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₮Review goals and uses of Activities ₮Best new features ₮Thoughts for enhancement or expanded uses to different people ₮You may have to fight a battle.

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Presentation on theme: "₮Review goals and uses of Activities ₮Best new features ₮Thoughts for enhancement or expanded uses to different people ₮You may have to fight a battle."— Presentation transcript:

1 ₮Review goals and uses of Activities ₮Best new features ₮Thoughts for enhancement or expanded uses to different people ₮You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. – Margaret Thatcher

2 ₮SD22 Not Using ₮SOSD, SD72.. Just started = 150-200 lines this year ₮SDML.. 17,000/4,400 (High Schl + half of the Elem Schools) ₮Academic: Conversation, Parent Contact, Progress Note ₮Attendance: 4-8 Absences, 9-11 Absences ₮Behaviour: Conversation, Parent Contact ₮ECSS: Assessment, Summary, Notes, Review ₮Principal Notes: Conversation, Parent Contact, Activity ₮Immigration Services ₮General: Anecdotal Info ₮SD83.. 34,000 lines/24,700 activities this year ₮AB Ed: Cls Presentation,Mtg, Field Trip, Tutor, Class Support ₮Ministry: Adult Services ₮School Based: Behaviour, Crse Change, IEP Mtg, Note, Contact ₮Alt Ed:

3 ₮SDML ** Currently xx2 (2 nd conversation with student same day).. Out of 4,400 entries – 146 seconds ₮SD83: Does not use second occurrence! What did they do? Previously: When you asked to copy to student.. System responded with ‘ Duplicate entry’ ….. Will now APPEND the existing entry!!! **Careful: When you copy it copies the COMPLETE Text box… Don’t copy from a student who already has multiple activities for that type on that day. **Contact Take Two to remove your xx2 entries and delete codes.

4 ₮New Ability to Limit to Tag, Auto Copy to everyone with that Tag

5 ₮STU.512 detail now separates each activity = better visually ₮New Summary Ability – limit to students with Activities STU.515 ₮Only include students with activities > X or < X ₮FNS looking for students not getting help versus ₮BEH looking for students with activities Student CON PAR PRG ACT ----------------------------------------------- ANDERSON, PETERK.. 1 1 ABBONSAFORD, WILLIE 1. 1. BIDRE, JAKE O... 1. BLAST, JOHNATHON.. 2.

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