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SCOTT WADE OLE KIRK CHRISTIANSEN STEVE JOBS Naomi Yessica / Livi Listyani / Hadi Cahyadi 20308903 / 20307001 / 20310901 CREATIVE INSIGHT.

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Presentation on theme: "SCOTT WADE OLE KIRK CHRISTIANSEN STEVE JOBS Naomi Yessica / Livi Listyani / Hadi Cahyadi 20308903 / 20307001 / 20310901 CREATIVE INSIGHT."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCOTT WADE OLE KIRK CHRISTIANSEN STEVE JOBS Naomi Yessica / Livi Listyani / Hadi Cahyadi 20308903 / 20307001 / 20310901 CREATIVE INSIGHT

2 Scott Wade “Don’t Wash Me”


4 Steve Jobs “Stay Hungry Stay Foolish”

5 Steve Jobs is undeniably an extraordinary man. The middle-class hippie kid with no college education built a computer empire and became a multi-millionaire. He has changed millions of lives by making technology easy-to-use, exciting and beautiful.



8 HOW STEVE’S THINK Beginner’s mind -> Curious, children mind Think Different -> what other people might not think -> HOW? -> Break the rules Don’t Sell Products, Sell dreams Keep Everything Simple, Focus and simplicity Go For Excellence to be a yardstick of Quality Design something that is FUNCTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL Proud with what you do, and how it affect the world admit mistakes quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations. Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles. We Only live Once

9 CONECTING THE DOTS Taking Risk. And you might see what you are now. You can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

10 LOVE You Got to Find What you Love, The thing that keep Steve going in hard time was that he Loved what he did, and work for his lovers. Keep Looking what you LOVE, Don’t settle. Once you find it, it goes like a relationship. It goes better year by year.

11 DEATH There’s no reason to not follow your heart. Your time’s limited, don’t waste it living someone else life, trapped in DOGMA, or let other people opinions drown your inner voice. Follow heart and intuition. Sometimes life is going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. Everything else is secondary.

12 “what makes a quote memorable, is when the person who said it live accordingly to his words, and Steve’s did.”

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