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Using Leveled Literacy Intervention: Supporting our Students and Collaborating with our Parents and Teacher Assistants October 16, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Leveled Literacy Intervention: Supporting our Students and Collaborating with our Parents and Teacher Assistants October 16, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Leveled Literacy Intervention: Supporting our Students and Collaborating with our Parents and Teacher Assistants October 16, 2014

2 Governor’s Teacher Network Spring 2014 application and acceptance Summer 2014 – 2 day training in Raleigh Fall 2014 – ongoing Moodle course and implement my Action Research Winter 2015 – analyze findings and present to a regional or state audience Spring 2015 – create my wiki to share the project for other NC teachers to use

3 Results from the Staff Survey about LLI Out of 33 responders: 82% said they have not used LLI 65% said it was intended for use by K-5 students 13% said it is intended for use only by students working at a Level P or below 48% said it is intended for use with EC students

4 Questions from the Survey (a.k.a. Goals for this Session) By the end of this session, teachers will have a better understanding regarding LLI, specifically: 1.What is the focus of the program? 2.How is the program implemented? Who? When? Where? 3.When can I start using this program with my students? 4.What is my role in implementing the program?

5 What is the focus of the program? “Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) is a small group, supplementary intervention designed for children who find reading and writing difficult. The goal is to bring children to grade level achievement.” (p 3, Green Program Guide) It is a supplement, not a replacement for small group classroom instruction.

6 What is the focus at… School? Students work on predictable lesson elements including: Independent reading Strategy work Rereading for Fluency Comprehension Phonics/Word Work Writing About Reading Home? Students have regular routines at home for continued practice including: Rereading the book Discussing the text with an adult using question stems Practicing fluency Responding to a text in writing

7 How is the program implemented? Who? When? Where? Mini-teams: Each K-5 team can share TA time to combine students at similar levels. One teacher plans for Level X and shares, one teacher shares for Level Y and shares, one teacher plans for Level Z and shares… Gr 3-5 Tutoring Structure: Grade 3 will start next Wednesday, about 32 students have been chosen Grades 4 & 5 – we are working to complete your schedule and student selection

8 Who? LLI lessons are provided for Levels A-Z so all of our students can benefit-EC, LEP, TD, etc The boxes have been organized, labeled and placed in grade level tutor rooms. Teachers will need to maintain the condition of the books, lesson guides and boxes so that this resource stays intact. If you need a level outside of your grade level, you will need to go to the tutor room of that grade level for your materials. K12345K12345

9 Who? Students selected for the 3-5 Structured Tutoring Support were chosen based on EOG/BOG scores, MAP scores and DIBELS/TRC. Students whose scores were most at-risk, were selected to participate initially. Students Selected for LLI Tutoring with TAs Student NameTeacher Name EOY TRC Goal Fall MAP BOG Score MAP + BOG P207438 Gosala, AkhilArnold,CortneyM196430626 Holder, JohnArnold,CortneyP187429616 Perez, BriannaArnold,CortneyL185421606 Riter, JuliaArnold,CortneyO188426614 Robinson, KadeArnold,CortneyN196436632 Gupta, RyanGilbert,ElizabethL194430624 Simon, AlexanderGilbert,ElizabethO189430619 Deleski, DylanHerbes,ElishaP189435624 Forman, AlainaHerbes,ElishaM204435639 Johnson, DeclanHerbes,ElishaO191437628

10 When? K-5 Teachers using LLI could use it during: TA support time that is available to your mini-team (a student should not miss reading, writing or math instruction) This is a supplement, not a replacement. SOAR as your intervention tool for kids with P.I.T. folders Teachers in grades 3-5 will have a schedule provided for the Structured TA Support. Third grade will get theirs tomorrow.

11 When can I start using this program with my students? Nearly all of the boxes are in the corresponding grade level tutor rooms. You can use them tomorrow! We are working to copy lessons from the Lesson Guides to put in each folder. This work will take a long time and will need to be on-going. Daily, you will need to borrow and return the Program Lesson Guide from the tutor room.

12 What is my role in implementing LLI? TEACHER Provide a student’s beginning level of instruction and progress monitor every 3 weeks using TRC Communicate with the TA using FORM 3 on a weekly basis, providing input to next steps and goals Gather materials for the TA as needed Maintain each student’s P.I.T. folder and PEP related to this intervention Maintain parent communication regarding goals and progress Send home the Home/School Folder 2 times a week TEACHER ASSISTANT Maintain FORM 1 to record days and times the intervention was used Take notes on FORM 2 during each lesson Communicate with the teacher using FORM 3 weekly Meet with Mary each Friday for planning next week’s lessons Send home the Home/School Folder 2 times a week

13 FORM 1 MONTUEWEDTHURGOAL SETTING NOTES Leveled Literacy Intervention Record Form Student Name: ___________________________________ Teacher: __________________________ Implementer: _____________________ Scheduled Intervention Days/Times: ___________________________ Location: _____________________________________

14 FORM 2

15 FORM 3 Current Book Level/Strategy Being Used for Instruction Observed Strengths Next Steps Comments/Questions for the Classroom Teacher Comments/Questions from the Classroom Teacher Leveled Literacy Intervention Teacher Communication Form Student Name: _______________________ Teacher: ________________________Implementer: ___________________ Form 3

16 So how does it work? 1.There is a Lesson Guide for each colored section of the program. Each guide has numbered lessons for each level in that series. (Odd/Even Lessons) 2.For each lesson, there is a matching envelope of books and take- home books (for most levels). 3.The green series has a supplemental CD of lesson extensions. A hard copy of these will be located in the corresponding lesson folder. Please make copies of these if you decide to use them. 4.In most cases, Orange and Green sets have matching big books for the student copies.

17 How is the program implemented? Who? When? Where? Mini-teams: Each K-5 team can share TA time to combine students at similar levels. One teacher plans for Level X and shares, one teacher shares for Level Y and shares, one teacher plans for Level Z and shares… Gr 3-5 Tutoring Structure: Grade 3 will start next Wednesday, about 32 students have been chosen Grades 4 & 5 – we are working to complete your schedule and student selection

18 Our framework will need to look a bit different than it is laid out in the guide. This is a suggested framework: Day 1: 1-Reread a familiar text, listen in and take notes 2-Phonics/Word Work Quick Focus, take notes 3-New book & specific strategy, listen & take notes Home/School Folder goes home (Versions will vary for K-2 nd and 3 rd -5 th ) Samples are available to look at on the front shelves. I will be making these for your students. Day 2: 1-Reread a familiar text, listen in and take notes 3-Comprehension discussion about the book 4-Writing about the book Home/School Folder goes home Let’s look at the provided lesson plan sample.

19 Some scheduling variations to consider: MonTuesWedThur TA does Lesson X Day 1 Teacher does Lesson X Day 2 TA does Lesson Y Day 1 Teacher does Lesson Y Day 2 MonTuesWedThur TA does Lesson X Day 1 Teacher does Lesson Y Day 1 TA does Lesson X Day 2 Teacher does Lesson Y Day 2 MonTuesWedThur TA does Lesson X Day 1 Teacher does strategy lesson using own materials TA does Lesson X Day 2 Teacher uses Lesson X materials for a strategy lesson to complement current unit

20 Using the Program Materials for Levels A, B, E, F, J, L, M, Q, R, R, and U will be put out around the room. Select a level that would be fitting for students in your class and inspect the lesson & books. Use a copy of Form 2 to plan out what might be the pieces you would pull out from the lesson for yourself to teach or for a TA to teach. (5-10 mins)

21 What did you think and notice? What questions do you have?

22 Next steps: 3 rd grade teachers: Send home information to parents on Monday Remind parents about a Parent Support Session on Nov. 13 at 6:30. All teachers: Share PEP naming this intervention at Parent-Teacher Conferences Maintain P.I.T. folders with TRC progress monitoring every 3 weeks Communicate with the TA supporting your students TAs: Ask for help from the classroom teacher or from Mary as you need it

23 Session Goals By the end of this session, teachers will have a better understanding regarding LLI, specifically: 1.What is the focus of the program? 2.How is the program implemented? Who? When? Where? 3.When can I start using this program with my students? 4.What is my role in implementing the program? Please complete the survey to indicate if these goals were met. Thank you for being here and participating! Contact me with any questions or suggestions that come up as you use the program.

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