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Urban characteristics  Megalopolis.  Mass Transit.  Magnet for economic and social opportunities.  Pronounced class distinctions. - Inner & outer core.

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Presentation on theme: "Urban characteristics  Megalopolis.  Mass Transit.  Magnet for economic and social opportunities.  Pronounced class distinctions. - Inner & outer core."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urban characteristics  Megalopolis.  Mass Transit.  Magnet for economic and social opportunities.  Pronounced class distinctions. - Inner & outer core  New frontier of opportunity for women.  Squalid living conditions for many.  Political machines.  Ethnic neighborhoods.



4 The Streetcar

5 Zones of Emergence

6 Vanderbilt Mansion NYC

7 Louis Sullivan  1856 – 1924  The Chicago School of Architecture  Form follows function!

8 Louis Sullivan: Carson, Pirie, Scott Dept. Store, Chicago, 1899

9 D. H. Burnham  1846 – 1912  Use of steel as a super structure.

10 Flatiron Building NYC – 1902 D. H. Burnham

11 Frank Lloyd Wright  1869 – 1959  “Prairie House” School of Architecture  “Organic Architecture”

12 Frank Lloyd Wright: Allen-Lamb House, 1915

13 Frank Lloyd Wright: “Falling Waters”, 1936

14 Interior of “Falling Waters”

15 F. L. Wright Furniture

16 Frank Lloyd Wright: Guggenheim Museum, NYC - 1959

17 John A. Roebling: The Brooklyn Bridge, 1883

18 Steiglitz - NYC

19 The White City

20 Frederick law Olmstead Landscape Architecture- Green Space

21 “Dumbell “ Tenement

22 “Dumbell “ Tenement, NYC




26 Jacob Riis: How the Other Half Lived (1890)

27 Tenement Slum Living

28 Lodgers Huddled Together

29 Tenement Slum Living

30  Hester Street  Jewish Section

31  Chinatown

32 Urban Growth 1870-1900

33 Morals: Birth Control Battle Comstock Sanger Comstock Law

34 The Political Machine  Bossism – filled a power vacuum  Politics as a business  Cities grew quickly – had no services or infrastructure  Bosses gave structure and order  Provided – services, social services, infrastructure development, identity

35 Boss Tweed  Frequent target of Thomas Nast

36 Political Issues  Pensions  Rights for African Americans  Tariffs – McKinley Tariff  Monopolies and trusts – abuse of power  Monetary Policy – Sherman Silver Purchase  “Politics of Equilibrium” – stalemate  Patronage, ideology, culture, campaign style

37 Impact  Bosses gain votes, power, money  “good honest graft”  Gave the city form and identity  Corrupt – but did provide development and services  The machine – precinct, ward bosses – tied to the Mayor  KC = Pendergast machine

38 Voting Blocks Democratic Bloc Republican Bloc  White southerners (preservation of white supremacy)  Catholics  Recent immigrants (esp. Jews)  Urban working poor (pro-labor)  Most farmers  Northern whites (pro-business)  African Americans  Northern Protestants  Old WASPs (support for anti-immigrant laws)  Most of the middle class

39 Laissez Faire Federal Govt. Laissez Faire Federal Govt.  From 1870-1900  Govt. did very little domestically.  Main duties of the federal govt.:  Deliver the mail.  Maintain a national military.  Collect taxes & tariffs.  Conduct a foreign policy.  Exception  administer the annual Civil War veterans’ pension.  Presidency – symbolic office

40 Patronage & Civil Service Reform  Stalwarts  Half breeds  Mugwumps

41 Pendleton Act 1883  Civil Service Act.  The “Magna Carta” of civil service reform.  1883  14,000 out of 117,000 federal govt. jobs became civil service exam positions.  1900  100,000 out of 200,000 civil service federal govt. jobs.

42 Changing Public Opinion  Americans wanted the federal govt. to deal with growing soc. & eco. problems & to curb the power of the trusts:  Interstate Commerce Act – 1887  Sherman Antitrust Act – 1890  McKinley Tariff – 1890  Based on the theory that prosperity flowed directly from protectionism.  Increased already high rates another 4%!  Rep. Party suffered big losses in 1890 (even McKinley lost his House seat!).

43 Supreme Court Decisions  Munn vs. Illinois (1877) - GrangerLaw  Wabash, St. Louis, & Pacific Railroad Company vs. Illinois (1886) ==ICC  US V EC Knight(1895)  Pollack V Farm Loan & Trust(1895)

44 Depression 1893-1901 unprecedented length & severity  Underlying Issues  Agricultural depression  European depression  Structural flaws  Over investment and over development (rr)  Interconnected economy  Impact  Corporate failures  SM crash  Banks close and contract credit  22% unemployment  Panic, sense of crisis  Strikes  Fear of class warfare or revolution

45 Response  Cleveland – monetary policy Au only  Pullman Strike/UMW strikes 1894  Coxey’s Army 1894

46 Coxey’s Army

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