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Medicaid Managed Care for Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities: National Overview PRESENTATION BY PAUL SAUCIER at the NATIONAL ACADEMY FOR STATE.

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Presentation on theme: "Medicaid Managed Care for Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities: National Overview PRESENTATION BY PAUL SAUCIER at the NATIONAL ACADEMY FOR STATE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medicaid Managed Care for Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities: National Overview PRESENTATION BY PAUL SAUCIER at the NATIONAL ACADEMY FOR STATE HEALTH POLICY 24 TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI OCTOBER 4, 2011

2 2 NATIONAL MEDICAID MANAGED CARE ENROLLMENT, 2009 CMS: “Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment as of June, 2009”

3 3 TYPES OF MEDICAID MANAGED CARE Comprehensive risk contracts: capitation for a wide range of services (e.g., primary, acute, behavioral, dental) Carve-out risk contracts: capitation for one type of service (most common are behavioral, dental, transportation) Primary Care Case Management: PCP receives monthly PMPM payment for care management; services are reimbursed FFS Medical/health home can occur within risk or PCCM arrangements

4 4 RISK-BASED MMC IS THE DOMINANT FORM CMS: Derived from “Number of Managed Care Entity Enrollees by State as of June, 2009”

5 5 ENROLLMENT OF OLDER PERSONS OR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES National enrollment is not reported by eligibility category. CMS does publish the National Summary of State Medicaid Managed Care Programs which lists all MMC programs and the populations they serve. The 2009 Summary identified 48 states that enrolled older persons or persons with disabilities. Only West Virginia and Wyoming did not. In many states, adults with disabilities are enrolled in more than one program.

6 6 IN 2009, ALL BUT 2 STATES ENROLLED OLDER PERSONS OR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN MANAGED CARE CMS: National Summary of State Medicaid Managed Care Programs, June, 2009

7 7 38 OF THE 48 INCLUDED OLDER PERSONS AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN RISK-BASED MANAGED CARE CMS: National Summary of State Medicaid Managed Care Programs, June, 2009

8 8 28 OF THE 38 INCLUDED OLDER PERSONS AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN COMPREHENSIVE PLANS CMS: National Summary of State Medicaid Managed Care Programs, June, 2009

9 OCTOBER 2010 KFF SURVEY “A majority of states reported that, for at least one Medicaid managed care program and/or geographic area, they also mandate enrollment in managed care for children with disabilities receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), children with special health care needs, and seniors and people with disabilities who are not dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.” Gifford et al., A Profile of Medicaid Managed Care Programs in 2010: Findings from a 50-State Survey. Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, September, 2011. 9

10 10 POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF MANAGED CARE FOR OLDER PERSONS AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Better access to primary care/medical home Better management of chronic conditions Diversion from emergency rooms Better management of hospital stays and prevention of readmissions Better care coordination

11 11 CONCERNS ABOUT MMC AMONG OLDER PERSONS AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Inadequate specialty capacity Loss of relationships with existing providers Restrictions on DME and supplies Loss of control, particularly among persons who self-direct services Medical model

12 12 LESSONS LEARNED Cultivate long term collaborative relationships with contractors Measure performance, which requires early attention to data gathering and analysis Engage stakeholders early and continuously Build effective administrative infrastructure Adapt to local conditions (Hurley & McCue, 2000; Verdier & Hurley, 2004; Schneider et al., 2004; Barth 2007; Bella et al., 2006 )


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