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The Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project an Overview Climate Change Adaptation to Improve Resilience of Coastal Fisheries & Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project an Overview Climate Change Adaptation to Improve Resilience of Coastal Fisheries & Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project an Overview Climate Change Adaptation to Improve Resilience of Coastal Fisheries & Communities

2 Some Facts o 8 countries o 6.2 million km 2 o 450 million people affected Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project Transboundary issues over exploitation of fish stocks habitat degradation land based pollution


4 Two major outputs: Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) A report on the major transboundary issues and their causes Strategic Action Programme (SAP) A (strategic action) plan for addressing the major transboundary issues and their causes and their causes

5 Expected Outcomes of the BOBLME Project Improved governance of fisheries and environment More effective regional cooperation An enhanced knowledge base Capacity development Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) management Healthier habitats and ecosystems, sustainable fisheries

6 Sub-national to National to sub-regional and regional -Working group meetings -Stakeholder consultations -Research initiatives Scale of operation

7 Networking & Convergence activities by BOBLME Ministries of Government of India - MoA (DAHDF), MoEF Ministries of State governments Research Institutions - Fisheries, environment, coastal zone management Non-governmental Organisations - Livelihood, biodiversity conservation Fisher associations

8 Importance of coastal fisheries to Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu & Puducherry Catch: 0.6 million tonnes Value: ~ Rs 3,100 crores Investment on the sector: ~ Rs 20,000 crores Fishermen population: 1.3 million Active fishers: 0.35 million

9 Climate change impacts Impacts on communities Impacts on fish

10 Impacts on Fish Category 1: Shift in latitudinal distribution Category 2: Extension of distributional boundary Category 3: No shift/extension of boundary, but change in biomass Category 4: Shift in depth of occurrence Category 5: Spatial shift in spawning C ategory 6: Temporal shift in spawning

11 Story of oil sardine 1985 2000 2012 155,000 t 15 t 60,000 t


13 Impact factors on fishing communities Fishing community lives very close to the coast. Cyclone Storm surges Floods Sea level rise Coastal erosion Fish availability

14 Vulnerability of Communities Demography: Dense population, low literacy Infrastructure: Semi-permanent dwelling units vis-à-vis sea erosion Occupation: Limited alternative skills Climatic parameters: Cyclones, anomalies Fisheries: Non-motorised boats with low mobility, catch fluctuations

15 Climate Change & Coastal Fisheries: Themes for Networking Physical Temperature, Current, Salinity Sea Level, Cyclone Biologic al Biodiversity Distribution, Abundance Phenological changes Econo mics Cost and revenue from marine systems Pressure exerted on international trade patterns Adapting marine systems to carbon-regulated economy Societa l Community based disaster preparedness Extent/scale of loss of livelihood Level of understanding Gover- nance In support of human and ecological well-being Promotion of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, ICZM, MPAs, Sea safety measures

16 Developing Adaptation Networks Generate evidence Establish linkages between science, policy and practice at micro and macrolevels; Establish a common knowledge-base with network members on how ecosystem approaches can contribute to people-centered adaptation; Identify location’s priority needs as well as that of national climate change network(s); Explore how to support ongoing or future network activities.


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