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Government Corruption. A string of ineffective Presidents and a bunch of corrupt office holders led to a pretty sad state of gov. Spoils System – Started.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Corruption. A string of ineffective Presidents and a bunch of corrupt office holders led to a pretty sad state of gov. Spoils System – Started."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Corruption

2 A string of ineffective Presidents and a bunch of corrupt office holders led to a pretty sad state of gov. Spoils System – Started with Andrew Jackson. Appoint you friends to easy government jobs whether they were qualified or not. U.S. Grant – The most corrupt administration of all the Presidents. 1. His “buddies” charged the U.S. an extra $23 million to build the Transcontinental Railroad. 2. Whiskey Ring – Millions of tax dollars went into the pockets of people instead of the government.

3 James Garfield – While putting together his cabinet, one of the people not appointed was Rosco Conkling. This irritated many people. One of them was Charles Guiteau who shot Garfield 4 months later. Chester A. Arthur – Garfield’s Vice President. He decided to put an end to the Spoils System. Pendleton Civil Service Act 1. To get a government job you had to take a test and pass it. 2. Promotions were based on merit not the political connections you had.

4 Garfield Video

5 Tammany Hall The worst of all the political machines. Run by William Macy “Boss” Tweed. He stole millions of dollars from N.Y. City. Eventually a book keeper told the N.Y. Times what Tweed was doing. Investigations were started. Thomas Nast looked into the situation. He would draw political cartoons exposing Tweed’s corruption.





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