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.  OsteichthyansChondrichthyes  Has cycloid scales.  Presence of dermal bone  Operculum covers the gills  Has placoid scales  No Bones in their.

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Presentation on theme: ".  OsteichthyansChondrichthyes  Has cycloid scales.  Presence of dermal bone  Operculum covers the gills  Has placoid scales  No Bones in their."— Presentation transcript:



3 OsteichthyansChondrichthyes  Has cycloid scales.  Presence of dermal bone  Operculum covers the gills  Has placoid scales  No Bones in their body  Gill Slits are exposed (Naked)


5  The Chondrichthyes o cartilage, composed of chondrocytes suspended in a protein matrix.  Osteichthyes o composed of cartilage and bone.

6  Scales serve as protection for the fish.  Reduces drag during swimming.

7  Chondricthyes o large scales called placoid scales Scales have a bone like base embedded in the skin and a backward projecting enamel covered dentine spine.  Osteichtyes o Have cycloid or ctenoid scales. Cycloid scales are smooth, flat and round Ctenoid scales posses a comb-like extensions (ctenii)

8  Scales – thin bony plates that overlap each other and provide protection.  Glands on the scales produce a slimy mucus, which protects them from bacteria.

9  There are four types of scales:  1. Placoid – type of scales on sharks  2. Ganoid – scales are connected to each other (like armor). Ex. Is a Gar

10  3. Cycloid – have smooth surfaces and edges.  4. Ctenoid – are like cycloid scales, but have sharp/rough edges that stick out.





15  Maneuverability (steering) and propulsion

16  The main purpose of the dorsal fin is to stabilize the animal against rolling and to assist in sudden turns.

17 o Stabilize the fish while swimming.

18  The paired pectoral fins are located on each side, usually just behind the operculum, and are homologous to the forelimbs of tetrapods.  It assists in maintaining depth as the fish swims.

19  The paired pelvic or ventral fins are located ventrally below the pectoral fins. They are homologous to the hindlimbs of tetrapods. The pelvic fin assists the fish in going up or down through the water, turning sharply, and stopping quickly.


21  The lateral line is a sense organ used to detect movement and vibration (mechanoreceptors) in the surrounding water. In most species, it consists of a line of receptors running along each side of the fish.


23  The nostrils of fish do not open into the back of the mouth as do those of mammals, and are not, therefore, for breathing.  They lead into organs of smell which are as a rule, very sensitive, so that a fish can detect the presence of food in the water at considerable distances.

24  Fish see through their eyes and can detect color.  The eyes are rounder in fish than mammals because of the refractive index of water and focus is achieved by moving the lens in and out, not distorting it as in mammals.


26 Gills Gills are the main site of gas exchange in almost all fishes. The gills consist of bony or stiffened arches (cartilage) that anchor pairs of gill filaments.



29 Microscopic gill structure: showing gill filament and lamellae (Red blood cells evident.)

30  Most terrestrial vertebrates have internal lungs that must be ventilated through bidirectional movement of air to replenish the oxygen (O 2 ) supply  Most fish have external gills that are ventilated by a unidirectional flow of water, by pumping or swimming  Fine sieve structure of gills very efficiently extracts O 2 from water.

31  Efficient O 2 uptake is vital to fish because of its low water solubility.  Oxygen is ROUGHLY 20x more abundant in the air than in the water.

32  Solubility decreases with increased temperature & salinity!


34  Also, metabolic rate (demand for O 2 ) increases as temperature rises. (How does this affect nutrition?)

35  What does this mean to fish??

36 In warm need to extract MORE O 2 from LESS!

37  Short diffusion distance at gill site  Large surface area for diffusion at gill site  Counter current exchange of gases at gill site  Large volume of water passes over gills

38  Fish employ the countercurrent system to extract O 2 from the water.  This system moves water flowing across the gills, in an opposite direction to the blood flow creating the maximum efficiency of gas exchange.



41 Ram  Uses same parts, but not the pumping energy required. Sharks primarily. Once swimming speed is need to actively vent buccal cavity. However, this can only be used consistently by strong swimmers (sharks, tuna).

42 1. Fill mouth cavity (open mouth, expand volume of mouth, expand volume of gill chamber with operculum closed) 2. Fill gill cavity (close mouth, squeeze mouth cavity, expand gill cavity, with operculum closed) Branchial

43 3. Expel water from gill cavity (squeeze mouth and gill cavities, open operculum) 4. Reset for next cycle Branchial Mouth Pharynx Operculum Branchial Arches (gill arches)


45  Physiological systems of fishes operate in an internal fluid environment that may not match their external fluid environment  Relative concentrations of water and solutes internally must be maintained within fairly narrow limits  Internal environment influenced by external environment

46  Osmoregulation o Regulates solute concentrations and balances the gain and loss of water  Excretion o Gets rid of nitrogenous metabolites and other waste products

47  Freshwater fishes in different environments show adaptations that regulate uptake and conservation of both water and solutes

48  Osmoregulation is based largely on controlled movement of solutes between internal fluids and the external environment

49  Cells require a balance between uptake and loss of water  Osmolarity, the solute concentration of a solution, determines the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane  If two solutions are isoosmotic, the movement of water is equal in both directions  If two solutions differ in osmolarity, the net flow of water is from the hypoosmotic to the hyperosmotic solution

50  Osmoconformers, consisting only of some marine animals, are isoosmotic with their surroundings and do not regulate their osmolarity  Osmoregulators expend energy to control water uptake and loss in a hyperosmotic or hypoosmotic environment

51  Osmoconformers  Only vertebrate that is isotonic to seawater - much like marine invertebrates

52  Aquatic vertebrates - gills are chief organs of excretion/osmoregulation  Kidneys first evolved as osmoregulatory organs in fishes to remove water (freshwater) or conserve water (marine )

53  Most marine vertebrates are osmoregulators  Marine bony fishes are hypoosmotic to sea water  They lose water by osmosis and gain salt by diffusion and from food  They balance water loss by drinking seawater and excreting salts

54 (a) Osmoregulation in a marine fish Gain of water and salt ions from food Excretion of salt ions from gills Osmotic water loss through gills and other parts of body surface Gain of water and salt ions from drinking seawater Excretion of salt ions and small amounts of water in scanty urine from kidneys Key Water Salt

55  A different form of osmoregulator  Freshwater animals constantly take in water by osmosis from their hypoosmotic environment  They lose salts by diffusion and maintain water balance by excreting large amounts of dilute urine  Salts lost by diffusion are replaced in foods and by uptake across the gills

56 (b) Osmoregulation in a freshwater fish Gain of water and some ions in food Uptake of salt ions by gills Osmotic water gain through gills and other parts of body surface Excretion of salt ions and large amounts of water in dilute urine from kidneys Key Water Salt

57  The type and quantity of an animal’s waste products may greatly affect its water balance  Among the most significant wastes are nitrogenous breakdown products of proteins and nucleic acids  Fish typically produce toxic ammonia (NH 3 ) rather then less toxic compounds  Abundance of water to dilute toxic materials

58 Proteins Nucleic acids Amino acids Nitrogenous bases —NH 2 Amino groups Most aquatic animals, including most bony fishes Mammals, most amphibians, sharks, some bony fishes Many reptiles (including birds), insects, land snails Ammonia Urea Uric acid

59 Capillary Filtration Excretory tubule Reabsorption Secretion Excretion Filtrate Urine 2 13 4

60 Animal Inflow/OutflowUrine Freshwater fish. Lives in water less concentrated than body fluids; fish tends to gain water, lose salt Does not drink water Salt in (active trans- port by gills) H 2 O in Large volume of urine Urine is less concentrated than body fluids Salt out

61 Animal Inflow/OutflowUrine Marine bony fish. Lives in water more concentrated than body fluids; fish tends to lose water, gain salt Drinks water Salt inH 2 O out Salt out (active transport by gills) Small volume of urine Urine is slightly less concentrated than body fluids

62  Each species has a range of environmental osmotic conditions in which it can function: o stenohaline - tolerate a narrow range of salinities in external environment o euryhaline - tolerate a wide range of salinities in external environment short term changes: estuarine - 10 - 32 ppt, intertidal - 25 - 40 long term changes: diadromous fishes (salmon)

63 o organisms like salmon: o In sea, they drink sea water and discharge salt through their gills o In freshwater, they stop drinking and produce large volumes of dilute urine, gills take up salt Euryhaline

64  Anadromous: Most of life spent in salt water, returning to rivers or other freshwater to spawn.  Amphidromous: migrate between salt and freshwater at some point in the life cycle, but well before final maturation and spawning  Catadromous: Most of life spent in freshwater, returning to ocean to spawn.  Diadromous: Blanket category referring to any migration between salt and fresh water or vice versa

65 o Shark tissue contains a high concentration of urea o To prevent urea from damaging other organic molecules in the tissues, they have trimethyl amine oxide (TMAO) o Because of high solute concentration in tissue, water enters the cells (sharks don’t drink) o Produce concentrated urine Marine cartilaginous fishes:


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