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Presentation on theme: " Provided by: P W HMIS DATA COORDINATOR MEETING March 2013."— Presentation transcript:


2 This meeting is for you, please ask questions. Very open format You are on mute, if you have a question either type in it the Chat Box or select the Raise Hand button. Your feedback on the format and content is important; we want this to be useful and informative to you. The meeting is being recorded and will be posted on Before we get Started

3 Exit Destinations in HMIS PATH in Service Point update Balance of State HMIS Site Visits –Yearly HMIS Policy and Procedure Reviews Behind the scenes of a webinar Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s–Part Two Housekeeping Items Open Discussion Agenda

4 Last month we reviewed several graphs showing the number of clients exited from HMIS 80% of all clients were exited to unknown destinations. Let’s see how we did from January to February Exit Destinations

5 16 point drop in unknown destinations !

6 Housed destinations improved greatly! Exit Destinations

7 Overall the data shows an improvement in entering data; –however, we have a long way to go. Additionally, the Known Destinations may have some anomalies. –8 people (1.4%) have a destination of exiting to a home they own from an Emergency Shelter (this is very possible, but we still wanted to mention it in case the data might have been entered incorrectly). Thank you for your work on this it shows already. Let’s keep this up in March! Exit Destinations

8 Really Happy to See So Much Improvement!

9 PATH returns to HMIS, now with DDaP Export Support –PATH Outreach programs will soon have a way to enter both their PATH and DMHAS DDaP data through ServicePoint. –Testing has begun on the data export from ServicePoint into DDap. –Beta testing with a small group of providers is in progress and you'll be hearing more soon! PATH in Service Point

10 Nutmeg has been contracted by CCEH and DSS to work with BOS TLP and ES programs Part of this work will be to execute HMIS site visits to all BOS TLP and ES programs. We have already begun to set up site visits –The site visits will involve two parts: Normal HMIS Policy and Procedure Reviews Review of program data and work with agencies that may have data entry concerns. Balance of State HMIS Site Visits

11 The review of a programs data involves: –Running ES and TLP reports to make sure: Correct number of clients show on reports Data Quality is in good shape Annual updates for TLP programs are being done Answer and questions program staff may have on HMIS.

12 HMIS Policy and Procedure Reviews –For non BOS agencies Nutmeg will be gearing up for the annual reviews in April –Form review (Intake, consent, HMIS postings etc). –Make sure agency has certain policies in place regarding HMIS use. –Assure that agency has virus protection in place. –Overall to assure agency is in good shape for HMIS items if DSS or HUD comes in for a audit.

13 Here at Nutmeg I have done many webinars. It is so different being the host than a meeting participant. The biggest thing I have had to get used to as a presenter is the lack of live interaction: you basically talk to yourself if you are the only presenter. Webinars Behind the Scenes

14 However there are some tools that give you an idea of how you are doing. So I want to share with you some behind the scenes of a webinar from the Presenters point of view.

15 The Presenters Panel on the side of the screen has a lot more detail than just if a person is attending

16 Can change who is presenting Presenter can show themselves via webcam as others can as well Start and end recording of the webinar Can mute or un-mute a person all everyone List of those who are attending

17 The Dashboard Pane shows the presenter: –How long the webinar has been going and how much time is remaining in it. –How many people are in attendance –The % of people that are paying attention –How many questions have been asked, who has a question and if any polls to the attendees have been given.

18 The Question Pane: –Opens up as a popup box on the presenters screen –Shows the question and who is asking –Has a box for the presenter to answer the question (to all attendees or just to the one person). –Can delete questions that have already been asked so not to confuse themselves with the same question showing all the time.

19 After the webinar is over, there are reports that can be generated that show: –If a person attended that registered –The persons interest rating –All the attendee registration information –Any questions asked by the person and the answers given –How long the person stayed on the webinar and what time they left

20 A little bit of big brother going on….

21 Last month we reviewed some of the more common terms that are used in our field. Beginning this month we will follow the journey of the data- starting with the client. Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s: an on-going segment

22 Everything we do all starts with the client. All services, all reporting, all of our jobs are to help the client on their journey from homelessness to being permanently housed. So let’s follow our client Sam. Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s: an on-going segment This is Sam

23 –Sam is the keeper of all the information we need to help him All the demographic data Reason why he is homeless Information to prioritize the best services so he gets the help he needs –First thing he does is find an Emergency Shelter Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s: an on-going segment

24 Once Sam is at the shelter, the staff first determines if he has been there before. –If he has not, he is given an Intake Form to fill out –After he returns the form to the shelter staff he is assigned a bed for the night. Sam gathers his belongings goes to his bed, maybe showers and goes to sleep. While Sam sleeps, shelter staff enters his information into a database named HMIS.

25 In HMIS his basic demographic data is entered, along with some of the reasons why he is homeless (Contributing Factors). The shelter staff also “checks” Sam into his bed in HMIS. We now know who Sam is and we have recorded that he stayed at the Shelter on that specific night in a specific bed. In the morning Sam wakes up and leaves the shelter for the day. The shelter staff checks Sam out of his bed in HMIS and his shelter stay is now complete.

26 This process of checking in and checking out can happen for many more days depending on the shelters policies. Sam however is not alone in this process The shelter has maybe dozens of Sam’s staying there night after night, with all their information and check ins and check outs recorded daily.

27 Unknowing to Sam his journey has just begun in the world of HMIS. What Sam does not know is that each month the shelter he is staying at needs to supply a report to their funder. –Here in Connecticut that is mostly DSS. The Funder wants this report for several reasons, with the primary reason: –To make sure the shelter is performing per it’s contractual obligation.

28 So this monthly report generated out of HMIS monthly keeps: –The program open –Staff paid –Allows Sam and others like Sam to have a place to stay each night when they need it. Next Month we will continue to follow Sam and his data through the Homeless Process.

29 When is the last time you ran the ART D102 report? –Reports shows you the active users for your program –You should report anyone that needs to be deleted to Nutmeg. Beginning next month the Data Quality Report that is posted on will be color coded. Highlighting those agencies that need to be reviewing their data. Housekeeping

30 Open Mic Questions or Comments??

31 Thank you to Carol Duffy & Jackie Janosko for contributing to this month’s agenda. Do you think there are important HDC items we need to cover? Email me to volunteer for next month! There will be two meetings in April. Dates are: –Tuesday April 23 at 2PM –Wednesday April 24 at 10AM Links for registration will be sent out at a later day. Closing Items

32 P866-721-HMIS (4647)

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