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Introduction  Name  Your Wellness Coach  Credentials  NESTA – Personal Training  Background.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction  Name  Your Wellness Coach  Credentials  NESTA – Personal Training  Background."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction  Name  Your Wellness Coach  Credentials  NESTA – Personal Training  Background

3 Why Are We Here Today?  Implementing a New Process for you  Company cares about you  We are not here to tell you what to do  We are here to be a resource for you 100% Voluntary 100% Confidential  Create interest in your health – Outsourced Human Maintenance Department

4 Ultimate Goal We want you to:  Go home healthy and safe for yourself and your family every day  Have the opportunity to retire healthy

5 Outline of Presentation  Why should you be interested?  How can we help you?  Complete a Health Risk Appraisal  Coach’s Schedule

6 Why Should You Be Interested?  Living longer, but not better Modern medicine is keeping us alive longer Need to make necessary lifestyle changes  First time in history Life Expectancies are EXPECTED to reverse Primarily due to diseases and conditions related to Obesity  Aging takes a toll on your body Older we get, the more susceptible to injury and illness we become Can’t control aging Can control how we prepare for – GENETICS vs. LIFESTYLES

7 Why Should You Be Interested? Lifestyle Accounts for 50% of Deaths Source: CDC

8 Why Should You Be Interested? Leading Causes of Premature Death 1. Tobacco Use38% 2. Obesity/Lack of Exercise28% 3. Alcohol Abuse9% 4. Nonsexual Infectious8% 5. Toxic Agents6% 6. Firearms3% 7. Sexual Behavior3% 8. Auto Accidents2% 9. Illicit Drug Use2% Source: Partnership for Prevention. Based on research by McGinnis & Foege published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Leading Causes of Premature Death 1. Tobacco Use38% 2. Obesity/Lack of Exercise28% 3. Alcohol Abuse9% 4. Nonsexual Infectious8% 5. Toxic Agents6% 6. Firearms3% 7. Sexual Behavior3% 8. Auto Accidents2% 9. Illicit Drug Use2% Source: Partnership for Prevention. Based on research by McGinnis & Foege published in the Journal of the American Medical Association

9 Why Should You Be Interested?  Where do people retire?  Florida/ Arizona/ California  A growing percentage of Americans Retire:  Assisted Living  Nursing Home

10 Why Should You Be Interested?  Retirement Planning We have all heard how important it is to have a Financial Retirement Plan But, it is just as important to have a Wellness Retirement Plan  Must take control of your own health If not now, when? If not you, who?

11 Why Should You Be Interested? “We spend our entire lives sacrificing our health to gain money… then when we get to retirement years, we sacrifice all of our money to try and regain our health.” Anonymous

12 Most Important Word “ The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison

13 How Can We Help You? Resource To Help You With: AAches and Pains GGeneral Health Concerns or Questions LLifestyle Changes, related to such things as: Nutrition / Diet / Weight Control Exercise Tobacco Use Stress

14 How Can We Help You? Provide Bio-Metric Screenings for:  Blood Pressure and Heart Rate  Body Fat %  Body Mass Index (BMI)  Hydration %

15 How Can We Help You? Other program components:  Proactive Health Education 3-5 minute one-on-one interactions, typically once per month  eHealth User name: location name Password: prevention  Newsletters Sent home  Potty Training Material

16 Confidentiality  Everything discussed is 100% confidential  Our program works no other way

17 Health Risk Appraisal  What is a Health Risk Appraisal (HRA)?  Why is an HRA important?  Do I have to take the HRA?  What type of feedback will I get?  Will my employer see my results?  Should I discuss the results with my Coach?  If I do, will our conversations be kept confidential?

18 HRA Instructions  Complete Envelope  Full name  Last 4 digits SS#  Test # (bottom right of 1 st page)  Company name and Department  DO NOT SEAL  Fill in response circles completely  Answer all tobacco and Alcohol questions  Fill in the gender appropriate sections on the third page  Health Screening Section:  Enter the actual numbers if you know them  If you have never had the tests or you do not know the numbers – leave the section blank  Fasting - If you have not eaten 2 hours prior to your metric testing  DO NOT cross out mistakes  Erase incorrect answer completely  Completing the forms COMPLETELY & HONESTLY is very important!

19 Coach’s Information  Schedule Thursdays between 8-12 or 10-2  Contact information Business Cards attached with HRA 1-866-894-1300 x 12

20 THANK YOU! Any Questions? See you at my next visit!

21 Wellness Profile  What is a Wellness Profile?  Why is an Wellness Profile important?  Do I have to take the Wellness Profile?  What type of feedback will I get?  Will my employer see my results?  Should I discuss the results with my Coach?  If I do, will our conversations be kept confidential?

22 Wellness Profile Instructions  First Section  DO NOT COMPLETE THE TOP RIGHT NAME AND ADDRESS SECTION  Input height, weight, and age.  Fill in the appropriate bubbles for your Last and First Name.  Personal Identification - City employee # 123456  Group # - 1111  Fill in response circles completely  QUESTIONS 3, 4, 5, 24, 25, 35, 37, and 39 may NOT require a response. If they do not apply please do NOT fill in the circle. Fill in all applicable responses.  QUESTIONS 26 & 38 contain sub- questions. Please make sure to review ALL available choices.  Optional Section:  Question 1 – please select your Insurance Plan  Plan A - 1  Plan B - 2  Plan C - 3  Plan D - 4  Plan E - 5  Clinical Data Section:  LEAVE BLANK  DO NOT cross out mistakes  Erase incorrect answer completely  Answer the questions COMPLETELY & HONESTLY!

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