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Regional Commissioner Training. Registration And Recruiting Volunteers.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Commissioner Training. Registration And Recruiting Volunteers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Commissioner Training

2 Registration And Recruiting Volunteers

3 Why is it important that the entire Regional Board is involved in the registration process?

4 A Region should be able to recruit 90% of the volunteers that they need at registration.

5 Top 10 List of Great Registration and Recruiting Tips

6 Determine how many volunteers are needed Idea # 1

7 U-6 Boys CoachesPhone # Asst. CoachesPhone # 1. Eric Diller826-29761. Karen Doucette737-5610 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

8 Let parents see a list of all the available volunteer positions. Idea # 2

9 Which volunteer jobs require soccer knowledge or experience? Coach Referee

10 No soccer experience is required!

11 These jobs just require enthusiasm – no soccer experience required! Coach Referee Team Parent Division Coordinator Registrar Safety Director Treasurer Picture Day Volunteer Registration Day Volunteer Regional Commissioner Newsletter Editor Webmaster Concessions Fund Raising Coordinator Uniform Coordinator Publicity Coordinator

12 Your Region can’t survive without volunteers

13 Just Ask… Who? When? Why? Idea # 3

14 Ask Everyone Ask as parents come in the door at Registration Say: “We need every parent to volunteer in some way. Please help us” Don’t assume that parents will know that you need volunteers. They need to be asked.

15 Attitude is everything when recruiting volunteers.

16 Get parents to sign something before they leave Registration Idea # 4



19 Fun for all! Your Region’s 1st Impression! We want You! Make Registration an Event! Family 1 st ! Teamwork! Idea # 5

20 2 – 3 Months Before … Coordinate Board Member responsibilities on & before Registration Day Advertising & Publicity Volunteer Recruitment Greetings & Information Kid Activities & Kid Corner Coaches Referees Payments Refreshments Contact Information

21 Speed line for returning volunteers Pizza Party Registration at a Restaurant or Sporting Goods Store Acknowledge Recruitment Successes

22 Marketing Tool Kit Flyers Postcards Value-Pak Flyers Idea # 6

23 Location, Location! Location is everything. Does your Location have everything? Idea # 7

24 10 Location Essentials Indoors or Outdoors? Well Known building or site? Easy Access? Large enough Room/Space? Ample Parking? Availability / Costs? Tables, chairs, electricity? Kid Activities? Safe (children) & Secure (money)? Available amenities (restrooms / shade)?

25 Does your Location have everything?

26 What stations will you need to set up? Where should they be situated? Who should work each station? Welcome to AYSO Registration

27 Information & Forms Tables with Pens, ABCS of AYSO and other information Sample Uniforms For Sizing Recruitment Regional Information & Policies Playing AYSO Video T-Shirts Vendors Cleat Exchange Etc. Computers, Sorters, Organizers Form Checkers Cashier Coach, Referee, Volunteer Recruiting

28 Post the six AYSO Philosophies at Registration. Laminate them as big as possible Put them in a prominent Position Be Proud of who we are Everyone Plays ® Balanced Teams Open Registration Positive Coaching Good Sportsmanship Player Development Idea # 8

29 Don’t let parents leave empty handed…. Idea # 9

30 Contact Information Magnet Pen

31 Survival Tips Do children come to registration along with their parents? What is the benefit of keeping them occupied for a few minutes? Idea # 10

32 What are some ideas on how to amuse the kids while their parents go through the registration process? Survival Tips

33 Remember it’s all for the kids !

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