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Welcome Kim Dile East Hanover Elementary Kindergarten I want my students to be as excited about coming to school as I am !

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Kim Dile East Hanover Elementary Kindergarten I want my students to be as excited about coming to school as I am !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Kim Dile East Hanover Elementary Kindergarten I want my students to be as excited about coming to school as I am !

2 Typical Kindergarten Schedule Morning work – attendance – jobs- Pledge of Allegiance Morning Meeting Read aloud- Guided Reading Specials: Music, Art, Phys. Ed., Library, Computer Handwriting Without Tears Math Activities Recess/Snack Time Work Stations Science/Social Studies Activities Writing Workshop Individualized Reading Groups Dismissal

3 Class Meeting Daily Message Calendar – Counting Routines Daily Graphing Rhyme of the Day Songs and Movement Sharing Daily Agenda/Schedule Poems – Shared Reading/Writing

4 The Big 5 of Kindergarten Literacy* 1.Phonological awareness (strong predictor of future reading success) 2.Alphabetic principle-ability to associate sounds with letters and use these sounds to form words. 3.Oral language 4.Early reading behaviors – check the picture, look at the beginning letters, and get mouth ready, say a word that starts with the correct sound and makes sense 5.Writing

5 Literacy Students are exposed to a wide variety of materials and early literacy concepts through shared, interactive, guided, and independent reading/writing experiences. Early Literacy concepts and activities include: To hear environmental sounds To recognize how words sound (same, different, rhyme) To differentiate letters/words/sentences To segment words in sentences To hear small units of words (syllables, onset rime) To finally segment at the phoneme level (2 phoneme words, 3 phoneme words To manipulate and delete phonemes

6 Literacy cont’d Printing first and last name (Uppercase/Lowercase) Identifying and printing uppercase and lowercase letters Identifying sounds heard in words-phonemic awareness Associating letters with their sounds-phonics Creating words and sentences using Kid writing, shared writing, independent writing (journals) Recognizing and writing sight words (30) Reading- –Big Books – Shared Reading –Guided Reading (leveled books take home packs) –Automaticity – letter naming, sight words, letter sounds

7 Handwriting Without Tears Handwriting Without Tears is a developmentally-based method of teaching that makes handwriting easy to teach. Jan Olsen, an occupational therapist, developed this program for children struggling with the formation of letters. The purpose of this program is to make handwriting available to all children as an automatic, natural skill. Children who write well and easily do better in school, enjoy their classes more and feel proud of themselves. This comprehensive, easy-to-use curriculum appeals to administrators, teachers and parents. The Handwriting Without Tears curriculum is suited to all children. It uses a fun, hands-on approach to develop good skills and teach correct letter formation.

8 Mathematics Number s, Number Systems and Relationships Computation and Estimation Measurement and Estimation Mathematical Reasoning and Connections Mathematical Problem Solving and Communication Statistics, Data Analysis Probability and Predictions Algebra and Functions Geometry Trigonometry (Identify triangles and discuss how they are alike and different) Calculus (order numbers 0-20 from least to greatest value)

9 Mathematics con’t Learning Goals: Identifying, naming, and printing numerals 0 -20 Rote counting 1-100 Counting objects with 1:1 correspondence (30) Recognizing halves and wholes Recognizing coins by name (penny, nickel, dime, quarter) Sorting and classifying objects according to more than one attribute Participating in oral number stories and using drawings and objects to solve addition and subtraction problems. Identifying, reproducing, describing, and creating patterns Identifying time on the hour Naming, and describing, two-dimensional shapes (sphere, cube, cylinder, and cone) Performing simple data collection and graphing Measuring using non- standard units

10 Social Studies Developing concepts of self and others (appearance, family, celebrations) Learning significance of important people, places, and holidays Learning school rules, class rules, and individual responsibilities

11 Science Naming the four seasons and stating typical characteristics of each Trees Animals two by two Balls and Ramps

12 Recommended Websites Literacy –Website to explore literacy with the help of children’s favorite characters –Learn-to-read website primarily designed for pre-kindergarten through second grade Mathematics –Comprehensive pre-kindergarten through sixth grade math program www.harcourt Science –Official site for the inquiry-based science curriculum –A unique award-winning health, science, and technology site Social Studies –Children's educational websites and games designed to capture the imagination while maximizing creativity, learning, and enjoyment

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