During the day these tentacles are folded in the digestive sac (2). Microscopic single-celled algae that give the coral its green, blue or brown colour are located in the tissue of the living coral (3). These symbiotic algae process the wastes produced by the polyps. They use the nitrates, phosphates and carbon dioxide produced in the polyp. Through photosynthesis they generate oxygen and organic compounds which the polyps themselves can use. They may also help the polyp lay down calcium carbonate. In addition to their role as primary producers, the other algae coating much of the reef's surfaces also produce substantial amounts of calcium carbonate. Algae are so important to reef life that it has been suggested that "coral-algal reefs” is a more accurate term than coral reefs. Fig p 453 From the web. Type in coral and symbiotic algae.

60 You are expected to understand this graphic
animal (1).

61 Coral reef zonation Fig. 15.19 p 454
Horizontal and vertical zonation differing environmental conditions Wave action and water depth Circulation of O2, and waste disposal

62 Coral reef distribution and diversity
Warm water coral Fig p 451 Cold water coral Live at depths as deep as 2000 m No light Temperatures as cold as 4o C

63 Cold water coral

64 Cold water coral

65 Healthy coral

66 Unhealthy coral reef

67 Nemo says “that‘s all Folks”


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