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APICS & NAPM Buffalo February 12, 2014 Effective Time Management Skills: Eliminating the Biggest Time Wasters Presented by: Julie M. Kowalski Of Spizzerinctum.

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Presentation on theme: "APICS & NAPM Buffalo February 12, 2014 Effective Time Management Skills: Eliminating the Biggest Time Wasters Presented by: Julie M. Kowalski Of Spizzerinctum."— Presentation transcript:

1 APICS & NAPM Buffalo February 12, 2014 Effective Time Management Skills: Eliminating the Biggest Time Wasters Presented by: Julie M. Kowalski Of Spizzerinctum Group LLC 262-993-4883

2 2 Effective Time Management The choice is Yours! 262-993-4883

3 3 What is Effective Time Management? Identifying what is important to YOU and giving those activities a place in your schedule! Creating days that are meaningful and rewarding to YOU! 262-993-4883

4 4 Effective Time Management The Big Black Hole We can loose 4 hours a day to this! What is it? 262-993-4883

5 5 Effective Time Management The BIG BLACK HOLE = Needless Interruptions What are needless interruptions? "unanticipated events" 262-993-4883

6 6 Effective Time Management Interesting Statistics On average we experience 1 interruption every 8 minutes, or approximately 6-7 per hour In an 8 hour day that totals around 50 – 60 interruptions The average interruption takes approximately 5 minutes 50 interruptions / day @ 5 minutes = 250 minutes or just over 4 hours out of 8 or 50% of the workday 262-993-4883

7 Types of Interruptions Total interruption: Completely occupy one’s conscious mind & disallow any thought relevant to the task (i.e.. Actively participating in phone conversation) Dominant interruption: Largely occupy the mind, leaving thought about the task to slowly develop in the back of one’s mind (i.e. recreational web browsing) Distractions: Do not stop one from consciously working on task but do draw attention away from it thus slowing the accuracy, thoroughness and speed of completion (i.e. instant messaging friends) Background activities: may not be obvious but divert some portion of one’s attention away from task. (i.e. listening to music) 262-993-4883 7

8 262-993-4883 8 Top Time Wasters 1.Lack of planning, prioritizing and focus 2.Procrastination 3.Interruptions 4.Lack of delegation 5.Unnecessary meetings / meetings without an agenda with time slots

9 262-993-4883 9 Top Time Wasters 6.Crisis management, fire fighting 7.Email and internet 8.Not saying 'No' 9.Lack of organization and untidiness 10.Not enough time-off or time for yourself

10 262-993-4883 10 Top Time Wasters 11.Lack of tools – forcing workarounds 12.Too many ways to “forget” 13.Lack of clarity in action items / responsibilities and follow through

11 10 Most Common Time Management Mistakes 1.Failing to keep a to-do list 2.Not setting personal goals 3.Not prioritizing 4.Failing to manage distractions / interruptions 5. Procrastination 262-993-4883 11

12 10 Most Common Time Management Mistakes 6.Taking on too much 7.Thriving on “busy“ 8.Multitasking 9.Not taking breaks 10.Ineffectively scheduling tasks 262-993-4883 12

13 How Good Is Your Time Management? For each statement, check the column that best describes you. Please answer questions as you actually are (rather than how you think you should be), and don't worry if some questions seem to score in the 'wrong direction'. 262-993-4883 13 #QuestionNot at all RarelySome times OftenVery Often 1Are the tasks you work on during the day the ones with the highest priority? 2Do you find yourself completing tasks at the last minute, or asking for extensions? 3Do you set aside time for planning and scheduling? 4Do you know how much time you are spending on the various jobs / tasks you perform?

14 How Good Is Your Time Management? 262-993-4883 14 #QuestionNot at all RarelySome times OftenVery Often 5How often do you find yourself dealing with interruptions? 6Do you use goal setting to decide what tasks and activities you should work on? 7Do you leave contingency time in your schedule to deal with "the unexpected"? 8Do you know whether the tasks you are working on are high, medium, or low value?

15 How Good Is Your Time Management? 262-993-4883 15 #QuestionNot at all RarelySome times OftenVery Often 9When you are given a new assignment, do you analyze it for importance and prioritize it accordingly? 10Are you stressed about deadlines and commitments? 11Do distractions often keep you from working on critical tasks? 12Do you find you have to take work home, in order to get it done?

16 How Good Is Your Time Management? 262-993-4883 16 #QuestionNot at all RarelySome times OftenVery Often 13Do you prioritize your "To Do" list or Action Program? 14Do you regularly confirm your priorities with your boss? 15Before you take on a task, do you check that the results will be worth the time put in?

17 3 Reasons why we don’t get done what needs to be done! 1.Our beliefs 2.Negative Mental Programming 3.Self-Limitations 262-993-4883 17

18 18 21 Effective Time Management Tips 1. Ask yourself “Is what I am doing right now the best use of my time?” 2. Know thyself and thy time wasters and STOP 3. Practice not answering the phone just because it's ringing and e-mails just because they show up. Disconnect 4. Schedule / Block time – you have to “make time” as you will never “find time” 262-993-4883

19 19 21 Effective Time Management Tips 5. Use “to do lists” – include “where” in the schedule – great apps (Put Things Off) 6. Eat that elephant one bite at a time - work on larger tasks for short periods of time 7. Create start and stop times as well as what you will accomplish in that amount of time 8. Plan more time than you actually think it will take 262-993-4883

20 20 21 Effective Time Management Tips 9. Stop trying to multi-task and start practicing mindfulness 10. Challenge your own tendency to say 'yes' without scrutinizing the request - start asking and probing what's involved - find out what the real expectations and needs are 11. Take 2 minutes to think about better options 262-993-4883

21 21 21 Effective Time Management Tips 12. Re-condition the expectations of others as to your availability and their claim on your time 13. Always probe deadlines to establish the true situation - people asking you to do things will often say 'now' when 'later' would be perfectly acceptable 262-993-4883

22 22 21 Effective Time Management Tips 14. Do not start lots of jobs at the same time - even if you can handle different tasks at the same time it's not the most efficient way of dealing with them, so don't kid yourself that this sort of multi-tasking is good - it's not 15. Manage your environment 16. Appropriately challenge anything that could be wasting time and effort, particularly habitual tasks, meetings and reports 262-993-4883

23 23 21 Effective Time Management Tips 17. Have a regular place for things and put them back when you’re done with them 18. Use a calendar and write down everything you need to do and when you need to do it – on the same calendar 19. Relearn how to focus 20. Stop procrastinating 21. Build coping skills to deal with challenges 262-993-4883

24 Work smart or hard! A man was hired to paint the stripes down the middle of Main Street. The boss issued him a can of paint and a paintbrush and checked up on him after an hour and he noticed he was making reasonable progress. When the boss visited him at lunchtime, he saw that progress had slowed dramatically. At the end of the day, the boss counted only two new stripes since lunchtime and called his new worker to account for the lack of results. The worker said, "Well, just look how far I am from my paint can!" 262-993-4883 24

25 Work smart or hard! Where do you need to move your paint can? 262-993-4883 25

26 26 THANK YOU Thank YOU for allowing me the privilege of spending this time with you! It has certainly been my pleasure! Please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of assistance to you, your company, or your team or another professional organization to which you belong. I would be honored to talk to you. I am always willing to brainstorm, learn and share with others! Spizzerinctum Group LLC Energy Enthusiasm Success Julie Kowalski 262-993-4883

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