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Human footprint – A measure of the human influence globally.

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Presentation on theme: "Human footprint – A measure of the human influence globally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human footprint – A measure of the human influence globally

2 How and How Much? Estimated 83% impacted How? – Conversion to ag and urban – Filling of wetlands and estuaries But, this is largely direct and easily measured indirect impacts – Atmospheric transfers – Ozone hole – No place is completely untouched

3 Extinction Rate Difficult to calculate but can be done Natural extinction rate 0.0001% – Based on 1 sp./1 million sp./yr Based on changes of trackable species in the fossil record Can estimate future extinction rates (see Science Focus p. 188) Current estimate on rate 0.01 – 0.1%


5 Types of Extinction Local – lost from one part of its range Ecological – still present but no longer plays a role Biological – gone (see Core Case Study @ start of chapter) passenger pigeon

6 Extrinsic or Intrinsic Value


8 Species Introductions Same risk whether intentional or not New ecosystem and may fail to establish When successful, have a selective advantage – Competition – Predation (ability, avoidance Purple loosestrife

9 Species Introductions New regs make it difficult to intentionally introduce Primary reason to introduce – biocontrol http://www.invasivespecie shtml http://www.invasivespecie shtml Purple loosestrife beetle


11 Endangered Species Act of 1973 Amended 1982, 1985, 1988 (Reagan Administration) Primary Goal: identify and protect endangered species in the US and abroad Determination by: National Marine Fisheries Service (marine), Fish & Wildlife Service (freshwater and terrestrial) Determination based on biological factors only

12 Endangered Species Act of 1973 Many species in hotspots – unique ecosystems with high biodiversity/imperiled Once named, their habitat is protected A recovery plan must be developed Amendments allow for some habitat destruction (habitat conservation plan) About 1400 species named in US, but TNC estimates 1/3 of US sp. at risk of extinction

13 Newest addition to the List Snuffbox mussel – Epioblasma triquetra

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