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Special Education Inservice August 25, 2010 Gary Pernu and Jody Labernik.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Education Inservice August 25, 2010 Gary Pernu and Jody Labernik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Education Inservice August 25, 2010 Gary Pernu and Jody Labernik

2  To determine student progress  To monitor effectiveness of teaching strategy  To provide feedback to the student  To demonstrate accountability for student progress  Creates open dialogue w/ students/parents/teachers/paraprofessional  Promotes motivation of students  Provides consistent method to measure goals/objectives  Removes power struggles  Promotes professionalism

3  Document progress on goals and objectives  Accountability in decisions regarding program change  Actual functional observation data rather than perception

4  Medical  Financial  Technology  Internet searches  Facebook/My Space (Social Networks)  Video/internet games  Mobile Phone  Media  Recreation

5  Demographic information  Race  Gender  Ethnicity  Financial status  Address  Family Status  Age/Grade  Academic  Social  Attendance

6  Classroom/school observations  Parent Report  Teacher/parent/student interviews  Grades/Report Card  District assessments (i.e.NWEA, AIMS-web)  State assessments (i.e. MCA, MTAS)  Skills Tutor/Compass  Attendance  Disciplinary Notices  Work Samples  Charting frequency & duration of behavior/task

7  Teachers  Paraprofessionals  Administration  Student  Parents  Special Education personnel (i.e. school psychologist, related service)  Other school staff  Lunch room  ISS room  athletics

8  Define Behaviors  A target behavior is the behavior targeted for observation, measurement, and/or modification.

9  Target behaviors are defined in terms of observable terms (ie: in seat, eyes on teacher, reading aloud, writing)  Must pinpoint behavior in order to collect data reliably across variety of school personnel/observers  The team needs to reach consensus on definition of behavior being measured

10  Considerations for charting method of gathering data  Frequency-How often does the behavior occur?  Rate-How often does behavior occur within specific time frame?  Duration-How long is the behavior?  Does it occur in a certain class?  Does the behavior occur around certain students?  Is the behavior precipitated by other students?

11  A break in routine  Loss of privilege  Particular sound/sight/texture  A reprimand  A request  Physical Contact  Attention given to someone other than child  Difficulty w/ task  Delivery of reinforcement  Demands placed on child

12  Progress Reports-determine if IEP goals are appropriate (do they need to be changed?)  Graduation  Extended School Year (ESY)  Determine if related service evaluation is appropriate  Assistive technology  Adult assistance needs  Share student’s strengths and weaknesses  Remember to measure what is stated on IEP objectives  Keep in mind when writing goals/objectives

13 Sped Forms data charting



16 We graph behavioral/academic data in order to:  Allow for visual inspection of data to determine progress;  Use as a communication tool with students, parents and team members

17  Tally marks using masking tape, post-it notes, etc.  Clickers  Stop watch  Tokens(objects, beads, coins, etc.)  Token transfers from one pocket to another  Charts (sticker, thermometer)  Graph paper to chart  Tape recorder  Video recorder  Classroom assignments/work samples  Communication Notebook  OTHER IDEAS?

18  Collect data on a small number of students for one week.  Collect specific academic data (ie: reading/ math) for all students for one week.  Utilize paraprofessional & other school personnel  Have students assist w/data collection and recording of data  Use email to document progress from classroom teacher(s)  Communication Notebook  OTHER IDEAS?

19  Sped Forms  NSEC website  Colleagues  Internet


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