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Era Immigration Political Corruption CitiesReformsEducation 100100100100100 200200200200200 300300300300300 400400400400400 500500500500500 Final Jeopardy.

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3 Era Immigration Political Corruption CitiesReformsEducation 100100100100100 200200200200200 300300300300300 400400400400400 500500500500500 Final Jeopardy

4 A term for immigrants who came to the U.S before the 1880s Old Immigrants

5 A term for immigrants who traveled to the U.S after the 1880s New Immigrants

6 An Island in NYC, many immigrants have come through this place of entry Ellis Island

7 An Act banning Chinese immigration in 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act

8 Percent of the population that was foreign born by 1890 15%

9 Term for corrupt politicians often at the city level “Bosses”

10 Famous head quarters for the democratic party in NYC Tammany Hall

11 Well known, corrupt, political “boss” of New York City Democrats “Boss” William Tweed

12 A term used to describe “legitimate” profits made by political machines Honest Graft

13 Tammany Hall politician who believed in “honest graft” and who said he what he did for the community was “It’s Philanthropy, but its politics too- mighty good politics” George Washington Plunkitt

14 This form of transportation helped to grow city limits and to move people within these cities Cable Cars

15 The term for large housing complex's, often in poor condition, which were home to many immigrants Tenements

16 These two city institutions were the most important places for many immigrant families Places of Worship and Schools

17 By 1900 what third of people in the us lived in cities 1/3 rd

18 This architect helped to invent the “skyscraper” and was a mentor to Frank Lloyd Wright Louis H. Sullivan

19 A group which worked to eliminate corruption in politics, included Thomas Nast and George William Curtis Mugwumps

20 Group of religious women committed to outlawing alcohol, led by Francis E. Willard Women’s Christian Temperance Union


22 This man was a famous attorney who rejected social Darwinism and who was a leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union Clarence Darrow

23 This man formed the Society for the Suppression of Vice in NYC, Congress even passed a moral law named after him Anthony Comstock

24 Wrote How the Other Half Lives (1890) Jacob Riis

25 This Supreme Court case segregated America by race Plessy v. Ferguson

26 This series of educational books has been in use since 1836 and 100 million copies were sold in the second half of the 19 th century McGuffey’s Eclectic Readers

27 This African American Educator served as the first president of the Tuskegee Institute Booker T. Washington

28 A brilliant African American sociologist and civil rights leader who graduated from Harvard and who wrote The Souls of Black Folk W.E.B Du Bois

29 This Institute founded in 1861 focused on science and engineering and displayed the shift in education from a strict curriculum to a more research and practical based system The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

30 Final Jeopardy Topic American Reform Literature

31 This novel written by Edward Bellamy promoted the idea of a socialist utopia Looking Backward 2000-1887

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